
Summer Crush by Six de los Reyes, Jay E. Tria, Tara Frejas

haechans's review

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it's ironic that i loved isaiahrhys the best when i haven't read their book yet but yup yup!! love them!!!!

hspaulds's review

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Summer Crush

Even without the context of the books the short stories are part of the universe of, I really enjoyed this. The characters were fun and the romances were great, and I need to check out the rest of all three authors' stuff asap

lovelessness's review

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it's ironic that i loved isaiahrhys the best when i haven't read their book yet but yup yup!! love them!!!!

bookbed's review

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"I was left wanting to read more from the authors and maybe try to understand the characters by checking out the books that came before it. I especially loved the set lists, the song lyrics (I wish someone would create melodies for them or that the songs were posted somewhere in the Internet) and the dedication pages."

Read full review for You Only Need Reminding by Jay E. Tria here.

"...reading Almost There was like opening a bottle of feels! There’s always something about missed chances that stir up frustration and regret in me because I always think of the what if’s they present. This is also the exact reason why you end up loving Fi and admiring her loyalty and strength, just because she doesn’t waver. Being a road manager is probably no joke, but her level-headedness was apparent all throughout that I had to admire her for it."

Read full review for Almost There by Tara Frejas here.

"The one thing that really stayed with me long after I finished reading Ocean Eyes was Six’s writing, specifically her description of the crowd dancing along to Rhys’s set. Rhys is a DJ (most of the time) whose superpower is willing people’s bodies to move to her music even without their express permission. The way Six described her music was just gorgeous."

Read full review for Ocean Eyes by Six de los Reyes here.

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trinielf's review

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it starts with a song.

That was the first thing i noted when i began reading, and of course it did! I expected nothing less. Summer Crush happens during a music festival after all :D

I LOOOVED this book so so much. One thing I can advise, though, make sure you read the longer books by each author to get a grasp/sense of the characters and their stories. So definitely read The Playlist series, Scandalized, Just for the Record and Feel Like Summer before starting this one, you'll appreciate the many gems found in this for sure.

I'll admit the only one I didnt read was Just for the Record, so Rhys and Isaiah (and Nico) were the only ones I wasn't familiar with, but the author (Six) definitely did a good job of providing background story, that didn't bog down the story in anyway but just came about organically as the characters mused on things, and talked with each other, so i wasn't truly lost. And i did like Rhys a lot, she's great, but I felt because i missed her previous book that i may have lost some of the omg i know them and love them that i got with the previous characters.

And omg I loved revisiting with Trainman, East genesis Project and Arabella. These three authors have crafted such amazing, multi faceted characters. The cast is large (i mean it does span the authors three different universes after all) but at no time did any characters' personality get lost in the shuffle. Each character has such distinct voice you just sit there going yes, omg of course they'd think or say that.

I found myself, chuckling alot. You have all these kids in the same space for all this time, things are gonna get ridiculously hilarious. And feelsyyyy.

This book sealed it for me: Gabe and Fi were my fave couple. Together they had some of my favourite scenes (that towel scene *cough*) Their banter is just so easy and fun and i'm sure by now everyone knows how much I looove good banter between characters, especially the MC and LI. Gabriel cares for her sooo much (cries forever)

And the music in this. My word, the music is a huge character in it's own way, sweeping throughout, mixing, blending these three universes, it's the thing that ties all these characters together after all, making this crossover so darn epic and I just loove it ok. The songs chapters, i love them so much and damn the talent of these three authors just blows me away, seriously.

And the friendshiiiiiiiips. So wonderful, as wonderful as all those glistening abs that were on display all over the place (thanks for this beach setting lol) Finally, we get Fi, Ana and Jill in the same space. I love the guys but hells yehhh female friendship foreverrr.

Ok, this is getting long and gushy, but before i wrap up: That ending? The thank yous from the members of each band. The afterparty? Thumbs up for everything, cackles forever

The one mystery, though: Those condom promo dudes, what even??? >.> they were hilarious but the end had me feelings just has drunk as Gabe/Miki and Isaiah LOL

Also: never forget the Shinta standee. Read to make sense of this statement.

highly recommend this one (after you read the books mentioned above of course :)

Oh! one more thing, even though Yihwan still got on my nerves, I do hope he finds is HEA someday. I want stories for all the remaining boys