
My Summer of Love by S.A. Collins

saraannasofia's review

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*whispers* yooo what the fuck?

When you spend the first half of the book just waiting for the main character to realize how toxic and problematic the relationship was you just know that this is one clusterfuck of a book. There seemed no rhyme no reason to all the details he mentioned on and on over ten pages, except to delay the time character Marco Sforza would appear… which I can’t help wonder why as the characters swiftly declare their love to each other. Part of the appeal, in a romance, is to see the characters fall in love; this never happens in My Summer of Love.

Not to mention that Marco is a stalker and honestly a bit creepy. It would've been such a good read if it progressed in the fashion that Elliot would've realized what was going on and left him. If this had been a book about Elliot finding new love after Marco I would've liked this more, but this was not how the story progressed and the storytelling of this book was so intense when it came to the romance that this was almost how I expected the book to end up. But no, that was not the case.

Marco followed and spied on Elliot for two whole years; he knows his habits, his schedule and he’s planned out their life; he is bossy and he does not hesitate to teach Elliot a lesson through rough sex when he disagrees or to coerce him into dubious consent when he hesitates. I kept on hoping the narrator would wake up and see how toxic this is; but that, too, never happens.

The intensity of the relationship between the two main characters was too over-the-top for me, unrealistic and made me feel quite uncomfortable. It certainly wasn't written as a healthy relationship - in spite of the constant references to them being "normal teenage boys" who just expected to have sex all the time. I found it difficult to believe that two teenage boys would be discussing marriage, a house and children the first week they were together.

martifeliciani's review

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The cover and the title of this book are misleading. This is a coming of age story, a book about coming out in a town that has its principles written in stone. This is the reason I requested the book in the first place I thought it would be similar to The Scarecrow & George C, which I loved, but it wasn’t. I was annoyed about many (Almost all) decisions the characters made. The story was compelling at parts, but it mostly felt boring. As I said, the title is misleading. You think the book will be fluffy and fun and a quick read, but it’s not. The writing was good in my opinion, and the characters could have been great. I gave this one 2.5/5 stars (maybe 2, I keep going back and forth).

fca12's review

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This is one of those books that I don’t feel qualified to review. I am not the intended audience. As a queer woman, I often enjoy gay & m/m romance but I think this book is written for gay men. I think that’s why I couldn’t appreciate a lot of the style/plot choices. The book features an instalove romance, which I don’t generally like. The narrator also spends a lot of on pop culture references and random tangents, and so the pacing is very up and down. But if you’re looking for a very instrospective, very unique romance then this might be for you.

charkinzie's review

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I really wanted to like this book. I loved the description and the first 20 or so pages. Interesting premise. What would it be like if someone showed up out of the blue telling you that they had loved you for two years? But, sadly I couldn't stick with this book. I stopped reading about 1/3 of the way in.

The intensity of the relationship between the two main characters was too over-the-top for me, unrealistic and made me feel quite uncomfortable. It certainly wasn't written as a healthy relationship - in spite of the constant references to them being "normal teenage boys" who just expected to have sex all the time. I found it difficult to believe that two teenage boys would be discussing marriage, a house and children the first week they were together.

I stopped reading about the time that they began having a discussion about "Supernatural" and one of the characters from the show. It pulled me out of the story completely and I got the feeling I was reading fanfiction rather than a novel! Sorry!

moonykitten's review

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DNF: 6%
Just nope.
This book wasn't for me, i didn't tollerate any of the characters or how the story progressed.
That ship was not for me, sadly. I expected more and maybe different for this.