
O nouă senzaţie în şcoală by Cristina Jinga, Melissa de la Cruz

outoftheblue14's review against another edition

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Lauren Page smoothed down the folds of her short plaid skirt and crossed her legs so that she could admire the shiny new black-and-white Chanel spectator oxfords on her feet a little better. They looked so cute with her thick cashmere socks scrunched down just above the ankle, she thought. She'd been wearing the same green plaid uniform to Miss Gamble's all her life, but she was in the upper form now -- seventh grade -- which meant saying good-bye to her boring old Buster Browns and hello to the first boy-girl dance with the hotties from Gregory Hall, which was only three weeks away. And as far as she was concerned, upper form meant a whole new Lauren.

Books like The Ashleys by Melissa De la Cruz are my guilty pleasure. They horrify and delight me at the same time. So here it is, my review of the first book this series, aimed at young teenage girls.

A trio of privileged, pretty and mean girls, all named Ashley, rule the seventh grade of Miss Gamble's exclusive private school in San Francisco. Ordinary Lauren Page has been bullied by them since kindergarten, but now that her father has become rich, she's gone from bargain shopping to having her own shopping assistant, and got herself a makeover. Now, armed with fashionable clothes and designer's handbag, she's ready to conquer the Ashleys and wreak her revenge.

At first, when reading this book, I missed the "seventh grade" reference and thought that the characters had to be about sixteen. Imagine my horror when I discovered that they were actually twelve-year-olds. I recollected images of myself at twelve. Then I remembered those girls like the Ashelys when I was in junior high school-- on a smaller scale, of course, no one in my school was half as rich as the Ashelys or Lauren--and I shuddered. Is it possible for girls to be so mean? Oh, yes it is, unfortunately.

I expected to like this book more, I am honest. Of course, there's not much substance to it, but I uusally like this sort of book. However, now the thought of twelve-year-olds acting like they were at least four years older doesn't amuse me very much. I practically hated all the female characters--for some reason, the only likable characters are the boys. the Ashleys are all incredibly petty--while Lauren, with whom I believe we're supposed to sympathize, leaves me a bit perplexed: she's more interested with becoming freinds with the Ashelys than actually exacting revenge. Not to mention the fact that books dropping brand names every three words have always irritated me.

You might like this book if you enjoyed Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl. Or maybe I'm just too old for this kind of book.

adelavmb's review against another edition

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În "O nouă senzaţie în şcoală", avem de-a face cu o clasică "trupă" de fete de bani gata, care se cred mai grozave decât oricine, şi care încă de la grădiniţă, o tachinează cu orice ocazie pe veşnica tocilară, victimă sigură. Cele trei fetiţe răsfăţate de 12 ani poartă fiecare numele "Ashley" şi ele stabilesc noile trenduri în şcoală şi îşi etichetează colegele cu a căror ţinute şi atitudine sunt de acord cu SdA (Ştampila de Aprobare) şi nu se sfiesc să batjocorească pe oricine au ele chef.
Dar anul acesta, Lauren s-a schimbat. Tată ei a dat lovitura în afaceri, iar ea e acum mai bogată chiar decât Ashley Spencer - lidera celor trei răutăcioase. Lauren e hotărâtă să intre în grupul lor şi să le dezbine odată pentru totdeauna. Dar ceva se schimbă, şi, dintr-o dată, Lauren îşi doreşte doar să fie acceptată.
Cartea mi-a se aseamănă foarte mult cu stilul cărţilor "Micuţele mincinoase" şi filmelor de genul "Mean Girls". Aceeaşi reţetă e folosită cu succes în cazul acestora. Se adaugă un grup de fete bogate şi răsfăţate, care nu ştiu ce înseamnă "nu" şi cărora le pasă doar de propria persoană. E neapărat obligatoriu ca acestea să fie liderele unei şcoli şi ca între ele să existe o prietenie oarecum falsă: una din ele le conduce şi le dictează tot ce să facă, iar celelalte, fie să o urmeze orbeşte, fie să o invidieze şi să vrea să îi ia locul. Apoi există două posibilităţi. Ori introducem o tocilară victimă, care să le detroneze în final, ori o altă răzgâiată care să le rivalizeze.
Ai zice că reţeta se învecheşte la un moment dat, şi că te saturi să citeşti cărţi cu aceeaşi intrigă, reluată la nesfârşit, dar cu personaje mai mult sau mai puţin diferite şi cu probleme în plus sau în minus.
Şi totuşi, nu m-am plictisit nici măcar o clipă când am citit această carte. Lauren încă se acomodează la noua ei viaţă, făcând ocazionalele gafe şi dorindu-şi ca, măcar odată, să poată fi acceptată de cei din jurul ei. Ashley Li e aşa-zisa "verigă slabă" a grupului şi îşi doreşte să nu fie nevoită să se poarte răutăcios fără niciun motiv. Ashley Alioto încearcă să găsească o fărâmă de curaj pentru a se întâlni cu iubitul ei virtual, a cărui identitate nu poate decât să o bănuiască. Şi, în final, Ashley Spencer, lidera, nu are o viaţă atât de perfectă cum lasă impresia şi, să spunem doar că una dintre problemele cu care se confruntă e alergia la alune.
"O nouă senzaţie în şcoală" e o lectură uşoară, perfectă pentru o zi de plajă, şi aruncă puţină lumină asupra stilului de viaţă al copiilor vedetelor, care risipesc cu uşurinţă pe un tricou cât am da noi pe un aparat de fotografiat performant.

jasperitis's review against another edition

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WTH did I just read? One star for the shallowness and the age of the characters (12 year old girls wearing 2 1/2 heels)...and one star because I'll probably read the next book in the series.

fionak's review against another edition

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Absurdist fluff but de la Cruz does it so well.

ellieafterall's review against another edition

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Why did I ever want to read a series called "the Ashleys"?? THE ASHLEYS?? REALLY?? but I remember liking it

kalake96's review against another edition

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Haha I'm reading this because I read the Clique and liked it cuz it was STUPID but entertaining so Suzanne recommended this and let me borrow it.

whathappenedtoagoodbook's review against another edition

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Review of the full series coming soon!

ria_01's review against another edition

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melissa de la cruz Have you ever talked to a teenager in Real Life be honest

k_cath's review against another edition

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I found that this book would have been a lot better if the characters had been in high school. As soon as it became obvious that they were in the 7TH GRADE, the book became less interesting and more unbelievable. The plot line involving A.A. and laxjock was definitely meant to be cute, but because of the ages of the characters it came off as disturbing. Perhaps if I had read this book when I was 12, I would have liked it more.

destiny_jay's review against another edition

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its nice to read something light and girly once in a while. Its really interesting how different these best friends are.