
Три товарища by Erich Maria Remarque

molotkovabooks's review against another edition

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challenging emotional sad medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


jennd19's review against another edition

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cbk96's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark emotional sad medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


chuli's review against another edition

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Mezi sa e shtyva gjate pushimeve kete liber.
Remarku... ndoshta nuk eshte autori im. Nje liber si gjithmone elokuent ne pershkrime dhe i rrjedhshem (kete nuk ia heq dot Remarkut), por perpos kesaj, nuk ishte per mua. Ishte i zymte dhe me teper sesa tregonte nje histori, pershkruante gjendjen e brendshme emocionale dhe shpirterore te shoqerise ne Gjermanine pas Luftes se Pare Boterore.

Mezi sa prisja te kuptoja se kush ishin "Tre shoket", dhe mu desh ta kerkoja ne Google ne mes te librit (duke qene se akoma spo e kuptoja se kush ishin tre shoket) dhe pastaj kur e lexova se kush ishin, ishte pak zhgenjyese pasi i gjithe libri tregohej nga kendveshtrimi i nje karakteri, Robit, dhe ai kishte dy miq dhe mesa duket keta te tre jane tre shoket. Robi ishte karakteri kryesor dhe dy shoket e tij ishin vetem shtesa, dhe na dalin qe te tre ishin emri i librit.

Pastaj kishim dhe nje histori dashurie te embel, qe ishte pershkruar mjaft embel. Madje dhe fundi, ku vajza vdes, eshte mjaft realist dhe te godet.

hellabellaofficial's review against another edition

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This novel really started off well in terms of showing the bond between the three male characters. I feel like halfway through the book I was just bored. The best parts where when they reflect on life. This is my third read of Remarque’s. I think I’ll take a break from him for a while because this was just depressing for the most part. At 480 pages it was just too long.

eproctor's review against another edition

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When I read All Quiet on the Western Front, I was blown away. It was one of the better books that I have read. A friend recommended that I check out Three Comrades. To me, it didn't have quite the same appeal.

It is a much larger book, closing in on 500 pages. While length isn't a problem, it took a while for any real action to develop. It really didn't pick up speed until the last 150 pages. Then, I was really drawn into the book and wanted to keep reading. Prior to that, it wasn't as engaging.

Yes, it was not as strong as All Quiet. However, it was decent enough that I will look at some of Remarque's other books.

armyyyyyyy777's review against another edition

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Turėjau perskaityti dėl mokyklos, privaloma literatūra, 

Nieko ypatingo nesitikėjau mokyklos knygos visada būna gana nuobodžios.
Šioje knygoje taip pat neįvyko nieko pernelyg įdomaus tačiau paskutinius puslapius perskaičiau verkdama. 
Knygoje aprašyta draugystė ir kad dėl jos negaila atsiduoti nieko, net pačių brangiausių dalykų. 

keista_skaitytoja's review against another edition

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Oh, kur aš buvau seniau, neskaičius E.M.Remarque kūrybos... džiaugiuosi šią savo spragą užpildžius su šiuo kūriniu.
Koks jis sunkus. Tikriau pasakius, pabaiga jo sunki, skaudi labai. Kai tikiesi, kad viskas bus gerai, autorius sugeba net tris kartus "sudaužyti Tau širdį".
Aprašyme knygos, sako, kad tai tragiška meilės istorija. Pritariu tam. Bet man kitas aspektas labiau įstrigo, tai draugystė, trijų vyrų draugysė, ir kaip jie elgiasi viens dėl kito, kad norint padėti atiduoda viską, kas jiem yra svarbiausia. Kad kovoja už vienas kitą, nors tam net nebėra ir prasmės.
Man visada knygose draugystės tema - yra arčiausiai širdies. Jeigu ir Jums aktuali ši tema, ir dar neesat skaitę "Trys draugai" - skubėkit tai padaryti, ir abejoju, kad liksit nusivylę.

vfoltsman's review against another edition

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adventurous emotional hopeful reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


tadasrad's review against another edition

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When I begin reading any of the classical works , I notice the different old style of writing, odd descriptions of places and people and I think to myself: "Ugh , its too late to read this , it didn't age well and I'm to spoiled with the easy going, action pumping modern literature" but then slowly it hooks me, I start to see the people, understand why and how the events are happening. And then I catch myself thinking: "Man this feels like the most real thing I have ever read" Some moments of my own life, spent mindlessly scrolling etc. feel less real than these old books. I loved every page of it. Loved how it went, even loved how it ended. I'm happy I got to read this and would recommend reading this to everyone . It is strangely beautiful and sad, real and unbelievable.