
Antibody by R.A. Steffan

heabooknerd's review against another edition

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I'll admit to some uncertainty on what to rate ANTIBODY because while I enjoyed this next chapter in the series I had some problems with the book. Overall, I liked the action and suspense as Nahleene tried to infiltrate the cyborg program to determine what's going on. I found Nahleene to be a strong woman who just wants to help her mother's people and stop a war from breaking out in the Seven Systems. Her compassion for Pax is there from the beginning and though he's used to people fearing him, Nahleene never does. Pax chose to become a cyborg but he never really understood what that would mean. He's hyper intelligent, super strong, and capable of deducing things that normal humans would need months to think about.

On the surface Nahleene and Pax seem like they could be a great match and I was really looking forward to Pax's story. But this is where things get a little...confusing? Nahleene has some psychic abilities that allow her to influence people, read their minds through a touch, and even push emotions onto another person. When Nahleene psychically connects with Pax he realizes he can experience Nahleene's emotions. However, Pax's emotional center was destroyed when he became a cyborg so he's not expressing his own emotions, merely feeling what Nahleene feels. For me, this distinction created some confusion about their "love". I never felt like Pax did anything to inspire Nahleene to fall in love with him and since Pax doesn't have emotions he can't really love Nahleene back.

Now that being said, I really liked both Pax and Nahleene as characters, I'm just not sure about their love story. I enjoyed seeing our previous couples and the tension to stop the Ilarian Regime is really ramping up. The epilogue especially sets the tone for future books. But my other big issue is that ANTIBODY lacked a lot of depth for anyone who hasn't read the previous books. While I understood the characters and their motivations, the history of the Regime, and the customs surrounding the Vithii, I learned it all in the first book. I would not recommend reading this series out of order because of this.

redhairedashreads's review against another edition

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3 stars - I liked it

While I did enjoy this book overall, I have a few issues with it at the same time. Like the previous books I enjoyed the action and suspense. I really enjoyed learning about the cyborg programing, Pax, and more about how other planets view the Ilarian Regime. I am extremely glad that we are continuing to see world building with every book and are getting a better picture of what this small group of rebels is up against. 

Nahleene was a wonderful heroine who I instantly liked. She was a strong woman who took her job as a spy seriously. She jumps right into infiltrating the cyborg program and isn’t afraid to use her abilities to protect herself. I really enjoyed getting to learn more about her psychic abilities and how she can use them to influence people. Her compassion for Pax was wonderful and I liked that she never was afraid of him. Pax may have chosen to become a cyborg but at the time he didn’t understand what that meant, and by the time he did he couldn’t mourn the loss because of his lack of emotions. Pax’s story was very interesting and I liked that we finally are getting to learn more about him and the cyborg program. 

My main issue was with Nahleene and Pax’s relationship. While I did like these two, their relationship was a bit concerning. Pax cannot feel emotions but he can understand them. He only feels emotions when Nahleen is physically connected to him and is sharing her emotions. This didn’t really make their relationship seem like it was built on love. Also Pax never really did anything to inspire Nahleene’s feelings so I just felt like there wasn’t really a relationship there. 

Overall, while I did enjoy this book, the relationship didn’t really work for me. I did enjoy these two characters though. I am very interested in seeing what happens with the next book because things are really ramping up. 
