
Let it Be Me by Jody Holford

dragonstar1974's review

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This is a sweet read but I just didn't fall in love with the writer's style or the main characters. This is just my opinion though. Others may love this story.

Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read this.

teresajluvs2read's review

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**I received a copy of Let it be me from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a honest and voluntary review**

Let it be me by Jody Holford was a pleasant surprise but my only wish would be a bit more heat between the H/h. Other than that you'll fall in love with Parker and Garrett, Stella and of course Charlie. I'd give the book a solid 4 stars total. This is the first book that I've read by Jody Holford and look forward to reading Stella and Parker/Garrett's stories in the future I hope.

Adam Klein has been burned by love before but he loves his son Charlie so much. Little does she know when his nanny, Meg, for the past 5 years announces that she'll be leaving at the end of the summer that he'll ask to her to find her replacement and wife. I was bit amazed that he'd ask this of someone who was always there when he left suddenly on business trips and took care of his son. Don't get me wrong he loves Charlie very much but because he's a driven account manger at work (who takes advantage of that) that he'll soon realize that he must chose between work, Charlie and yes, Megan.

Megan loves her boss and Charlie a little pint sized seven year old who will soon wrap his little arms are your heart. But now that she has her degree and wants to start teaching, she'll be leaving the home where she helped raise Charlie and fell in love with Adam. When he breaks her heart it will be her brother Parker and his boyfriend Garrett and her BFF Stella who will gather her in their arms (while threatening to hurt Adam) until Adam realizes that he can love again and that person is Megan.

breerashel's review

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I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I enjoyed how this book was character driven. There was obviously a conflict but it focused more on the conflicting emotions of the characters and whether they wanted to risk a relationship or not. I liked all of the characters but especially Megan. She had a calm, loving presence within the story which makes sense due to the fact that she is the nanny. I loved the relationship that she had with Adam's son. It was playful but also nurturing and I liked their interactions with each other. I also liked Adam despite all of the times that I found it hard to understand his actions. I think that he let his fear rule him rather than taking risks and it prohibited him from taking in a lot of joys that life has to offer. Although this story was not very original, it was still an enjoyable romance. The characters and the overall tone of the story are what really made the book for me.

bananatricky's review

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DNF at 58%.

On paper I should love this book. I like the author, I'm a sucker for single Dad and nanny romances, and the premise of the employer asking the nanny to set him with dates in order to find some woman who would be happy to have a polite, marriage-of-convenience in order to provide a mother for his little boy? Fraught with comedy opportunity.

Megan Carter is nanny to Charlie. His mother is an actress who valued her career more than her marriage or her child. His father Adam is a good Dad and does everything he can be home to put Charlie to bed and read him a bedtime story each night, but he is also fully committed to partnership at his job (can't recall if he's a lawyer/ accountant whatever) driven in part by his own childhood in which his feckless father couldn't be relied upon to put food on the table or clothes on his son's back. In fact, Adam is a tad obsessive on this point but feels that partnership will help him ensure that Charlie never wants for anything.

Sadly, this didn't work for me. Adam's ridiculous scheme needed to be grounded in something other than him being supremely disinterested in lifting a finger to find a mother for his son. Delegating to the nanny, no matter how competent and beloved by the family, is not cool. His poor-me shtick was tedious in the extreme and his priorities were skewed. My dislike reached a peak when he took his son and the nanny to a arcade (to make up for not attending his son's presentation) and then left to pitch to a new client at a moment's notice. Yet when he decides to bang the nanny he can suddenly turn off his work phone for the first time ever - nice priorities dude!

And the negative reading vibe continues...

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

beckymmoe's review

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Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 9/6/18.

Absolutely adorable romance! The swoon-worthy ending makes up for 90% of the aggravation I felt earlier in the story... ;)

I have to be honest--Adam wasn't my favorite character for about 2/3 of the book. His reasons for asking Megan to "find him a wife" were pretty lame, and he went way too far with that plan considering he'd already started having feelings for his nanny mid-way through. He kept letting his job put itself first in his life, and though the author does a decent job of showing us why, it was still frustrating to read. I'm also not sure when he had time to do the jogging and weight lifting that apparently led to his stellar physique--if he did it while Megan was with Charlie, wouldn't she have suspected his shirtless glory prior to seeing it for the first time in the book? Honestly, believing that neither of them even once thought of each other "that way" for the five years before the story is a bit of a stretch...

But still.

Put aside all of that, and it's a darn cute story. Charlie is about as wonderful as a fictional second-grader can get; Megan's brother, his boyfriend, and Stella (her book is out next!), her BFF are great too--really, the secondary characters shine here. I liked Megan and was cheering on the single dad / nanny trope with every page, even when I wanted to clock said single dad over the head with his work phone. There were a lot of LOL moments and almost as many swoony ones--you can't deny that Adam does a good grovel, even if things don't go exactly to plan.

Looking forward to Stella's book--and likely checking out Ms. Holford's backlist in the meantime!

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.