
Forever Road by Catie Rhodes

melindavan's review against another edition

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If you're looking for paranormal mystery, with just a splash of romance, this one's for you. I loved that this didn't involve vampires, werewolves, or anything of that nature. It's normal small town life, with a girl who just happens to see ghosts. Peri has made her cousin a promise, and now that her cousin is a ghost she has to deliver on that promise. Find her cousin's killer...and don't get dead or land in jail in the process. I enjoyed the mystery, and watching the clues pile up as Peri stumbles her way through solving this thing. She's not a detective, or the police. She's the girl next door, with a twist. The relationships between the people in this small town reminded me of one I grew up in. The same frustrating people, along with the same deep friendships and small town "in your business." I can't wait to read the next one. Look for a longer review on my website April 5th.

meiko's review

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I got this book on the condition of an honest review.

Paranormal thriller. I do read this type of books, but usually in a more urban setting. Also, usually less blood and death... or at least, the death is treated more 'comically' or 'fantastic', than this was.

I must say though that this first novel really read fairly... non-paranormal, if you take out all the ghost characters. The story would probably still move on, and the characters would still stand.

Which was a refreshing approach for me to a paranormal thriller. It read pretty much like a romance/thriller, maybe more romance than thriller, because how the lead came about her partner was very romance like. That is not to say the thriller element was weak, it was just enough to balance the story and made itself into the holy trinity that is this creation: thriller, romance and paranormal setting.

I find the protagonist a tad easier to connect than I initially envisioned. Me, being as far apart from Texan (wrong nationality), tough girl (super soppy), and ghost seeing, as possible.

I was wrong. I failed to identify with her every action, but I think in the end the story and the characters both carried enough weight to be likeable and believable.

Personally I felt some of the characters were a bit less three-dimensional than others, mostly the men. I guess being a female writer has some drawbacks where the male psyche is difficult to fully grasp, and thus the male characters end up being less complex. But being the first book, with the plot intriguing enough, I'd say it's fairly easy to overlook these things and focus on the story.

3 stars, for room of improvement.

nursemombie's review

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This book is full of mystery, suspense, romance, and paranormal abilities. It kept me interested and on my toes trying to figure out "who dunnit". Great book that left me in tears. It's the first book by Catie Rhodes I have read. I just bought the next 3 books in the series. I'm not a huge fan of the cover art though.

daniellehines's review against another edition

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I loved this book. I love reading books by authors who have a writing style so different from my own. And not only did I learn something from Ms. Rhodes’ style, but I was thoroughly entertained! There were moments where I laughed out loud and the plot kept me guessing throughout.
I don’t normally read mysteries, but Peri kept me hooked. I just wanted to see what she’d do/say next! I loved her sense of humour and loyalty. She is astute, flawed and brave. All things I love in a main character. And did I mention Peri Jean can see ghosts??
The supporting cast was great too. Meemaw was a particular favourite. I’m Canadian and so being let into a small Texas town, even a fictional one, was a real treat.
Forever Road is a mystery that moves and grabs a reader. I look forward to reading more from Ms. Rhodes!

laurie_tx's review against another edition

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Promising. Some word use errors but not too many. Interesting characters and a good mystery. The book felt like it was missing something but I can't put my finger on it. Bought book 2 but may read something else first.

gabyk_lib's review against another edition

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I've got to be honest. I've not done massively well by Book Bub freebies but this one has broken the trend. Great writing, interesting characters and a believable world. Recommended.

spookshow's review against another edition

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Wow. What an awesome first book! I loved the mystery and the mix of supernatural in it. I really enjoy Peri as a character as well as all the others that were introduced.
I can't fault anything! So looking forward to reading the rest!

nura_aziz's review against another edition

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3.75 stars :-)

This book was given to me by the publisher in exchange for a review.

I have to admit, I accepted this commission because my reading slump is getting worse. If I have to do a task, then I can push myself to finish reading the book :-). And paranormal is not really my thing (except for Amanda Quick's romances...hehe...), but maybe I need to go out of my usual read to get some fresh air that I needed to boost up my reading. Plus, I might meet my new favorite author.

The beginning was a bit messy. The first 3 introductional chapters did not impressed me and I was readying myself for some torturous journey. But surprisingly, the story get interesting once the mystery started. The author have a good way of describing the details and I did feel the horror and spookiness of the other world, especially scenes that featuring Rae's ghost. The plot was smoothly laid out and the subplots didn't intersect with one another.

But, the storytelling felt a bit juvenille. It was like reading one of Nancy Drew's adventure. It could even be called a clean read ;-) . The heroin supposedly a 30 year old divorcee, but it felt like she is an 18 year old school girl. The 'adultness' feel is not there much. There was a romance, but it doesn't overshadow Peri's 'investigations' at all and I like it more because of this.

Even though the story is good enough, but still I did guess the links and it didn't surprised me at all when the murderer was revealed. Just wish that it was my power of deduction that lead to the right answer...hehhehe.

And I am sure will read the next mystery. I am intrigued to know where all this will lead Peri :-D

PS - I have read the excerp for the next book, and I think the author has improved a lot! Can't wait to read the full story.

xakyr's review

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I really didn't care for this book at all! I couldn't connect with Peri at all as a character, as it felt like she was going out of her way to alienate anyone near her save for her grandmother. The villain was easily identified, and most of what he did made me extremely uncomfortable. The sheriff's department was the stereotypical good boy type, and really didn't move above listening to town gossip. The paranormal element was somewhat interesting, but mostly ignored by the main character. All in all, just wasn't my cup of tea and I won't be continuing the series.

slc333's review against another edition

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It kept my interest. I wanted to know what was going to happen next and see how the characters were going to interact. Peri Jean was ok – a little aggressive and quick to anger, but loyal and mouthy and I enjoyed her investigations. I took a while to warm to Dean. I really liked Hannah. She is a good loyal friend who calls Dean & Peri Jean on their bullshit. The mystery wasn’t too hard to figure out but I enjoyed the investigative journey with Peri Jean nonetheless. It did have kind of a depressive undertone to the whole thing but that was reflective of what I imagine it actually would be like being different and living in a small town without a lot of money or options and being judged so it was actually good writing.