
Defiance: A Significance Novel by Shelly Crane

piper9004's review

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This review originally appears on What Am I Reading?

Rate: 5

I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to Maggie and Caleb's relationship. Every time I think they can't get any cuter or more perfect, Caleb and Maggie do something that surprises me and raises the relationship bar. The way that they tackled everything thrown at them during the reunification was amazing. Defiance was so good I'm not too surprised that it has over 10,000 5-star ratings. Since the main reason I loved Defiance was Caleb and Maggie's relationship's stability, I'm going to (attempt to) explain why I enjoyed their relationship so much when I'm normally not a fan of romance.

Two (2) Reasons Why Caleb and Maggie are OTP

1. They are as sweet as *insert favorite dessert, I'm going to go with chocolate chip cookies.* Caleb and Maggie, especially Caleb, say the sweetest things to each other. They are like the definition of romantic. Not only do they confess their love in profound ways, but they also know how to verbalize their admiration for the other person's strengths. For example, Caleb isn't shy about telling Maggie how amazing she is when she uses her powers to get them out of tough situations or explain things to people. Besides being sweet in their verbal interactions, Caleb and Maggie are also sweet in their physical interactions. Even though Caleb and Maggie have to touch often because of the significance bond, they aren't always groping each other, which is different from how most teens are described in YA nowadays. For every bit of sexiness Daemon and Katy show in the Lux series, Caleb and Maggie show sweetness and cuteness in the Significance series. (If you haven't read the Lux series, it is also an awesome series and you should give it a try.)

2. They have a healthy relationship. When Crane first described the significance bond, I expected Caleb and Maggie's relationship to flow like Edward and Bella's from Twilight. I was afraid that the story would suck because Caleb and Maggie were so dependent upon each other. But that didn't happen. Sure there are parts that are a bit annoying because they have to touch often and their significant becomes their top priority clouding their judgment. But for the most part, especially as they settle into their relationship, Caleb and Maggie's relationship becomes healthier because not only can they go a little longer without touching, but also they allow the other person to be independent and be his/herself. Another healthy part of Caleb and Maggie's relationship is that they both have their moments of vulnerability where they can turn to their partner for comfort. In most book relationships, the man has to be strong and the woman can break down whenever she pleases and turn to her partner for comfort. However, in Defiance, Maggie is there for Caleb and he can cry into her shoulder without her telling him to "man up." I just like that Caleb and Maggie can turn to each other without Caleb having to be the strong one 24/7.

mckinzimeans's review

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This review is going to be a bit different than my normal reviews. See when I started this series I went all in and had Significance, Accordance, Defiance, Reverence, and Independence read within a week. Because I read them so back to back, I am not doing a book by book review. I guess it is just easier this way. *Note: If you have not read all of the books listed above, there will be spoilers because I am review them as a whole. Spoilers and all.*

This whole series takes place in several different locations but it starts in a small town that I don't, off the top of my head, remember the name off. (If you know what it is, could you leave the name in the comments down below.) Then in the second book, the location moves to California then...

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justenjoy's review

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Well, this was one rollercoaster of actions and heart ache and me gripping the pages trying to read quicker than I actually can. I feel like in this book all of the characters have found their way a bit more. Maggie, especially, is accepting her role in this community more and more and I love that she finally stands on her own instead of having people push her around. And to have Caleb at her side makes it all the more beautiful. We got some new plot developments and some secrets were revealed which I hope will be dug in even deeper in the next book. It is absolutely crazy that these three books have only a time span of three weeks. It feels like years already.

Crane's writing is very vivid though and it honestly felt like I was with the characters in the book. They just couldn’t catch a break and it was one thing happening after the other.

I absolutely love that Caleb and Maggie stay together no matter what is thrown their way. They are strong and even more stronger together. Really looking forward to the next book.

mirificmoxie's review

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2 Stars

By Book 3 of this series, I was seriously loosing patience. This series went from cute and fun to sickeningly saccharine. The characters were insipid. The plot was basic and boring and had massive holes in it.
SpoilerSeriously, she could have just shown everyone her vision in the first place and the rest of the plot would have been taken care of instead of having to trudge through all that boring and pointless filler. And the whole uniqueness of having a soulmate completely loses power when one person dies and Maggie is able to manipulate someone to replace him as the other girl's soulmate with barely a blink of an eye. Nope, you just destroyed the whole construct. If soulmates can be replaced so easily, then they aren't soulmates.
The story dragged on and on. The romance lost all its appeal. The whole thing was angsty. Their relationship went from cute to enmeshed and creepy. The approach to the physical side of their relationship was also off-putting. And Maggie took Special Snowflake Syndrome to a whole other level of nauseating.

Ease of Reading: 3 Stars
Writing Style: 2 Stars
Characters: 2 Stars
Plot Structure and Development: 1 Star
Level of Captivation: 2 Stars
Originality: 2 Stars