
Control by Kim Curran

michalice's review against another edition

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Being a book hoarder and having an ever growing TBR pile makes it so much easier for me to finish books without the huge wait for each new installment. I picked up Shift and Control together, with the intention of reading them before attending YALC. That plan failed spectacularly, but it also meant I could tackle this duo together, and have the next one waiting in my hands.

Going into a second book in a series is always risky. You never know if it will live up to your expectations or completely let you down. With Control there was not a single speck of doubt in my mind, the minute you start you are thrown back into Scott's world with a bang. It's high action, fast paced, and doesn't let you stop till the very last page.

Control picks up short time after shift. After the events that happened in Shift, ARES now has a new person in charge, and Scott and Aubrey have the job of hunting down the subjects of Project Ganymede and taking them into custody, this job also earns Scott the nickname 'Pylon' which I thought was hilarious, The shifting world has gone crazy, and with Scott's ability to remember the shifts and events that have been changed, you are able to experience the craziness of the shifts, feel the loss of friends and loved ones along with him.

The more I read these books the more I find myself falling into the world and I find it hard to come back out again. I love how the characters still seem real, and are likeable, even with this ability that they have. I think Kim has done a great job of making the average teenager super, without making them unapproachable. I love how Scott still makes mistakes, that he isn't perfect, but that he tries to do the right thing.

I love the twists that Kim has put into place with Control, the new characters, the added twist to make it harder for ARES, especially Scott. The ending, what an ending it was. I couldn't believe what I was reading, I wanted to throw the book across the room with what I had read!!!!!

Final Verdict
Control is just as amazing as Shift was, and I am also so happy to be able to read the next book now without the huge wait I would have had to endure.

leah_reads's review against another edition

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I really, really, really enjoyed this book! The first book in the Shift series was incredibly captivating and Control just furthered this for me. It was full of action, tension, emotions and I was immediately sucked into the story. It's frustrating to have to wait for the third book, Delete. It ended on such a cliff hanger! Kim Curran has introduced me (and got me addicted) to reading from a male point of view. As I think I mentioned in my review of Shift, it is so refreshing to have a change in the narrators gender. It gives an entirely new perspective to events and allows me to explore things from a masculine point of view.

Curran creates an entirely eerie world. Having the ability to shift sounds wonderful, but this novel displays the dangers of it and how easy it is to become reliant upon a gift that is soon to run out. Control follows the path of Scott and Aubrey as they attempt to find the final member of Project Ganymede. Their journey is adventurous, at times incredibly unnerving and so cleverly plotted that I couldn't put the book down. I was ready to feel disappointed with the ending of one of the villains of the book until the very final bit. Did NOT see that coming!

Something that is incredibly refreshing about this series is that, despite some grotesque characters and actions, it does make for a fun read. The humour continues in this book and I loved seeing the relationships roll out between the characters. They all feel like characters that we all know and can place in our own lives. Despite the ability to Shift, the characters are still normal children/ teenagers and it is great to see that Curran doesn't change this. There is still the jealousy, love and tension amongst characters and so much loyalty to each other. Scott and Aubrey's relationship is put to the test and there are so many things which just keep us guessing throughout the novel!

I loved the vulnerability of Scott. I love that he isn't an all macho man, despite his best efforts at times. I love that he tries to do right, but I love that he has flaws. His relationship with his little sister is amazing and I am hoping that we get to see more of this in the next book. If you have yet to read Shift, what are you waiting for? These books aren't my usual cup of tea but I am so glad to have picked them up!

leontiy's review against another edition

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Copied from Jet Black Ink:

Sometimes after reading a book, for whatever reason, I end up wanting to lower the rating. It’s not always a strictly negative decrease, in fact, in this particular case, it’s because I enjoyed Control more than I enjoyed Shift, which I awarded five-stars at the time. Needless to say, the fact that I both enjoyed the sequel more, yet wanted to award it a four-star rating sends mixed signals following the higher rating. So, whilst I’m not going to physically edit the review of Shift to indicate this, or change the review text on Amazon and Goodreads, I am going to continue on in this review of Control stating that: Shift now is rated 3.75 stars, and that, as indicated by the pretty little stars at the top, Control is a four-star review.

