
The Circlet Treasury of Erotic Wonderland by J. Blackmore

mxsallybend's review

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On the one hand, this never quite reached the heights of weirdness and depravity that I thought the concept was capable of. On the other hand, it often exceeded the quality of writing that I expected. I'd call that a fair trade, and I'd call The Circlet Treasury of Erotic Wonderland a worthy read for anybody curious about the 'adult' potential of Lewis Carroll.

Editor J. Blackmore has assembled an interesting group of stories here, with the first 5 sharing a theme of "a world where dreams are real and always have happy endings," while the last 5 take their lead from the poetic threat of the Jabberwock and "the nightmares it produces."

'Lily White' by Morwenna Drake makes for a strong opener, putting an erotic spin on the Wonderland chessboard, with some truly inventive spins on familiar characters. 'A World of Her Own' by Alex Picchetti captures the surreal, nonsense feel of the source material perfectly, pitting Alice against Queens both Red and White in a challenge of seduction. Of all the stories, 'Tarts and Tea' by Holly Abair feels the most like an genuine sequel, telling a rather melancholy sort of tale that settles for moments of sensuality rather than true eroticism.

Unfortunately, after such a strong start, the rest of the collection is very uneven, with several stories having only the most tenuous connections to the Wonderland theme. 'A Wasp, a Wig and a Wanton Woman' by Gary Westfahl was just plain odd (but entirely fitting), and 'If This Be Not Love, It Is Madness' by Theresa Sand was a rather sad sort of sequel that lacks closure, but 'Midway Rides' by Alex Picchetti captured the confusion and bewilderment of Alice's experiences perfectly - albeit in a darker, more sexual manner.

It's a shame the collection could close as strongly as it started, but there are some good stories here, well suited for those readers with an open mind regarding imaginative, often anthropomorphic encounters.

Originally reviewed at Beauty in Ruins

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary ARC of this title from the publisher in exchange for review consideration. This does not in any way affect the honesty or sincerity of my review.

dmthrussell's review

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I thought that this was a very intriguing book. I really liked the first part. I liked the way the different stories took place and the way the different authors perceived their own images.

I did not care for the second set of books where they were starker and made to be in a darker image. I'd still give it 3 stars and completing rave about it to people. They just were not my full range of tea cups.

Lovely written though!

owlbesatreading's review

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DNF. Pah, I'll be brutal, like the queen of hearts. It was absolute rubbish! But I knew that already, I was just intrigued by the Alice references. It was a bit uncomfortable at times as AIW is a wonderful kids book, and I think sexualising it is wrong.

xmiyux's review

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I received this via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

To be honest, this compilation impressed me for a couple reasons. First, it actually had a story. Many compilations sort of barely touch on the theme and basically jump right to the action. This one has actual storylines and fiction between the risque parts. Secondly, it didn't jump immediately on the 50 Shades bandwagon and focus solely on BDSM.

That being said, the insect sex thing was a touch offputting. I wasn't a big fan and I imagine many will have a similar reaction. However, the other stories more than make up for that single one.

allandanybooks's review

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This was a great quick read and I found it refreshing to read something like this between longer and more complicated books. I enjoyed all the short stories quite a lot and it was great that you could read one story, take a little break or just go through the whole book without stopping (like I did, because it was so good). There were a couple of stories that confused me a little bit but they were good none the less and I will be looking forward to reading similar books to this.

*ARC received from publisher through Netgalley