
Death Sworn by Leah Cypess

rhrie38's review against another edition

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Didn't capture my attention, like the fmc though 

beccaj2180's review against another edition

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All I can manage to say right now is that I am so glad I read this.

kkoerth613's review against another edition

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I really liked it. However it was kind of slow in the beginning and didn't start to get interesting till about a hundred pages in. I really like Ileni, mostly because she's a bad-ass. Also Ileni and Sorin are so adorable. Like who would've thought Sorin had actual feelings? And could be gentle? What a surprise! Hoping the best for Death Marked!!

awandtke's review against another edition

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When Cinda Williams Chima said "Prepare to be ensnared from the very first page." She really meant it! I could tell by the first page that this book was going to be amazing. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a little romance but no to much, action, assassin and magic. This is a good page turner. Leaves you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next book.

soniagracelm's review against another edition

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Death Sworn surprised me with how good it was. I expected a story about a girl sent to teach a bunch of assassins magic, probably some kind of steamy love story, and her inevitable realization that the assassins are Good People, no, really. I am pleased to report that I was wrong.

renuked's review against another edition

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I was hunting around for some good fantasy and I stumbled across this. Well, it looked fantastic. Magic, assassins, secret plots, mysterious deaths, and romance. It was like everything I wanted had been wrapped up in 352 pages. Or so I thought.

It was definitely a good book, but it didn't meet all my expectations. While I was expecting high magic and crazy spells, most of it wasn't well explained. Plus she was losing her magic anyway, so there was no background on the magical arts. Then the world building consisted of...a cave. Literally, the entire book takes place in a set of caves. Ugh in a world with "Renegai" and an entire empire to topple, why did most of it take place in caves? Finally, why does the empire need to be overthrown? Who are the Elders that sent Ileni. WHAT IS HAPPENING? Honestly, most of the time I had nothing more than a vague idea of what was going on outside the caves.

The other aspects of the book I enjoyed for the most part. Ileni was refreshing. She was very bitter and treated her death as inevitable. She was clearly once a very talented sorceress, but her magic started waning leaving her almost indifferent to her fate. I liked how real she was, no one would be okay with losing such an integral part of their identity, and neither was she. She lashed out pretty often, questioned authority constantly, and often berated herself for mistakes. Just like all people.

Her guard, and eventual romantic interest was....(hmm, how do I put this gently?) He was boring. Oh yeah. Sorin had no personality. I didn't even get the "rebellious, bad boy" vibe from him. He was totally flat. The romance was a tedious aspect. We get a glimpse of a past beau named Tellis, and then we get introduced to Sorin and But at least it is such a minor aspect that it doesn't matter much. And it's nice seeing how Sorin calls up questions of morality in the murder of innocent people for a cause.

The beginning of the book is slow slow slow. She arrives at the caves. She is losing her magic. She is trying to investigate. She is teaching magic without magic. Sorin Sorin Sorin. But the introduction of the Master adds a new twist. I loved the Master. He's brilliant, manipulative, and has total control over a large group of killers. He has a twisted agenda, but it's impossible to know what exactly. I love complicated villains, and the Master is definitely on the list.

In general, it's pretty intriguing. There are a lot of mysteries and little plots unraveling. But it's a little slow and a little vague at times. I want a LOT more about the Empire and what exactly has transpired in the outside world. I want to know more about Ileni's magical training. There are a lot of open ended questions and this book acts more as a precursor than a real start. But I can't wait to see where Ileni goes from here.

nyeran's review against another edition

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"How can you know what your life is worth if you don't know what you would trade it for?"

♠ Finalmente un eroina che usa il cervello. Intendiamoci, a volte prende decisioni stupide ma chi non lo fa? L'importante è che non prenda sempre e solo decisioni stupide. Non è la protagonista impeccabile che riesce a fare tutto con facilità, viene picchiata e nonostante sappia di essere vulnerabile non si lascia scoraggiare e punta i piedi. Si addestra per difendersi, certo non sarà mai al livello degli assassini con cui convive, ma almeno fa qualcosa, non resta inerme a piangersi addosso perché la sua magia sta scomparendo. Perché è così: Ileni è una stregona la cui magia si sta affievolendo e molto presto sparirà del tutto. Questo è il motivo per cui si trova in questa caverna ad insegnare magia a degli assassini, gli Anziani hanno deciso che lei è la giusta vittima sacrificale da mandare in quel posto pericoloso e lei accetta. Lei ovviamente non è lì solo per insegnare ma anche per scoprire chi c'è dietro le morti dei suoi due predecessori. Ho apprezzato l'aplomb fatalistico con cui Ileni affronta ogni cosa, fin da quando accetta la missione sa che morirà in quella caverna e ogni sua decisione e spavento è seguito da un “Vabbè tanto so che morirò, tanto vale fare quello che mi pare, come mi pare”. E così Ileni indaga aiutata anche dalla sua guardia del corpo, Sorin, che decide di aiutarla. Niente insta-love, niente triangolo amoroso, cosa potevo chiedere di più? La storia tra loro due è lenta, leggera e sopratutto credibile. Non c'è alcun “I suoi occhi erano di un [ inserire colore degli occhi qui ] intenso e mi ritrovai ad arrossire” no, Ileni lo teme mentre lui non prova nulla, deve solo proteggerla. È freddo, addestrato fin da bambino ad essere un assassino senza sentimenti, continua ad addestrarsi per eccellere e ricevere missioni importanti, non ha mai conosciuto altro se non la povertà e il suo unico obiettivo è soddisfare il Capo. Considera il morire in missione un onore, qualcosa di cui andare fiero perché vorrebbe dire morire per una causa più grande, non ha tempo per sbavare dietro ad Ileni e anche quando inizia a provare sentimenti diversi nei suoi confronti resta sempre un assassino, non diventa un altra persona, non cambia personalità dall'oggi al domani. Come detto, Sorin è distante e pericoloso ma non è un nemico, è stato bello vedere come i due passano dalla diffidenza ad un tentativo di amicizia e poi all'amore ma anche quando succede entrambi hanno altre cose di cui preoccuparsi, nonostante riconoscano di essere attratti l'uno dall'altra non si saltano addosso, non passano scene intere a limonare, non ci ammorbano con le loro paturnie amorose. Quindi, bello. Sorin poi a volte è talmente awkward e fuori dal suo elemento che dice le cose sbagliate e non puoi fare altro che desiderare di potergli dare una pacca sulla spalla.

