
Simulation by Tara Tyler

alyshadeshae's review

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Disclaimer: I received an ARC from the publisher for an honest review.

Warning: This review will contain spoilers for “Pop Travel” the first book in this series and possibly a few spoilers for this book. Nothing major for this book, but just in case that was your warning. It will also be a bit more scattered than usual because I’m just going to talk about things that popped (hehe) out at me in one way or another. :-)

SpoilerBy the way, Geri is a bit of a dork in a few spots. That’s not a bad thing, I actually quite like it, but it’s it so randomly out of place with what else we see in her personality. I can easily see how she and Cooper had issues in their relationship. Something that really bothered me about Geri, though, were the mentions of how important she was while Hasan was fixing the transport stations for pop travel. What?! She’s completely useless with anything science-y in this book, but she was vital to fixing pop travel? How does that make any sense. There was one passage that sort of implied she was there more for security purposes, but it wasn’t explicitly stated and other passages implied that she was actually helping fix the transport stations. Besides, even if she was there for security purposes, wouldn’t there be someone better suited for that job? Like actual body guards? I imagine that she is overqualified for that position…

I give this book 3.5 out of 5 stars because, while I did really like it, things just seemed a bit too contrived at times. Also, there were several errors in this book including some wonky formatting. That’s not to say that I won’t continue reading the series if it continues, because I certainly will and I’m looking forward to the next book, but hopefully the editing tightens up.

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After the pleasant surprise that was the first novel in this series, Pop Travel, I was really looking forward to this book. However, as the story seemed quite finished with the first book, I was wondering what was going to happen in this novel.

Fast forward two years, and meet all the characters from the first book again. This felt a little bit odd at times, because except for some awkwardness between Cooper and Geri, there didn't seem to be much difference in the interactions between the different characters even though they apparently hadn't really stayed in contact for that time.

Which brings me to my biggest problem with the book. It's not uncommon but it manages to annoy me every single time when the main characters seem to be the only people ever to uncover some kind of a big plot/conspiracy, especially so if this happens due to extreme coincidence or sheer luck. I don't read novels like this for their believability of course, but am I to believe that Cooper, who hasn't really achieved a lot in two years time, would just happen to stumble again in 'the case of the century'? And what a luck that Geri was just working this case as well, of all cases.

But when I just put these issues aside I quite enjoyed myself. It was a quick and easy read. Near the end I kind of lost some interest, but it was no chore to finish the book. I would read the next book in the series as well.

Simulation is the second book in the Pop Travel series, after Pop Travel.

Thanks to the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review during this blog tour!