boobooks's review

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I stumbled upon this book on a display shelf a bit ironically at the City Library. Its size too hides the enormity and challenge of the journey inside as Janette and Andrew head of from Cairns to cycle around Australia - in the wrong direction, as the headwinds of the book's title constantly remind them.

At first you think such a trip insane - most people think doing it by car is adventure enough - but Bain quickly shows on two wheels is the better way to appreciate the best and worst of this country. The amount of detail taken in during such a ride could have made for a much longer book however I think Bain manages a nice balance between the challenges and practicalities of the journey itself, the towns, places and natural wonders they see as well as the history and stories of places they pass through. The maps at the start of each section are also a great addition.

I also enjoyed the excerpts detailing the adventure of Arthur Richardson, the first person either brave and/or crazy enough to cycle around Australia, about 100 years before this couple accomplished it. I loved too the amazing kind of mobile community I never knew was out there that is revealed through the couple's encounters with fellow cycle tourists and motorists (at least the ones who didn't try to run them off the road or throw cans at them) with the bush telegraph carrying their news of each other across the distances.

I'd always thought it would be good to drive around Australia one day, but this book makes me feel like you'd be really missing something doing it by four wheels instead of two.