
Gremlins, Go Home by Frank Kelly Freas, Ben Bova, Gordon R. Dickson

hidekisohma's review

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So this was one of those "Clearance rack" books I found for $1 at the Half price books. and..yep, it was worth $1. i'll sure say that.

The story is about a kid whose dad works for NASA and they're going to launch a rocket. a bunch of gremlins show up and ask the kid to help them bum a ride on the rocket to get back to their home planet. The gremlins have some magical powers and the kid can now talk to his dog. That's the general gist of the story.

The main character is fine if not the generic "i want to help people" good guy, and the gremlins are a bit interchangeable as there's so many of them i kind of just started squishing them together into 1 or 2 characters.

The majority of the book is just the gremlins and the main boy finding items to help them bum a ride
on the rocket as well as showing off what magical powers they can do.

It's not a very in depth book, but it's not meant to be. it's meant to be a short, 200 page wacky adventure where a kids helps gremlins realize a lesson. And overall, it was fine. I mean, i'm not going to keep the book or read it again or anything, but for what it was, the story was fine. I didn't HATE anything involved in it, and it didn't feel like a chore to get through. the only real stand out character to me was Mr. Sheperton. he's the main character's dog who he can talk to. He doesn't like gremlins and is kind of the voice of reason in the story.

The story ends in a very cute, happy ending way, and the book's fine if you want a light read. all in all, it was fine and worth the whopping $1 i spent on it.

3 out of 5.