
Terminal Care by Christopher Stookey

dollycas's review

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Silver Leaf Books
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A new drug study is being done at Deaconess Hospital in San Francisco on 100 Alzheimer's patients. In one month's time more of these patients have died from heart attacks than ever before. The statistics are staggering. Are the death related to the study? The review board doesn't think so because the people dying are from both the new drug group and the group on a placebo.

Phil Pescoe, an emergency doctor is drawn into the story because the study requires all patients in the study are required to have full lifesaving measures (CODE BLUE) before being recorded as dead. He is on the CODE BLUE team.

He meets Dr. Clara Wong, a member of the review board, at a yearly race held in San Francisco, and they quickly become friends and bond over their feelings that something is wrong about this study and as they dig for the truth their relationship grows. They must work quickly as the death count is mounting.

This book seemed a little formulated for me. It is the type of drama seen nightly on television all wrapped nicely with a bow in an hour. The thrill part was just out of reach, the romance happened to quickly to be believable. Even on television romance develops over several episodes and those the occur rapidly quickly fizzle. The plot was not original and very repetitive of many other books that already fill the shelves. The ending was just too melodious for me. I realize this is the author's first book and as he grows as an author I hope he will delve a little deeper, and not play it so safe. All that being said if you like medical drama you may like this book, but it one to pick up from the library not the book store.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author through Pump Your Book Virtual Tours. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 19s 16 CFR, Part 255 : 1CGuides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. 1D