
Fire Witch by Matt Ralphs

scoutfinch75's review against another edition

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If you have read Fire Girl then you love Hazel and Bramley as much as I do, and now they're back and their adventure has become even more exciting and dangerous!

Hazel's mum Hectate has been kidnapped by a demon and taken to the underworld, and it's up to our brave heroine to save her. There's only one person who can help her, her sworn enemy Nicholas Murrell who summoned the demon to begin with, but he's a prisoner of the Order of Witch Hunter's.

Our brave Fire Witch disguises herself as a boy and joins the Order of Witch Hunter's... will she succeed, or will they find out that one of their apprentices is actually a powerful witch?

I absolutely adored Fire Girl and was desperate to rejoin Hazel on her adventures. Fire Witch does not disappoint, in fact I'd say Matt Ralphs has surpassed all expectations and this book is sublime!

On receiving an early copy I must admit to screaming a little and hugging the book for a moment or two and then, I disappeared from this world as I found myself in London in 1656 at the height of the Witch Trials accompanying Hazel on her hazardous journey.

Bramley once again provides us with much needed comic relief as we race through this fast paced, magical tale. Titus takes on the role of a father figure as he realises that he cares for Hazel much more than he lets on and more characters both good and bad find themselves embroiled in our story.

So, prepare yourself for a gripping adventure and grab yourself a copy of Fire Witch!

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Originally posted on my blog

ashortbooklover's review against another edition

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Hazel Hooper isn’t your normal teenager. She is a Fire Witch and she is furious. Ever since her mother, Hecate, sacrificed herself to the demon world in order to stop a literal invasion of Hell on Earth, Hazel has been determined to get her back. No matter what it costs.

So she starts on a dangerous path with only her sarcastic and grumpy familiar, Bramley at her side. Her only way to find her mother is to seek advice from Nicholas Murrel, the man responsible for Hecate’s sacrifice. She must disguise herself as a boy and infiltrate the corrupted black heart of the Order of Witch Hunters in order to find him. But can Nicholas be trusted?

This story is perfect for younger teenagers, looking for a bit of danger mixed in with the standard teenage romance. The blend of never really knowing that Hazel’s friends and foes are really what they seem also helps this book stand out from the same-old teenage fare. It is set in an alternative England where magic is real and so are the demons that some witches summon.

From the first sentence you are drawn into this mystical world of familiars and magic, along with the intrigue and danger that lurks in the shadows.

Fire Witch by Matt Ralphs is a continuation of the Fire Girl series and was hotly anticipated by those in the know within YA. This kind of build-up is hard to top but overall Fire Witch delivers.