
The House Between Worlds by Jon R. Osborne

pjonsson's review

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I was actually hesitant to start this book. It came out over a year ago and I was a bit worried if there would be a fifth book. The first three books really concluded the initial story arc so was this a failed attempt to continue to the story or not?

As it turns out a fifth book has just been released which I am quite happy with because this is a decent urban fantasy series.

The Milesian Acords has fallen and a new one is in place. Of course, now all the magical entities in several worlds are vying for power and Liam Nox, the First Druid, are smack in the middle.

It is a nice urban fantasy read. Liam has to juggle protecting his family, manage the supernatural worlds and their denizens, handle mundane everyday problems (mostly coming from having teenage kids) and so on and so forth.

There are some issues as far as I am concerned though.

I really didn’t like the flopping back and forth to read the same event from different viewpoints. I never do like that kind of story telling. Also there’s some political bla bla and silly things like needing to get social security number for people etc. Then the idea of suddenly someone tapping into “heroic” magic is just too far into la la land for me.

Still, overall, I enjoyed the book. A lot of the old characters are back and some new ones are introduced. I’ve already picked up the fifth book in the series.