
Driftwood Point, Volume 10 by Mariah Stewart

allingoodtime's review

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Such a lovely story. I’ve got to say, I’m glad I took a break from this series for a while. Back about a year ago I read book #9 of the series, The Chesapeake Summer. At the time, I was under the impression it may be the last book in the series. I was somewhat relived. As much as I have always loved the characters in this series, there have been various issues throughout that would sometimes bother me. Now to be honest, I don’t know if those issues totally went away or if I just needed the break from the books that I took to fully appreciate them. I’ve definitely had my ups and downs with this series.

One of the issues I’ve had in the past with these stories is actually TOO much detail. I know that sounds odd, but I don’t need to know where a character parks his car if it has no bearing on the story. So I was a bit surprised about Cannonball Island. Has it been that long since I read these books that I forgot about such a place? I don’t think so, but it is a possibility. Regardless of my memory, I enjoy that there is a new area for readers to explore…which also means some new faces that will still have a connection to our old friends in town.

I absolutely love Ruby, the 100-year-old great-grandmother of our heroine, Lis. Ruby also happens to run the island’s general story. She has vim and vigor and doesn’t take any bull from anyone. Plus, she has a heart of gold.

Lis and Alec are really sweet. It’s so natural, once she gets over her suspicions of him, for them to spend time together. It’s the tale of high school sweethearts finding their way back to each other, even though they never really were high school sweethearts and, in fact, barely spoke in high school. I love it!

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