
Slasher Crasher by David Nora

paperwitch's review against another edition

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Slasher Crasher is David Nora’s debut novel, it is gross, gory and entertaining. The characters are unique and fun to read about.

I was very torn when writing this review, on one hand the book was very entertaining, gory and crazy, a book that was funny without trying too hard and a book that didn't take itself too seriously (which I certainly appreciated) if rated on that alone it would’ve probably been rated higher but on the other end I felt like the pop culture references got in the way as well as some word choices that were made when it came to describing certain things. It just took the shine away from the main storyline and almost slowed down the reading experience. Overall I do think David has a lot of potential as a writer and I am certainly looking forward to what he has to offer in the future.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

ddrosche's review against another edition

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Now, I'll admit Slasher Crasher by David Nora is not a book for everyone. A serial killer, teen drama, crude humor, horror movie references, pop culture references. Yes please, I'm 100% that bitch. If you're an 80s/90s horror movie fan then you will pick up all the nostalgia vibes Nora is putting down. If you love Mean Girls and witty humor then you'll chuckle your way through Nora's debut novel. For me this book was a win all around. A genre-bending story that perfectly blends black comedy, horror, and teen angst. Plus throw in a gay main character, severely underrepresented in this genre, and I'm an instant fan! I think I've found a new auto buy author!

goonie01913's review against another edition

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What an absolute disappointment this book was. I was really excited to read a horror novel feature a gay main character written by a gay author but was so let down by this book. The cyst and the constant bathroom humor made Kathleen the absolute most vile character. Betsy went from just being annoying to being a horrible character when she started calling David princess and bullying him. They were both horrible characters and I couldn't stand them at all.

This book was just garbage. So many times I wanted to stop reading but I kept hoping it would get better but nope. It kept getting worse with every page.

readswithdogs's review against another edition

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This book certainly isn't for everyone and I've struggled with how to rate it.

The characters are right out of an 80's slasher film. There's Nick, the escaped mental patient who has "a pale emotionless face with eyes that look like black pits that lead to the gates of hell." Betsy, the sweet, stuttering, religious Daddy's girl. Kathleen: she's large and in charge and nothing can stop her... except maybe the cyst she has on her ass. And then David, the sassy gay sidekick who just might have what it takes to become a main character.

Nick is just trying to return to his childhood home and mayybeee finish the murders he started years ago, but he gets caught between the drama of Betsy and Kathleen and everyone knows there's no greater drama than that of two high school girls. Especially when there's a boy involved.

Sounds intriguing and it definitely was, but it also was just plain gross. Felt like I was back in high school again hanging out with those people who try too hard to be funny and can somehow only tell jokes involving shit. If you can get past reading about this giant cyst on Kathleen's ass and the constant fart mentions (whyyyy?) you might be able to enjoy the ridiculousness of the story. Just be warned there's a lot of fatphobic parts (I get that Kathleen is supposed to be comfortable and empowering, but calling herself an obese cunt and whatnot is a bit much). Then there's a part where a male character is basically sexually assaulted... his penis is grabbed and jerked off as he flinches...right after she calls him a "giant retard."

There are also a lot of pop culture references that I had to google (lol I'm lame I guess?) and overly worded confusing descriptions like the author found a thesaurus and wanted to also be really clever. And then there were things described as looking or sounding or smelling like things that I had no clue how to a guy's shoe smelling like "a bucket of clits."
So overall 2.5 stars from me. I wanted to immerse myself in the story and enjoy it, but it eneded up being too disgusting and yet I pushed through anyway.
I'm going to donate this to my local Little Free Library and hope someone else can find it funny.

nicobellfiction's review against another edition

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I’ve been craving a comedic horror read and Slasher Crasher didn’t disappoint. An escaped lunatic? Teenage drama? Epic deathmatch? Sign me up! From the first page to the last sentence, this book is a juicy festival of gore, perfect for slasher fans. It playfully embraces classic horror tropes, tips its hat to iconic horror movies and references the soundtrack of my youth. What’s not to love?

Sure, this book revolves around a psychopath murdering everyone in site, but at the heart of Slasher Crasher are three teenagers coming of age, dealing with boy drama, bullying and absente parents. They must face Nick, the monster, as well as their own inner demons in order to become the ‘Final Girl’, a trope horror fans know and love. Each character arc undergoes a transformation fitting and realistic to their characters. In addition to the main cast, there’s an array of supporting characters, including Nick’s doctor (who could have walked straight out of The Exorcist and into this book), Betsy dad who is a recovered alcoholic, and a cast of homophobic bullies who make poor David’s life a living hell.

While the main theme of the book lies around the final girl trope, religion plays an interesting role in the plot. One of the police officers insists on ending every conversation with “praise be to God”, an interesting little quirk for an arguably insignificant character. But it adds to the character developments, especially Betsy and her father, who struggle with their faith. And, of course, Nick’s doctor is certain that Nick is no mere mortal, but the Devil arriving in their town to raise hell.