I have no right to risk my life for this.” He stepped back against the door, as if she was a threat. It was the most flattering thing he had done since she entered the caves. “It means nothing. It was inevitable, even. After all, you’re the only girl I ever see.”
That was rather less flattering.

♠ Ovvio che il libro ha dei difetti. Tanto per cominciare la brevità. Solo 186 pagine. Il world-building è inesistente poiché tutta la storia si svolge in una caverna, caverna che però non viene descritta, è solo un susseguirsi di pareti scure, stalattiti, scale e oscurità. Non chiedevo descrizioni ricche come in Stolen Songbird però un minimo non avrebbe schifato, sopratutto perché tutto ciò che avviene fuori dalla caverna risulta lontano e non tocca il lettore o i protagonisti, come se si stesse parlando del tempo.
Ma la mancanza più grande è stata il background. Solo un paragrafo sul passato dei Regeni e dell'impero, non una spiegazione per la perdita dei poteri di Ileni. Perché li sta perdendo? Avrei gradito una spiegazione.
E avrei gradito una spiegazione della magia. Ci sono incantesimi ma è tutto pieno di automatismi, non vediamo mai formule magiche, vediamo solo un rito e lei che pronuncia formule magiche che non sentiamo, non scopriamo da dove viene la magia ne come funziona. Ho trovato assurdo anche il fatto che gli Anziani decidano di mandare a morire una ragazza solo perché sta perdendo i poteri quando lei stessa dice che le persone ordinarie vivono tranquillamente tra coloro che possono usare la magia. Cosa gli faceva credere che lei, indebolita e vulnerabile com'è, riuscisse dove altri più anziani ed esperti di lei hanno fallito?! 

books4susie's review against another edition

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Why did I wait so long? At least I only have to wait for March for the end of Ileni's story.

saphibella's review against another edition

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lieni a sorceress with the Renegai (renegade mages) who after discovering she is loosing her power is sent to the assassins cave to become their teacher in magic. Furthermore she must investigate the deaths of the two prior magic teachers while her own life may be in danger as well.

Ileni is a reluctant hero that has been thrown into a game of deception where she must hide her weaknesses and exaggerate her strengths to survive. By utilizing a healthy dose of mistrust and questioning everything to find out if what others proclaim to be real is actually true she holds her own against the assassins and their powerful master who has a plan laid out.

This story shows how laid back in your beliefs you can become and that by challenging your beliefs you can get a whole new view of the world. This comes into play when Ileni starts questioning everything she has grown up believing about the assissins which is proved wrong in this book and what she is told about the empire that may not be true.

In other books the hero often saves the day with the big heroic stunt. But Ileni is not a normal character she will not stoop to the level of the empire to eradicate it and definitely not when she has not experienced its evils herself. She must investigate.

smuttea_matcha's review against another edition

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Ileni wasn't what I really expected. She's a sorceress with depleting powers sent to her death/exile, which is to act as the sorceress tutor to a guild/league of assassins. She's bold because she's accepted her inevitable death and she's pretty boring. All Ileni complains about is her lack of powers and the what-if she did have her powers. I was hoping Ileni would prove to be something more.
SpoilerWhich I guess she did when she killed Irun.
I feel like she had so much more potential to be something. Maybe we'll see that in book 2? I also feel like Cypess didn't focus enough on world building. I wanted to understand why Ileni was losing her powers. I feel like Cypess relied on the explanation that she simply just did, that's how powers worked. I don't know.

Everyone in the guild/league of assassins is horrible. They all believe in the master.
SpoilerIt was actually pretty cool that Ileni kills him. She's doing them all a favor anyway.
I mean I wasn't a fan of Sorin either. Sure, he's bad ass, but that's it. Overall, I wasn't a huge fan of this book. Was it entertaining? Yes, but I don't know if it's something I'd recommend.