
Yetzirah: The Pocket Worlds by Pam Bainbridge-Cowan

cjmichel's review

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I received "Yetzirah: The Pocket Worlds The Butterfly" by Pam Bainbridge-Cowan from the Goodreads giveaways contests. It has been said that people read books to escape the reality of their everyday lives, and that concept it acceptable to me. However, I believe this is the only book I have ever read where the growing group of main characters are all escaping their troubled lives and realities so blatantly into a fantasy world to try to cope. The character's backgrounds are indeed escape worthy but many of them are troubles which I hear about in my employment almost daily. It hardly made this book an escape from reality for me. Perhaps that is why I only rated it two stars out of five.

The back cover of the book leads you to believe that you will join these characters in their fantasy land to take a break from reality, but in the end the message of the tale seems to be ... yeah take a break here and there, but remember reality is actually where you have to heal yourself to be whole. I basically felt like the author was telling me to skip my escape into the pages of a good story because I should just concentrate on the reality I'd rather take a break from now and again.