As it happens, I really enjoyed Control, which actually offered a very different kind of experience from the first Scott Tyler book. It wasn’t especially surprising – in fact, it was somewhat predictable – but it was somehow far more enjoyable than Shift. There were a few niggles, but I’ll address those later.

Ultimately, Control continues the story of Scott Tyler in much the way I hoped it would: by focusing on his life and role in ARES and the aftermath of Shift. I didn’t want so much an immediate aftermath as I did a “few months later” kind of offering, and this was more or less precisely what I got. I also wanted a focus on Scott and Aubrey, because I wanted a way for her to feel less irrelevant.

It’s funny that when you look back on a book, whilst awaiting the next, you realise which characters you remember and those you tend to gloss over. Aubrey is one of those. Firstly, I have a slightly difficult time being happy with the fact that Aubrey is essentially the only “alternative” teenager in the story (a point made about her “dyed hair” as though it’s something different, her boots), as well as the fact that she, as the only alternative teen, is the one who smokes. It all feels a bit like an attempt to create an edgy “rock chick”, without really hitting the spot at all. Aubrey is the independent teen who lives alone, and so naturally she’s the one with the rebellious streak. Didn’t like that.

What’s more, I felt that this made Scott’s Yes, Sir; No, Sir attitude stand out more, making him into a bit of a boring protagonist when push comes to shove. It felt as though he had more of a personality in Shift. But then I don’t warm well to characters who take everything at face value, and sometimes this is Scott Tyler up and down. Too trusting and not complicated enough. A little too Thor when I want some Loki. Scott seems not to be complex enough at times.

But his personality serves the story, that much is true.

Basically, I’m not attached to Aubrey or Scott. I’m just not – and this from the guy who gets attached to the most minor characters ever. But what I read Kim Curran’s books for is the setting and the set-up. There’s not nearly enough YA SFF that offers up an investigative streak; and I love investigation and almost-detectivework.

There feels like just enough science fiction cut with just enough government agency work to keep me interested. Of course, the whole premise of the book is enough to keep me there: ultimately I’m here for the Shifting, aren’t I? I think I am.

But the point is that I’m still here. And that I really love these books. They’re like the teen movies that I watch on my sister’s NetFlix, bringing down her cool rep. In fact, I stand by the opinion that of all the YA books I’ve read, the Scott Tyler books would make the translation into movie form most effortlessly.

Given the negative aspects I’ve whined about, it probably doesn’t seem as though Control was a four-star book - but it really was. I enjoyed the story, the telling of it, and the surprises along the way, even if they were predictable. The ending wasn’t as surprising as I thought, given the pacing of the book and the lack of true resolution leading up to it: something big was going to happen. In fact, it had to happen.

And it did.

I’m…uncertain as to how much I’ll really enjoy the set-up of the third book, since it veers towards subject matter that I don’t usually enjoy. But I’ll still read it, because ultimately I really enjoy the concept. I wish the minor characters were more 3D and that there were more of them, since the cast feels very lacking.

Again, this all sounds so negative. Basically Control is fun. Maybe because it doesn’t take itself too seriously it misses a few points that I generally look for, and the way teens are portrayed doesn’t resonate with me, but it was a bloody fun book. And there’s nothing wrong with that, and certainly no reason to award a lower rating. It deserves the four stars, absolutely.

It was better than Shift because it was slicker, cooler and altogether more fluid in both concept, execution and what it set out to do. It was a very quick, very smooth read, the kind you pick up, whiz through, and put down satisfied at the end. I’m not hooked on the series, but Curran’s books are certainly titles that, as soon as they land, I’ll be reading them. They’re like snacks: quick and enjoyable, in and of themselves. Like a good chocolate bar, your expectations don’t rise any higher than enjoying the taste and the experience of taking five and having a damn good nibble. That’s what reading Control was like, and anything that compares metaphorically to chocolate can’t be bad.

