
One Dark Night by Tom Bale

nietzschesghost's review

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Flaming Nora, Bookouture seem to be making all the right moves by signing some fantastically talented authors of which Tom Bale is just one example, and so long as you can suspend your disbelief you are likely to enjoy this one. However, if you like your crime as realistic/close to real life as possible, this is probably a book to pass on as it does stray into far-fetched territory, but what is fiction for if not to showcase a writers imagination and give the reader the gift of pure escapism?

One thing you can be absolutely assured of with Tom Bale's novels is that they are totally immersive and addictive from the first couple of pages right through to the finale, and this one is no exception. As always, the writing is easy to get into, the pace perfect and the plot tightly woven and completely thrilling! It is basically the tale of a family who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The main characters of the family, Adam, Katy and their children Freya and Dylan, are sufficiently developed, although I would've liked to have known a little more background on them but that is a minor point that had no bearing on my overall enjoyment. They were very relatable and believable which meant it was straightforward to get behind them as people, and the use of current social and political issues put the setting of the story firmly in the present.

If you are a sucker for adrenaline-fuelled crime fiction with more thrills and spills than you can shake a stick at, this is definitely worth picking up so long as you don't expect realism. I look forward to the next Bale novel!

Many thanks to Bookouture for an ARC. I was not required to post a review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

bibliophilebookclub's review

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I’ve been waiting for a new Tom Bale book for what seems like ages, but it’s only really since his last one! And it’s safe to say he’s returned on form with One Dark Night.
As with his other books, Bale has a knack for putting ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, and that’s no different in this book.

One Dark Night focuses on Adam, Katy and their two children as they deal with the fallout from a split decision. What follows is an adrenaline-pumping thriller with plenty of action to keep the reader turning the pages.
I always find that I end up wondering if I would have done the same if I was in the situations that Bale puts his characters, but to be honest, I don’t think I’d want to as they always get tangled up in something far bigger than the reader expects.

One Dark Night is a really enjoyable book. It’s got plenty of action, some seriously shady characters and lots of shocking moments. These are really what drive the plot forward, and even in the quieter moments, there is an underlying sense of urgency that is woven through the plot that ramps up the tension.

These quieter moments are where you learn the motivations behind the characters decisions, and though it slows the pace, it really is the only way to explain why things are happening the way they are. Without them, the story would not be as believable. And even though these kinds of plot lines can be a little far-fetched, I think that Tom Bale has pulled it off with One Dark Night. It all lies with that split second decision.

I really felt for the family in this one. They are put through an absolute wringer, and just when you think they’re out the other side, the author pulls the rug out from under them again and the tension is back with a bang.

One Dark Night is a gripping thriller, Tom Bale is on top form with this one!

itsallaboutthebooksuk's review

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Having read a few of Tom Bale’s books before, the one thing that I always find disturbing is that he take’s an ordinary situation, an ordinary person or people and twists it into a terrifying yet utterly believable situation. Some how he manages to make the reader feel like they are in the story and I love seeing if I agree with the characters decisions, would I have done things the same way as the characters or totally different.
In One Dark Night we have Adam, Katy and their two children and after enjoying a day out they are travelling home when a split decision from Adam ends up putting them in terrible danger and turning their lives upside down. I felt desperately sorry for the family, especially the children being put in this situation. It really gave me shivers and goose bumps at times.
One Dark Night is an action packed story, full of twists and turns and even when things do quieten down a tad you are left with a feeling of unease, a feeling that all is not quite as it seems and it really had me on the edge of my seat.
Tom Bale is back with another absolute cracker of a story that had me swiping the pages of my kindle so fast I thought it might explode, it’s another book that I just couldn’t put down but at the same time I was apprehensive reading on as I knew there was more trouble ahead.
So if you are looking for an edge of your seat thriller full of action, suspense and spine tingling action then One Dark Night is definitely for you.