
The Brotherhood by Patti Larsen

jenny_reads_horror's review

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*I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
So one time I entered a giveaway on a blog for like 20 books and I won. (Yeah me!) One of those books was called FAMILY MAGIC and man was it good. So good in fact, I had to move on to all of the following books. And when I ran out of those I waited *patiently* each month for Patti to release a new book. I've been following Syd for almost 2 years now and as the story line has continued and I've followed along as Syd grew up I've never been disappointed. I feel like I personally know these characters. My heart aches when there is hurt or pain. I get that "I just want to slap the sh$@ out of you" feeling when a certain male character *coughquaidcough* acts like a complete d-bag. (its sooo hard not to post spoilers right now!) Watching Syd handle the world and all of its problems plus her own two children...whew! So much emotion in this one, there is. I NEED the next book! I have to know what happens after X.........X < it would be a spoiler so I can't say anything.
I know I say this after I finish each book in the series but seriously...go to your favorite online eBook retailer and download book one FAMILY MAGIC. Its free! Get in on this series!
Patti you are ah-maze-ing! Keep 'em coming and I'll keep reading! Sydlynn Hayle forever!