
Everybody Hates Death Knights by Mike Leon, Crunch Berries, Crunch Berries

aerislena's review

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Offensive and hilarious

Unabashedly offensive in most ways, yet still hilarious. This is a book that never takes itself seriously. That said, it wasn't for me.

The MC is a moron. Not in a "he made some dumb decisions" sort of way either. He's actually just plain stupid. Repeatedly. It's a theme.

The book has sexist, homophobic and anti-lgbt+ parcels that are difficult to process. It's done in a way that's obviously satire and meant to be funny, however most of the time it isn't.

The premise was engaging and it had a strong start without too much bloat or explanation. The editing was also well done. But that's about the only positive things I have to say about it.

It's a decent book. Not good, not terrible. But it absolutely will rub some people the wrong way, without a doubt. It might be worth a read for the death knight premise alone, but don't go into it expecting an amazing experience. It's simply meh.