
Book Boyfriends Cafe Summer Lovin' Anthology by Melinda Curtis

becsa's review

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What a great set of stories from some amazing authors!!

Cora Rules - Mel Curtis

Cora Rule is living the high life until her father dies and his will stipulates that she is unable to buy any new clothes until she meets her sales quota for the Dooley Foundation.

Cora has always stayed away from serious relationships and has had low morals on who she has slept with, including the L.A. Flash owner Jack Gordon. Now Jack has hired her to work with his wife, Vivian, in an attempt to get her to say yes to a divorce.

Then Cora meets the new LA Flash coach Trent "Reverend" Parker who has his own ghosts in his past and does not believe in Cora's families philosophies. Has Cora met her match with Trent or will their pasts prevent them from having any future together.

I really like Cora yet have also found her very spoiled in the past. In this book you really begin to understand why she has acted the way she has and feel sympathy for her! I'm so glad that we are able to get to know her better and I can't wait for the next one!!

Surrender to Love - Raine English

This was a quick read and very fast moving novella involving the relationship between Tara Spencer and Easton Douglas.

Years ago, their grandfathers established Spencer Douglas Brewery and in the wake of Addison Spencer's death the Douglas family has taken over yet their may be a missing piece to the puzzle.

I liked the book but the relationship was almost too fast moving for me and unfortunately I found it a little unbelievable because of how fast it moved. Other than that I enjoyed the mystery and I really did like both the characters of Tara and Easton.

The Merry-Go-Round - Donna Fasano

Lauren Flynn is a lawyer who is trying to settle her own divorce after deciding she was done with her ex Greg after he lost nearly $60,000 of Lauren's. This forces Lauren's dad into living with her after she can't fund his place and hers.

Greg loves Lauren and wants to make things right with her. The judge awards Lauren a piece of land she wasn't aware Greg had and on it is a merry-go-round.

As Lauren likens her life to the merry go round and begins to enter the dating scene she must discover what will make her life go round the right way. Yet things don't always turn out the way you think they will.

I understood why Lauren was so frustrated but I also liked Greg's attempts at trying to make it right with Lauren! Good story!! I loved the characters of Norma Jean and Lauren's dad!

Twist of Fate - Patti Forsythe

Rebecca Perris is on her way to Cote de Diamant in West Africa to try and find her sister Jenny.

When she arrives in the country she is detained and meets up with her first love/crush, Aaron al-Rashid. As the two talk secrets from her past are unveiled and she must rely on Aaron to help her find her sister, although as she has lied to him in the past he must trust her completely and vice versa.

Will the two find her sister and put the past behind them and move onto a future together? Or in trying to rescue her sister will they put their own lives on the line?

I really liked both of these characters and their relationship! There were a lot of mistakes made in the past but they must learn to overcome them!!

Her French Count - Mona Risk

Cheryl Stewart is headed to France for Professor Stanley Howard after he is rushed to the hospital after meeting someone for lunch. Cheryl had been working on her PHD looking for a mysterious statue that was missing since the war.

Count Francois de Valroux is not happy that Cheryl has come in place of Professor Howard and soon realizes that there is more going on and Cheryl's life could be in danger. Will he risk her life to look for the statue or have the other people after the statue already gotten too close?

This book is full of mystery and you're never quite sure where your alliances should be. There is so much sexual tension between Francois and Cheryl but both are holding back, uncertain about the other ones feelings! This was a great read and I liked that I didn't have it all figured out at the end!

Love Me Forever - Ari Thatcher

Sometimes in love you are given a second chance to finally get it right, and even then it may freak you out.

Ten years ago Jennifer Pearson was on vacation and met her first love and expected him to call when they got back to their everyday lives but the call never came and she got on with her life.

Matt Brashiers never forgot his true love or what he would do if he ever saw her again and he wouldn't lose her again.

Yet Jennifer has reservations about giving herself to the man she loves due to her past. Matt doesn't want to lose her by going to fast yet he is scared of losing her. Will they be able to come together or will Jennifer's past not let her move forward?

This was a story on moving forward with the one who got away and compromising about life and love! I enjoyed the story and really liked Matt!

Playing the Rookie - Rachelle Ayala

Wow - this novella was hot!!

Jessica Song is an intern at Spring Training and Jay Pak Ahn is a baseball rookie looking to find his place on a Major League Team. As soon as the two meet their are sparks flying between them and their is intensity right from the start.

The two begin a hot and fast paced relationship but unfortunately there are some ghosts hiding in each of their pasts. When the ghosts come out will the two find a way to have a future together or is there too much hurt involved?

