
Dragon's Bride by H.L. Burke

dreamerfreak's review

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Dragon's Bride is a solid and satisfying conclusion to the Dragon and the Scholar series. After everything they've been through, Ewan and Shannon deserve a happy ending. Of course, to get there, they're going to have to go through even more struggles.

As Ewan, with Martin at his side (or on his back), goes on a quest to find his humanity, Shannon stays behind, hoping that she's pregnant, but not wanting to tell Ewan until she's sure. Ryan is desperately searching for his own child with help from Will. This plot might seem a bit overwhelming, but Burke brings it together cohesively, and since I've cared about these characters for multiple books now, I was so excited to see light at the end of all of these tunnels. That's not to say that everything is wrapped up in a pretty bow, however, and I definitely shed a few tears at the end.

The ending, no matter how sad, was also absolutely perfect. I won't spoil it, because I never saw it coming, but Burke found the perfect ending to this lovely series, one that gives hope while also being heartbreakingly realistic. I adored it. My only wish is that we could have more books in the future, because I'm sure there's still many adventures to come.

My only quibble with this book was that occasionally the jumps in time (this book does take place over nearly a year) were abrupt. I think the transitions could have been a bit smoother in places. But as invested as I am in this series, I really didn't mind, and if you're a fan as well, I doubt it will be a problem. Just enjoy the journey, because what a trip it is.

[I received this book for free through First Reads and was not required to write a positive or any other type of review. All opinions stated herein are solely my own.]

deathpup1's review against another edition

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I loved this book. It was really interesting to hear about the past and the war that had already been referenced a few times. It definitely didn't turn out quite like I expected. Though from her name I did expect exactly who Ewan's female ancestor was once she was introduced. The new characters were all really interesting and fun, and I enjoyed that Martin was a large part of it. His banter with Ewan is always fun. Ryan's side of the story honestly didn't interest me quite as much at first, just because the past and Shannon's condition seemed more interesting, but it picked up pace eventually and I was just as enthralled with his quest to find his son. Riley really deserved what was coming to him, I was kinda surprised it didn't happen sooner. I really enjoyed Shannon in this too, especially when she stood up to Riley. I was kinda worried her and Ryan's lie to Riley would make it back to Edmond, since he was a bit suspicious before, but luckily that didn't happen. I felt bad for Martin, he seemed to have such good chemistry with Raga(dunno how to spell it)! It's so sweet that their lines merge eventually though! The epilogue especially, I really liked how she made them sound older but still like them. I received a free review copy of this book.

serenam's review against another edition

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This fourth and final novel in the Dragon and the Scholar series contains a brilliantly-written dual plot (is there a better way to say "two subplots woven into one story?") that is equal parts frustrating and captivating.

First off, the fey: terrifyingly fascinating and just all-around awesome. I love their lack of respect for physics and how they explain this mentality. Meeting this race made the time travel--something I don't usually like--worth it.

Aside from time travel, I think the most frustrating part was how Ewan and Shannon handled being separated from each other. Or perhaps the loose ends still dangling after the last page. For instance, why did Acacia come squealing for Will? She was introduced as such a strong and interesting character, but dropped off the pages once her purpose was spent. I think there could almost be a fifth book featuring some of the more minor characters... I'd definitely read it!

H. L. Burke has a wonderful talent for writing fairy tale-flavored fantasy, and I can't wait to see what she has up her sleeve next.

*Thanks to H. L. Burke for sending me a free digital copy of Dragon's Bride to beta read!