diana_eveline's review

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“The boy crisis' primary cause is dad-deprived boys. Dad deprivation stems primarily from a lack of father involvement, and secondarily from devaluing what a father contributes when he is involved.”

A very insightful book on why boys suffer in our modern society. Western societies have evolved, especially regarding the emancipation of women. However, now that women have claimed their new (rightful) role in society, men are searching to find theirs. The role of the breadwinner no longer automatically falls to the man and creates room for the more active fatherfigure. However, whereas women have now developed their role as breadwinner, men struggle with their renewed identity of a man (and father) in the 21st century.

It is interesting and quite disturbing to read about how many problems stem from bad childhoods and having absentee fathers. Girls suffer too but boys seem to do even worse without an active father. It is something we may not (at first) have considered to be a problem but men need to be helped to evolve alongside the emancipated women and realise their potential as a professional but most of all, as a parent.

Though this book primarily focuses on America, I think it is (at least to some extent) applicable to other western civilizations (like the Dutch). Men need help finding their new purpose and this loss of purpose is also falling onto our sons. Though I gained a lot of insight from the book, the writing style was a tad too dramatic and showy at times and that made it less interesting for me to read. There was also a great deal of repetition, all the good stuff was repeated but it could have done with less repetition because the actual points being made are very solid and properly based on a broad variety of sources.