It’s refreshing to have YA books that are just fun to read. Because sometimes, that’s all you want to do. Control was so utterly yummy that you should pre-order it immediately (and buy some chocolate to go with it!).

leah_reads's review against another edition

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I really, really, really enjoyed this book! The first book in the Shift series was incredibly captivating and Control just furthered this for me. It was full of action, tension, emotions and I was immediately sucked into the story. It's frustrating to have to wait for the third book, Delete. It ended on such a cliff hanger! Kim Curran has introduced me (and got me addicted) to reading from a male point of view. As I think I mentioned in my review of Shift, it is so refreshing to have a change in the narrators gender. It gives an entirely new perspective to events and allows me to explore things from a masculine point of view.

Curran creates an entirely eerie world. Having the ability to shift sounds wonderful, but this novel displays the dangers of it and how easy it is to become reliant upon a gift that is soon to run out. Control follows the path of Scott and Aubrey as they attempt to find the final member of Project Ganymede. Their journey is adventurous, at times incredibly unnerving and so cleverly plotted that I couldn't put the book down. I was ready to feel disappointed with the ending of one of the villains of the book until the very final bit. Did NOT see that coming!

Something that is incredibly refreshing about this series is that, despite some grotesque characters and actions, it does make for a fun read. The humour continues in this book and I loved seeing the relationships roll out between the characters. They all feel like characters that we all know and can place in our own lives. Despite the ability to Shift, the characters are still normal children/ teenagers and it is great to see that Curran doesn't change this. There is still the jealousy, love and tension amongst characters and so much loyalty to each other. Scott and Aubrey's relationship is put to the test and there are so many things which just keep us guessing throughout the novel!

I loved the vulnerability of Scott. I love that he isn't an all macho man, despite his best efforts at times. I love that he tries to do right, but I love that he has flaws. His relationship with his little sister is amazing and I am hoping that we get to see more of this in the next book. If you have yet to read Shift, what are you waiting for? These books aren't my usual cup of tea but I am so glad to have picked them up!

tsana's review

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Control by Kim Curran is the sequel to Shift which I reviewed last year. I also recently posted an interview with the author to celebrate the launch of this book. You can read it here. Incidentally, if you haven't read the first book, I suggest you do before reading Control, as it's really the kind of series that requires linearity.

Control opens with Scott and Aubrey cleaning up the mess they uncovered at the end of the first book, tracking down the people who had been involved in a dodgy operation they uncovered. In the course of events, they (well mostly Scott, since Aubrey can't remember past timelines) uncover bigger problems with the state of the world. And being super-powered teenagers, of course they try to fix them. And by-golly does this one have an excellent ending. (Consequences: they are things that exist.)

One of my major qualms with Shift was that it was not complex enough in terms of taking advantage of the crazy stuff that could be done with changing timelines. Control does a much better job of this. There is much more weird and slightly confusing (in a good way) stuff going on. In the first book a lot of the focus was on Scott's shifting abilities but in Control, because he can remember past timelines, other people's shifts come into play with much more significance. I appreciated the added complexity. (A possible trade-off is there were two small continuity errors which bugged me a little but which weren't important enough to ruin the story for me.)

The new villain was much better than the first book's villain, partly because being fat wasn't part of their evil ick factor and partly because there were (eventually) shades of grey to their choices. And I do like me some shades of grey. Also the nature of the villain allowed the author to introduce some interesting minor characters with unique shifting abilities or quirks, which helped to flesh out that aspect of the world-building.

One of these minor characters was trans and while their situation was definitely interesting, it was also problematic and might annoy some readers. I don't feel qualified to comment further, but you have been warned.

Overall, Control was a fun, action-packed read. I enjoyed it more than the first book and I would definitely recommend it to readers who enjoyed Shift. I am eagerly awaiting the final book in the series, which should be out next year.

4 / 5 stars

You can read more of my reviews on my blog.