
Project ELE by Rebecca Gober, Courtney Nuckels

lyntwhit's review against another edition

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Interesting premise. Interesting enough that I finished the book. However, the errors throughout the book were enough to keep me from reading the second book in the series. At least for now. Some strong editing would have helped this book immensely! Also, I thought the female protagonist was waaaaay too naive to be realistic and appeal to many readers.

jenlynnhill's review against another edition

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I found the story to be a little bit different in the dystopian genre, so that was a welcome change. I think it is an interesting premise, and I'd like to see how the series ends. I really like how no one in the group develops the same "power", each person has their strengths, that provides an interesting group dynamic. The writing definitely needs some work, but it is obvious the writers aren't trying to win any awards, they just want to tell an interesting story. Willow is likable for the most part, as are her group of friends, but they lack any real dimensions...they come off a little flat. But, for a nice fluffy read, it isn't too bad.

meme_too2's review against another edition

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The entire population of the United States (those who have made the cut that is) are sent underground to live as the earth heats up to extraordinary temperatures to kill the virus that is sweeping the earth. Families are torn apart if the virus is found in anyone at the door. But there isn't much in the way of emotion for that loss. Strange things are discovered and by the end of the book you find out it was all a government hoax and the "outsiders" have all gone rogue.

I may look out for the second one.

bookshelfd's review

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The grammatical and spelling errors throughout the book had me cringing and made it impossible for me to suspend disbelief enough to enjoy the plot. How did this fail to make an impression on other reviewers? I fear I am not feeling charitable enough to say nice things about the author's efforts.

jenniferx's review

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Was sick for the weekend and read this series. Enjoyed it enough to forget how bad I felt. Not on the reread list.

scearceka's review

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Disclaimer: I received a free e-book copy of this book from the authors in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely LOVED this book! It pulled me in from the beginning, and I would've read it all in one sitting if I hadn't started it so late in the evening and needed sleep!! Still, I finished it the next day, and I desperately need the next one. I laughed, I cried, I thought back to how I felt during my first "real" relationship, and I pondered what I would do if I had to deal with the types of things that Willow and her friends see on a daily basis. I honestly don't think I could, and that's what pulled me into the story so much: The fact that these teenagers are having to live through this world, losing their family members to a virus, or having to leave them on the outside while they survive in this shelter. The relationships, whether just friends or otherwise, are exactly how I remember my teenage relationships (friendly, kinda awkward, but definitely "real" and "true", as much as they can be at that age), and I can't wait to see how they continue into the next book!!!

5 stars all the way!! =)

nannyf's review against another edition

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A virus has killed at least half the worlds population. It has been decided that, in order to save the remaining population, shields put up to seal the holes in the ozone layer should come down. The hope is that the resulting increase in heat will kill off the virus.

Shelters have been built to house people for at least 2 years. Only those deemed acceptable may enter, those who are clear of the virus and are young enough to be of use.

Willow Mosby and her family are one of the families waiting to be allowed into the shelter. After being examined, however, only Willow and her father can enter.

Life is strange inside the shelter, but normal life continues in some ways. Children go to school, men work, but the children are also given work duties outwith school life. Through her work Willow meets Alec, Connor and Claire. They quickly become friends and decide to explore their surroundings a bit more.

What they find on these explorations will change all of them for ever. It quickly becomes obvious that there is something more going on in the shelter than just a place to stay.

This story is almost like two in one. The first part is about people trying to survive in a strange place, a confined space, and learning to get along with each other. Or not as the case may be.
The second part is about the developing abilities of Willow, Alec, Connor and Claire and how they deal with the fallout from them.

The authors have written a story which draws you in very quickly. The development of the characters, and the relationships they form, is very well done. They then turn the story into something else completely, which I was not expecting. The story doesn't feel rushed in any way, nor does it seem too slow, it is paced just right, and it kept my attention all the way through.

The ending provides a promise of something more, a bit different, in the next book of the series. I am now away to buy the next 3 books from Smashwords.

raeanne's review against another edition

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The Good:
+Typical characters grow
+well-done world building
+Lots of teen drama and fun
+No instalove or (tri)angles

The Bad & The Other:
-Saw plot points coming
-Absentee parents

When first reviewed, they had a blonde on the cover and I found a homophone mix up. Both have been fixed.

World Building:

I like how it's up front and takes in consideration some very real implications.

The Virus is a genre stable but it's different how they're handling it. (At least from what I've read.) In Willow's world, they' installed panels to repair the ozone and cope with Climate Change.

Not going to lie, first reading that, it sounded weird and made me think of a giant dome. At least they bring up the mind boggling amount of energy it's taking to do so.

Even after finishing the series, I don't know if it's literal panels or a simplified explanation like how most people understand the Big Bang or Evolution. Either way, I'm okay with it and if it's too much for you it's all of 5 pages in so you bail without loss. (Or just not pick it up after reading this, lol)

This matters because to cope with The Virus, they're taking down the panels to heat the Earth's surface and kill it. Catastrophic for every other living thing? Yep, but I wouldn't put it past humans. And you just know not everyone is making it in leaving them to fend for themselves AKA die during Global Warming pt. 2: Quick & Intentional.

From there, the story revolves around their new shelter life. The way it's structured rings so true, especially as they discover more along their adventure.

There's of course the predictable bad guys but again, those bros exist and I was fine just riding through and hating them too.

But I HATE the mid-leap cliffhanger.



I love how she goes from completely sheltered to broken and crowded. That sounds sadistic on my part, but it's as awkward and sweet and fun as you would expect.

She's understandably naive and young for 15 but I found it endearing though I'm usually hitting the darker, mature YA. Her perspective won me over.

I was so wrapped up in Willow and fun, I'd forgotten about the powers until they showed up around halfway through. Oh! What a welcome surprise that'd otherwise I'd be waiting for as it's mentioned in the blurb. LOL.


Thank fuck they avoided the love (tri-)angle. It's not instalove though they crush immediately and begin dating shortly after. There's no throwing the “love” word around or acting like their the end all be all soul mates type shit.

Plus, Willow has some honest ponderings, like worrying about little things and wondering if she's just feeling this way because it's her first.

noemielise's review against another edition

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This book sucks. Like really.
It had potential: a society trying to survive a natural disaster, and blah blah blah, but the main character sucks. "I act like i don't care because i am a teenager"
"Oh no, i lost my mom and brother.. But my boss is cute"
"Oh, he sent me a letter! 'Will you be my girlfriend? Check yes or no' I squeal like a school girl, i guess thats ok because i am a schoolgirl" isn't this the cheesiest line ever?
"We are exploring a underground tunnel. 'I wonder where it leads to', he asks. We don't answer because we don't know the answer." Well duh!
I mean, im tolerant of bad books, but this is in a class of its own.

Update: when you read stuff like "more and more freakier" you wonder if its a five-year-old that wrote the book...

valeriew's review

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Ohhhh now that's a cliff hanger!!! Pretty good book. I do feel like it took a little long to get to the point.