But don’t worry. There’s nothing preaching about this book. It’s a horror novel to it’s core complete with tales of Nick’s sadism that will make your stomach churn. But what makes it powerful is that it doesn’t stop with external horrors, but explores the things that scare us all. Loneliness, jealousy, abandonment, the fear we aren’t good enough and never will be. So while on the surface, this is a teenage slasher with a final girl theme, underneath it’s a brilliant tale of courage and self discovery, even if those realizations lead us down a dangerous path.

findingmontauk1's review against another edition

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Slasher Crasher was described to me as Mean Girls meets Scream. I love both of those! I love the witty, teen dramedy of Mean Girls and of course I am obsessed with all things slashery and all things Scream!

I enjoyed the plot of the story - the drama between two former besties on Halloween day and how everything unfolds. The book is told from multiple POVs throughout the day and we get a timestamp as the day and book proceed.

A few things kept pulling me OUT of the story though. I swear like a sailor - I enjoy my dirty words. But I read the F word about 20 times in just 30 seconds sometimes. It seemed cuss words were just thrown into every other sentence, thought, dialogue, etc. It was just too much and did not add value to me. I also didn't enjoy that most of the book had people calling each other things like "fat b*tch, silly f*g, etc etc." While I understand the intent of all the fatphobia and homophobia, it was just too much and didn't seem entirely realistic. I was on the receiving end of many gay slurs and insults growing up, but based on this book you would think that 110% of my life was nothing but people calling me queer. I just couldn't connect to that element and it seemed overdone for a fictional story. It did not allow me to actually like any character or feel sorry for them when they all acted this way. And there were just entirely too many fart jokes and fart references for me.

But if I reflect back and get beyond all the superfluous derogatory comments and language that seriously took up way more space on the page than they should have, I still enjoyed the overall plot of the book. 3 stars!

jpjackson's review

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Congratulations Mr. Nora on a fantastically brilliant debut novel.

I'm going to start off with: this book won't be for everyone due to language, violence, and some adult themes. Having said that, I thought it was perfect for the story. Let me explain.

Horror Comedy, much like Horror Romance has got to be one of the hardest writing achievements because it forces the author to make the audience laugh, and be grossed out and uncomfortable, whereas Horror Romance is asking for some soft and mushy feels from the heart, and I'm not talking about when you're holding the organ still hot and beating in your hands. Nora has successfully attained this lofty goal.

Nora had me giggling and outright laughing several times throughout the novel with quick banter and witty retorts interspersed throughout the dialogue and internal thoughts of the characters. Comedy aspect achieved.

The entire book is steeped in 1980's references to many slasher movies, from Friday the 13th to Chopping Mall. All of these movies I remember. But to add to the atmosphere, Nora has used many pop culture references as well. I thought I was pretty astute when it comes to this, and even still I had to Google a few of them. Again, very clever writing.

I have read some of the other reviews of this book, and I get it - this may not be for everyone, but Nora took me back to high school. As a confused gay teen, I remember what it was like sitting in a class and thinking, "I'm not like everyone else." I empathized with David, one of the main characters to the point where I was reliving my high school years, and let me tell you, they were their own version of hell, its own horror novel. I also understood the self-esteem issues that both Betsy and Kathleen faced. Their responses to the stressors of high school couldn't have been more polar opposites, and quite often Kathleen was beyond crude, but I knew people exactly like this. 

Youth who were trying to figure out who they were, struggling with identity issues, body acceptance issues, faith crises...and each person I knew dealt with it differently. Some were attitudinal and rebelled against any kind of authority. Some banded together in tight-knit cliques and tortured anyone who didn't fit in (an attempt to make their group 'the norm'), where others used substances to find solace.

Regardless of how we dealt with the rigors of coming into our adulthood, each of us was our own worst enemy, and we highly critical of not only others but of ourselves. And I saw each of Nora's main characters doing exactly that.

So, where others took issue with language, fatphobia, homophobia, and misogyny, I saw the main characters berating themselves and others because they were teens, struggling to find personal and peer acceptance.

Now let's add in an escaped mental health patient who will stop at nothing to return to his past...and we get the horror.

The best definition I've ever seen of horror is simply this: A good horror story does one of two things (or both). You're either grossed out or made to feel uncomfortable (that's often where the 'scary' comes in).  Nora succeeded on this level as well. The slasher deaths were exactly what I was expecting and they were difficult to read. I was sufficiently grossed out.  The slasher party scene (slasher crasher) was filled with just the right amount of tension and the plot leading up to this pivotal scene was filled with hooks to keep me reading.

Overall, as I said earlier, brilliant. Well done, and a smashing debut!

thaatswhatsheread's review

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Review to come