
Kiss the Flame by Christopher Rice

kssntigger's review

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Interesting little story full of tart.

ameserole's review

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Omg so good!!

Kiss the Flame is a really good romance book to dive into. I don't care that it's a novella because it honestly with jam packed with all sorts of goodness. In it, you will meet Laney and Michael. Now these two sort of have a forbidden relationship - and I just love those!! She is the first woman in her family to head to college and he's someone that can make or break her final grade.

Risky? Of course.

Did I eat it all up and want some more? YES.

So I mentioned all the romance was amazing, right? Yeah I did. The other part of this book dealt with candles and ghosts. Not a big fan of either - I mean, candles smell nice but my sister has a huge addiction problem and our place is slowly being taken over by them. Then there's ghosts, and yeah.. I don't believe in them either.

Yet, I found it interesting. I wanted to see if Laney was going to learn something from Lilliane's life and to see how she was going to apply it to her own. The whole thing was interesting and driving me crazy until the very end. Overall, it was a fun audio to dive into.

inmyhumbleopinion's review

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With only 125 pages Christopher Rice takes you on an intricate tale involving two intersecting storylines leaving you satisfied yet wanting more. This story takes place in New Orleans a place the author describes with intimate detail.
Laney Foley is a young woman struggling to go to college and make something of herself. She is a little older than her fellow sophomores and is attending on a full ride scholarship. Because of her background she has trust issues. Without trust there can be no love. Perhaps that is the lesson TA Michael Brouchard has been placed in Laney’s life to teach. Michael is sweet, sensitive and a total hunk. He is also smitten with the smart independent Laney. Can she learn to trust enough to love?
Lilliane Williams appears to be a young black woman. She can identify with Laney having been where she was back in the 50’s. She made a different choice and ended up indebted endowed with eternal youth and startling supernatural powers, but the ability to experience and receive romantic love was removed from her forever. When she meets Laney she sees herself in her and is determined that Laney not end up like her.
Kiss the Flame is an intriguing romantic tale that will stay with you long after the last page is turned. Well done Mr. Rice.

cherryredsreads's review

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Well Mr. Christopher Rice has done it again!

Loved getting to read this novella about Laney & Michael.

Magical, sexy, and loved how the words coming off the pages between these two characters captured my heart. Mr. Rice gets us into their minds and pulls us into their hurt, their love, their passion.

It felt good to read a really good romance

You want a quick read that will give you everything you crave in a romance, this is the book for you.

Go 1 click & get to reading!

tinman1979's review

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I loved this book. The characters were easy to care about. The story was captivating. I liked the narrators so much that I looked up other books they have done. I am extremely satisfied with this purchase. I have both the ebook and the Audible book so I switched back and forth between the two.

beckymmoe's review

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I couldn't put this one down! Mr. Rice seriously had me at the word "ghosts"--adding in Laney and Michael, a couple it was easy to root for, was just gravy! The spooky candle store, the angsty forbidden romance, Laney's insecurities and fears, Michael's nonstop awesomeness...all good things. I absolutely have to go back and read the first two books set in this world (novella [b:The Flame|20648770|The Flame (Desire Exchange, #0.5)|Christopher Rice||27670308] and novel [b:The Surrender Gate|23737313|The Surrender Gate (Desire Exchange, #1)|Christopher Rice||43349212]) and cannot wait to find out what Lillianna's mysterious note means--hopefully we'll find out soon!

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

bookbae96's review

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Laney Foley has never felt like she is enough. Not rich enough, not smart enough, not lovable enough. Michael Brouchard, though, sees Laney in a different light. And he's more than willing to help Laney face her fears and see herself the way that he sees her.

KISS THE FLAME by author Christopher Rice is part of the 1001 Dark Nights novella series. Christopher has done a great job of painting a picture of New Orleans as a city filled with passion and sensuality, a place straddling the line between darkness and light, where even the most seemingly fanciful ideas are a possibility. Laney, who has been made to feel like less for most of her life, wants to be with Michael, but is held back by all of the 'what ifs.' When she's given the opportunity to have her heart's desire, to trust in the unknown, she's tempted, until a very unique visitor helps her to see that the she already has the power within herself.

Maybe there was no one thing or one act that could make your fears go away forever. The best you could do was to wake up each day and make a resolution to ignore fear's invitations to false comfort and illusory safety--its invitation to say less, risk less, to love less, to be less. It was a daily decision, being willing to fall in love, and now it was hers to make.

Ultimately, KISS THE FLAME is a story about choices, the choices that all of us face on a daily basis, that will either keep us imprisoned by our own weaknesses, or free us to live life to its fullest. I enjoyed this read very much, and am now on a mission to go back and read more of Christopher Rice's work. 4 mysterious, passionate, empowering stars for this one. This one definitely needs to be added to your TBR.

***ARC generously provided by the publisher for an honest review.***