This novella is definitely for 18+ as it contains a lot of really racy encounters!!

Duke of Devonwood - Carly Carson

Miranda Foxglove's father has died and all her money is controlled in trust by the Duke of Devonwood, according to her father's lawyer. Miranda and her step-mother, Sharmie, head to England to see if they can get control of their money.

Devon Percy Arlington, the Duke of Devonwood, is used to women falling over him in order to get their hands on his money and title. He is very standoffish towards most people, including his family. Yet, can Miranda get to him?

This was a great story with excellent banter and attraction between Miranda and Devon. I was never quite sure which way the story would go, although I really hoped for a happy ending. I loved how Miranda seemed to bring out the best in Devon's siblings which really allowed Devon to see potential in them.

True North - Kelly Collins

Wow! This book was the first one I have read by Kelly Collins and it will certainly not be my last after reading this!

Alexa's car has broken down on a desert highway as she is escaping her ex-husband and past life. She is stranded out on the highway for several hours before being picked up by Zane, the owner of the bar Last Resort in the next town.

Alexa begins to waitress for Zane and although she is very attracted to him she is confused by the young girls headed up to his place. When Alexa is called to help out Zane in the middle of the night she learns his secret and becomes even more attracted to him.

Although Alexa wants to be happy she has many issues with self-image and confidence after her marriage unraveled and is not sure she is ready to trust again. When Tabitha, a fling from Zane's past shows up she must decide what she really wants from Zane and if she is ready to give herself completely to him.

As Alexa begins to share all of her secrets with Zane they must come to terms with everything and will Zane really turn out to be her saving grace?

Season Unforgettable - Keta Diablo

This is a great story with many different levels to it and much mystery.

Season Scrimshaw and her grandfather, Duna, live on the land that Season inherited from her parents when they died in a plane crash when she was 10 years old. It is her home and her connection to her parents.

Rann Brogan works for his mother who wants to develop the land that Season lives on. Rann must decide what is more important to him - his mom or his feelings for Season.

As Season and Rann begin a relationship they both fall for each other until one fateful night where everything changes.

I really enjoyed this book but one part made me super frustrated although I completely understood the reasoning behind it. I loved the relationship between the two and the devotion they had for each other.

Most Likely to Turn up The Heat - Cheryl Harper

Sue Walker is the school administrator at Lincoln High School and has a rule that she does not date cops or military men. But she is definitely not above flirting with them.

Max Holt is a security officer at the school while he is recovering from a gunshot wound while working as a police officer. His only goal is to get back onto the force but he doesn't have any plans for Sue Walker.

Then one night changes everything and both may have to re-evaluate their goals!

This was a good novella about having one thing set in your mind and then meeting someone and having your life turn upside down! I really liked the characters of Sue and Max and the banter between them.

My Favorite What If - Lyssa Layne

Wow!! Another absolutely amazing book by Lyssa Layne! I loved this book so much and it was hard to take a break to go to sleep!

Jacob "Smitty" Smith is ready to get married when on his wedding day he is told that his bride-to-be, Caroline, would not be coming. He is heartbroken and a year later, his best friend Jules trades in his honeymoon for a trip for him to go to Jamaica.

Sloan Talbott is headed to her sister's wedding in Jamaica but before leaving she must go to a grave site to shed some tears.

Sloan and Smitty are seated beside each other on the flight and right away sparks fly but both are afraid of getting attached to the other one due to their pasts. As they grow closer and closer they both realize how much they care about the other one but neither can forget their past heartbreaks.

These characters are amazing and so are all the supporting family members! I can not say enough amazing things about this book!!

Relay for Love - Susan Ann Wall

I truly loved this book - so much heartache and so many laughs.

Hannah Locke's husband died 5 years ago from testicular cancer and she vows never to love again to avoid the pain that she felt watching him die.

Aaron Hawke is a photographer/reporter asked by Malinda Locke to come out and cover the Relay for Life in Steven's honour. Aaron falls for Hannah almost instantly but she's not ready to let go of the past yet.

Will Hannah allow her defenses to drop and let Aaron in? When Aaron's own past is revealed will Hannah push him away completely and lose Aaron?

The characters in this book are fantastic. Although I haven't been through what Hannah has I understood her reluctance to love again to avoid the hurt. Aaron was such a gentleman and I wish there were more of him around! Tabitha, Hannah's daughter was absolutely awesome and I loved the stuff that came out of her mouth! Malinda was another great character, and as Steven's sister and Hannah's best friend, really understood what Hannah needed, even if Hannah herself didn't know.