
A Little Bit of Everything Lost by Stephanie Elliot

susanthebookbag's review

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I have read everything that Stephanie has published, The Cell Phone Lot, What She Left Us, and now A Little Bit of Everything Lost. I thoroughly enjoyed her previous books and they were a nice preview of the potential of what was to come. And I just have to say that she just keeps getting better and better!

A Little Bit of Everything Lost takes us on an emotional, sometimes heart-wrenching journey as we go back and forth between the teen years and the adult lives of best friends, Marnie and Collette. We get to experience the friendship they have, the young love that is there for the taking, and the very adult, tough decision that is made for the right reason.

'"What am I going to do?" Marnie said, more to herself than to Collette. "What you've wanted to do all these years, I suppose." Collette said. "I have to see him." Colette nodded. "I have to tell him."'

I love how the story went back and forth from the past, to the more recent past, and to the present. It was a wonderful way to experience the feelings and emotions of that particular time in the past and to understand what it all means to the present day Marnie.

'Too much of what was supposed to be there went missing. She didn't know when it was lost, or what exactly had been lost, but the busyness of regular life seemed to heave its way into whatever it was that it used to be, and now there was no room for anything else. Hardly any room to breathe most days.'

'She wanted to make things better, but she didn't know how to fix everything that they had lost.'

A Little Bit of Everything Lost is a look about how interconnected our past is with our present, and our future. All of those decisions and choices we have made and will make, impact and influence our lives forever. We just need to try to put them into perspective and go on from there.

'Because Marnie knew that with everything that had happened recently in her life, she had to confront her past to make peace with the present.'

I can hardly wait to see what Stephanie has in store for us next. She has become a 'must-read' author for me with a special place on my bookshelves, both virtual and physical. I will be anxiously awaiting her next book!

'Then she raised one eyebrow, cocked her head, and stared cold and hard at Marnie. "Have you ever made lemonade?"'

And let me tell you, after reading this book, you will never think of lemonade in the same way.

kmmi_booklover's review

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I really enjoyed this book and could not put it down. A Little Bit of Everything Lost is a story of Marnie's first love at age 19 and the loss of that love. It switches back and forth between Marnie at 19 when she first met Joe and Marnie 15 years later married to Stuart with two boys. This book deals with some very difficult topics. Some of it maybe uncomfortable for some readers depending on their personal experiences and beliefs. I thought it was very well done. Stephanie Elliot is a fine writer and I will be looking for more from her.