
Dream Spell by Sarah Doughty

enakasone's review

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I was fortunate enough to be offered the opportunity to read this novella before its release by the wonderfully talented Sarah Doughty herself. At first, I was a little nervous; supernatural romance/erotica is a genre I had zero experience in and I had no idea what to expect. Despite the initial hesitation, I ended up really enjoying it. Dream Spell is a companion to Doughty’s Earthen Witch series, and while I have yet to read the main books, I found that it didn’t take away from my understanding. Dream Spell weaves the tale of April, a witch stuck in a marriage of convenience with a human husband and 3 month-old daughter, Lily. One night, April is visited by her previous lover, Ian, in a dream, and the rest is a crazy, sexy ride. There’s shocking realizations and action and a whole lot of pillow talk, which, let’s be honest, is the big draw for a book in this style. However, my favorite bits of the novella were the small glimpses we get into the reimagined world of our characters. In other words: I want to be able to see auras around people to tell me their moods! I, as a librarian by trade, also deeply appreciate Doughty’s recognition of the craft and librarians’ label as “Guardians of Information.” As my Goodreads bookshelf may suggest, I don’t venture outside of my preferred genre often; it’s a lot of literary fiction with a sprinkle of other every once in a while. Still, I loved that this short didn’t leave me in a puddle of tears or up at night contemplating the terrible actions of mankind. It was light and fun and I thank Ms. Doughty for introducing me to this world. I’ll be sure to check out her other works!