
Love in the Friend Zone by Molly E. Lee

jennahack's review against another edition

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DNF: I got through 30% and still didn’t give a crap about the two main characters or if they get together. No sense in wasting my time on this one.

bananatricky's review against another edition

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DNF at 49%

Braylen and Fynn (yep, that's their names) have been BFFs for years. She writes for the school paper and he takes the photographs. They shared a kiss once a few years ago at a party but both agreed it was a mistake and have been firmly in the friends zone ever since. School has ended and Braylen is off to college 2,000 miles away but Fynn is undecided. The story centres around the lead up to and attendance at a party to celebrate the end of school. Fynn has asked his BFF to help him get a date with Katy "Killer Boobs" (shoot me now) and Bray has agreed to help even though she has been in love with Fynn ever since that kiss.

I accept that I am a 50 year old woman reading a book aimed at teenagers (and young teenagers at that) but I have read plenty and loved them (sometimes I think it is because they are so sweet) but Bray and Fynn are just so determinedly oblivious to the other's feelings, despite everyone around them seeing the blindingly obvious that it got tedious.

I tried really hard but Fynn and Bray were just those kind of intellectual (yet hot) but stupid kids that really irritate, Bray is a nerd (because she wears Darth Vader t-shirts) but really hot but no-one realises she is hot until she wears a bikini or tight jeans? And don't get me started on Flynn's moralising about how Bray doesn't need to dress up because she's beautiful just as she is - wonderful sentiment if he hadn't had his eyeballs on stalks at the same time! There's the obligatory hot, mean girl and the jock and the ritchie-rich kid - it was all so predictable.

Anyway, it also really reminded me of the 1987 film Some Kind of Wonderful.

Sorry, just not for me.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

jackielizn's review against another edition

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One of my all time favorite types of romance to read is friends to lovers. There is just something about best friends falling for each other that gives you all the swoons and Molly captured this in the book perfectly. The slow burn between Braylen and Fynn was very well written.

I think that the portrayal of teenagers in this book was done very well also. I am in my early thirties now but still remember what it was like to be a teen and in high school and this book was very realistic in showing that age in the characters.

I was hooked to this book from the start and am really interested to see what is going to happen next. The main characters were enjoyable and I also liked the secondary ones as well.

lenoreo's review

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4 stars -- I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

I don't know what it was about this book, but I just kind of loved it.  Was it flawless?  Nope.  But I loved all the little things that surprised and delighted me along the way.  And despite the times I wanted to smack them both, I really kind of loved both Braylen and Fynn.  They were a bit oblivious, but such is the nature of many a friends-to-lovers story.

All of the characters in this book very much felt their age.  I kind of liked that.  So often you read young adult novels and they're just not believably 18, you know?  I don't mind that either, but I do like variety.  And the book takes place over one night (basically), and mostly at a house party that honestly sounded like a fairly realistic house party...not that I've ever been to any like that.  But there were reckless decisions made, poor choices, and a lot of immaturity, but it was often in the background.  And while my poor heart hated seeing, for example, the drunk driving stunt, I realize that this happens in real life.  All this to say, this one towed the line between young adult and mature young adult, so be warned on content.

As I said above, I kind of loved both Braylen and Fynn.  I loved how authentic they both felt...towing the nerdy line without being total social outcasts (I can vibe with that).  A bit more on the innocent side of the high school spectrum.  And I loved how their passions really came into play in their personalities...I loved that Braylen's journalistic tendancies and Fynn's photographer tendancies weren't just throwaway characteristics, but you could see their minds spinning in those directions occasionally (either with story ideas for Bray, or seeing shots for Fynn).

And I loved the way they interacted with each other.  You could really feel how well they complemented one another, and how they genuinely cared for the other.  I didn't once doubt that they were truly best friends, regardless of Bray's secret love for Fynn and Fynn's obliviousness.  I know some may have a problem with Fynn's obliviousness, but sometimes people choose to see what they want to see, you know?  They convince themselves of something SO MUCH that nothing can sway them.

And can I just say that while I had to wait for it, I really did feel their "more than friends" chemistry as well?  Bonus when I actually buy the transition from friends to more.

As with many a friends-to-lovers story, this one did get bogged down in a bit of repetitiveness with the "I should tell him", "No I shouldn't", "The Universe is telling me something", "Why am I feeling this way about her suddenly?", etc.  It happens.  It was drawn out a bit longer than I had hoped, so despite all the other things I loved, it accounts for the full star loss in my rating.  I also got a bit tired of the convenient interruptions, but at least the author tried to make them look natural, so it was kind of a wash.

But there were a lot of other little things that I really ended up enjoying.  I loved seeing the other stories weave in and out of this book.  I could totally see the setup for at least 2 other stories, and I'm so happy that it looks like I'm going to get them!  I loved that Katy was a bit more dimensional than I was anticipating.  I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and the stereotypical mean girl crap, but I was pleasantly surprised.  Ms. Lee managed to make her "not the one" without making her completely horrible.  And I LOVED Blondie Bear, aka Randy.  He was such a strange character, but I really loved what he added to the story.  Is it too much to ask for his story as well??

So yeah.  This book was by no means perfect, but I loved it despite its flaws.  Characters I loved (including secondary ones) and who felt realistic will always put it over the top for me.

jaimereadsromance's review

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Sweet, easy read

I don’t know why this is my first time reading a book by this author. I see her books on my timeline ALL the time. Now I know why.

This was a good, fun YA story with realistic high school characters. Flynn was oblivious and Braylen was frustrating, but it felt right for their age group and maturity level. I was a BIG fan of Randy, how lucky for Braylen to have stumbled, literally, into him early on. Katy was the typical “popular” character you expect to find in YA stories, even when she was being nice, she was shady.

I liked this story for exactly what it was. A light-hearted, fun friends to lovers story and I will absolutely be reading more from Molly E. Lee.

andiabcs's review

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That was so flipping cute! It was reminiscent of Can't Hardly Wait but with some small twists. The miscommunication killed me but made the end all the more worth it. Can't wait to read book 2 and I really hope there is a third for another couple from this party that went MIA. Review to come.

bookishalison's review

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5 laugh out loud stars

I completely devoured this book. I read it in one sitting. I had moments where I was laughing uncontrollably and moments where I was frustrated with the male character. Well after I put the book down I would think of a line from the book and laugh out loud which earned me some strange looks.

Fynn and Braylen stole my heart. I loved them, I felt for them, especially Braylen. And I was rooting for them from the beginning. I become Braylen's cheerleader!

I loved the whole setting, I wanted to be there, I wanted to party with them. I could totally see this story being a movie and I would love to watch it!

I can't wait for book two!

*I was provided an arc through netgalley by the publisher for an honest review*

wilde_parker_bibliophile's review

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I really liked the romance and thought that the storyline was fun, however I felt that it ended a bit abruptly and I would’ve liked to see a little more at the end.

brinchen's review

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4 Stars

I've only ever read the Love on the Edge books by Molly E. Lee which is why I was really excited to dive into this Young Adult novel. I was excited to see if Molly could pull of something less dangerous and she absolutely did.
Her Young Adult debut was super cute and so much fun to read about. I really liked the main characaters, Braylen and Fynn.
I also liked the concept of this book which was different but still cool. There are not very many books that play out within only 12 hours. It was the perfect fit for Love in the Friend Zone though.

denizyildiz's review

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3.5 Stars
Wonderful cute & fluffy.
Just what I felt for