
The Caller by Tara Lyons, M.A. Comley

sarahs_bookish_life's review against another edition

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The Caller is the first book in a brand new crime series following The Organised Crime Team.

The authors have spent a bit of time allowing the reader to get to know the characters in the team so that we have a bit of background for each of the characters. It is a great introduction to the characters and I very much look forward to what the future holds for them all.

I really enjoyed the story line and how the criminals go about getting into peoples houses as the whole thing is more than plausible and also very scary. It certainly will make me more wary in future.

The attacks on the female home owners are extremely brutal and probably not for the more faint hearted of readers. My heart really went out to the victims and I couldn’t wait for the team to realise who was behind it all and catch them.

There are quite a few characters in the team, which some stand out more than others, though I’m sure as the series progresses they will all take their turn at being more in the limelight as they all play different roles within the team and specialise in different areas.

Angie is a great team leader, though seems to take risks that maybe she shouldn’t. I have a feeling that things will never be boring with her in charge!

The Caller is a good and solid starting point for what looks set to being a very promising new crime series. It certainly makes for a tense read that increases in speed the further into the novel you get. I certainly can’t wait to see what other cases the team get to work on and look forward to being able to follow their journey.

Many thanks to the authors for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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The Caller is the first book in a brand new crime series following The Organised Crime Team.

The authors have spent a bit of time allowing the reader to get to know the characters in the team so that we have a bit of background for each of the characters. It is a great introduction to the characters and I very much look forward to what the future holds for them all.

I really enjoyed the story line and how the criminals go about getting into peoples houses as the whole thing is more than plausible and also very scary. It certainly will make me more wary in future.

The attacks on the female home owners are extremely brutal and probably not for the more faint hearted of readers. My heart really went out to the victims and I couldn’t wait for the team to realise who was behind it all and catch them.

There are quite a few characters in the team, which some stand out more than others, though I’m sure as the series progresses they will all take their turn at being more in the limelight as they all play different roles within the team and specialise in different areas.

Angie is a great team leader, though seems to take risks that maybe she shouldn’t. I have a feeling that things will never be boring with her in charge!

The Caller is a good and solid starting point for what looks set to being a very promising new crime series. It certainly makes for a tense read that increases in speed the further into the novel you get. I certainly can’t wait to see what other cases the team get to work on and look forward to being able to follow their journey.

Many thanks to the authors for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

clair_82's review

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I have not previously read any books from MA Comley or Tara Lyons so I am now so pleased to have discovered them both and will definitely be reading more. I really enjoyed this book, The Caller is the first in the Organised Crime Team series. It isn’t for the feint hearted though, there is swearing and violence, however these are not used gratuitously, they bring the characters to life and do add to the story….what gang doesn’t use profanities!

The Caller opens with a prologue of Tyler and Malc deceiving a woman into giving them her address and allowing them into her home with the pretence of a parcel delivery. They enter her home to steal valuables however Tyler takes it way too far! We are then introduced to Duke as the prologue is an initiation exercise into the gang, Streetlife. The gang is headed up by Duke following the killing of the previous head, Leroy who was Duke’s father figure. As a result, Duke is trying to increase his gang numbers to avenge Leroy’s death by a rival gang.

The Organised Crime Team (or the OCT) is a new team set up to attempt to rid the London streets of organised crime, headed up by DI Angie North who has been promoted into the role by DCI Raymond Channing. Channing has assembled the team and they are all strangers to one another so are all starting on an equal footing. Their first investigation is the murder of two women in their own homes with similar MOs.

Comley and Lyons have done very well in creating an entertaining and gripping storyline combined with the introduction of characters and setting. I thought the introduction of the team was well done, introducing themselves to not only each other but also to the reader. I enjoyed the dynamic of the different characters through their differing backgrounds and expertise.

I particularly liked Angie North, she’s welcoming, warm and it’s clear that what you see is what you get. She has time for each of her team on an individual basis and seems like a very fair person to work for and alongside. Angie is also a family woman, comes from a loving marriage to Warren and they have a 14 year old son. It’s refreshing to see a female character who is succeeding in both her career and her personal life. Whilst Warren has his own business, he is also very supportive of Angie and her career.

Comley and Lyons have succeeded in making The Caller flow, there is no hint of the fact that the story has been written by two authors. It is full of pace and tension, I really got involved in the story and felt part of the team. I look forward to reading more from these authors, both individually and as a paring, and I look forward to more investigations from the OCT!

I kindly received a copy of the book from the authors in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

emmasmart82's review

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loved this book and will definitely be reading more from this author and will definitely recommend this book and author to people.

leona_omahony's review

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What a brilliant book by Ms Comley & Ms Lyons. I loved it and read it in one sitting. This is Book 1 in the series about the Organised Crime Team who are based in London and led by DI Angie North. We are introduced to all the team and the parts they all play in the unit. At times I actually felt I was there with them all so real were the characters portrayed. I received an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

bibliophilebookclub's review

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The Caller is the first in the Organised Crime Team series by the duo and it was a very interesting read. I hadn’t read the synopsis before I started so I had no idea where the story would go.
Starting with a brutal robbery, the book delves deep into the gang culture in London. Following DI Angela North and her team, The Caller is a slow burning police procedural novel. It is character rich and focuses a lot on the individuals both on the Organised Crime Team and on the Streetlife gang who are committing the robberies and assaults.
The Caller is a promising start to a new series. The authors work really well together, in that it’s impossible to tell this book was co-written. Mel and Tara have managed superbly to weave together the full story and it works well.
While I did enjoy The Caller, I found it to be a little slower in pace to my usual reads, which is not a bad thing by any means. I did like this book, I just found it to be more about building a picture of the main characters than the actual crimes and perpetrators. Which makes total sense for a series, I just felt there could have been more action. This is all personal preference though and as I’ve said, I’ve read so many books lately that were packed with drama that I wasn’t expecting the pace in The Caller.
However, the authors have created a promising beginning to a series. Both are excellent authors, in their own right and together, and The Caller is proof that working together to create a cohesive book structure is possible.

kaz_loves_books's review

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Absolutely fantastic

This book just had me gobsmacked! It was fast paced, action packed, non put downable, a page turner that had me hooked from the start