
Bear Necessities by Selena Kitt

birdloveranne's review

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Read this last night. I really liked it.

geo_ix's review

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Personally, I was enjoying it a little on and off at times, but the ending completely ruined it for me. Completely. I liked the idea of a post apocalyptic shifter book, but I didn't feel like it made much sense or was realistic enough in the humans realm.

Like, it all happened from one guy, in a country town? Who she knew? And he happened to take her virginity? And the hero also was from that town? And also knew said guy and said guy killed his family, took their blood and made some zombie shifters that can't shift but eat everything? All in two years (that's what I understood anyway)? And the Internet is gone and phones and such, and it didn't just cut out, just got less service until it was gone. What? How does that seem real in end of world stuff?

The doomsday stuff was cool but because it was short not many cool things in this shined and the drama was all at the end in like, 40 pages and came from nowhere randomly just like the moment she
which was ridiculous and that explanation was useless too.

I also did NOT read the additional book in this thing and was pretty P.Oed when I saw it because it messed with my kindle telling me how much more I had to read. Hmph.

gatun's review

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Audible Escape audiobook: Performance was ok but story was not worth my time.

cherie_amor's review

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This was a decent story. I loved Caleb and Ivy. Even the little bit I got of Jonah. What I didnt like, which is a huge factor in why my rating is just average, is when the reader is left with no explanation about important plot points. The plot holes in the end are a motherfucker!

avoraciousreader68's review

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So, the blurb for this says it’s a post-apocalyptic shifter romance. I open it up and it says 1502 Scotland. Um…okay? I start reading and it’s some clichéd arranged marriage between an English beauty/tomboy and an asshat Scottish laird who just wants a doll to show off. So not what the blurb says. After reading about 3%, I look at the Table of Contents and see the actual book, Bear Necessities, is at the back of the book. Seriously?

No. Just, no. If this is a mistake then it should have been fixed. If it’s not then this is the biggest piece of bullshit asshattery and douchebaggery I’ve seen in a long time. I’m guessing here, but since the book is in Kindle Unlimited and available for the Kindle Lending Library, you’re going to make people flip through the book so you get paid more for it. A bonus story is fine, but the story advertised should be the first fucking story in it. I wasted my February KLL pick on this slimy piece of shit tactic. I will never, ever pick up another book by this author. Ever. And I don’t give a filthy rat’s ass that I rated this book without reading the ACTUAL story that’s advertised. What I read of the first story is third rate crap anyway, so my hopes are not high that the quality of the ACTUAL story is any good. And I'm NOT $cha-chinging$ the author by flipping pages until I get to the ADVERTISED story. You know, the one I actually wanted to read. Fuckyouverymuch.

lightlysprkling's review

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It wasn't terrible, just very disjointed and the sci fi element made no sense. Had a good twisty reveal at the end, though.

lunaunseelie's review

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I feel like this would have been better as a full length novel, not a novella, I enjoyed the setting (post-apocalypse plus shifters), the beginning and the bunker scenes where they get to know each other but it kinda went off the rails...
after the sex scene. If I was Ivy and I knew that my beloved old house was full of cannibal rapists who had a hard on for me, there would be no power on earth that could entice me back to the house. Maybe it's because I have a functioning self-preservation instinct but it seemed super contrived for plot purposes.

Also, Caleb never actually telling her anything about wtf was going on really stuck in my craw.

I did like it when Ivy shifted and killed her rapist. I am always Team Kill A Rapist.

One more quibble, why would you want children if you live in a post-apocalyptic cannibal world?? Given what happened to Ivy at the climax of the book, I would think that she would never ever want to expose a child to that kind of predicament that she was in.