
Letting Go - Wenn ich falle by Molly McAdams

mjennings17's review against another edition

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All the feels!

5 stars!
Don't let let the cover throw you off. I did for so long, the models aren't great so I judged the book by its cover unfortunately. Boy was I wrong. The story was definitely slow build which was hard for me but I am glad I pushed through. This story was beautiful. I cried, I laughed, and I gasped so many times. It threw me for a loop for sure! I will be starting the next book as soon as I finish a different series and it's kinda killing me to not just start the next. This was a diamond in the rough for sure. Definitely a must read!!!!

j_the_bookworm's review against another edition

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Molly McAdams delivers again. I love Jagger, what a sweet guy! A great story about love over time and loss and friendship. Molly does it again with a story that is more New Adult by giving you some suspense into the story too. If you ever experienced loss this story will touch you. Jagger and Grey have a long friendship that grows into love through them both dealing with a loss. Jagger is always there for Grey and just wants to see her happy again, even if he doesn't get to be with her the way he truly wants. I love Grey's brother in this story and you can tell they had a good relationship growing up that has been strained. Jagger and his sister have a great relationship and they both deal with an uninvolved mother. I have read all of Molly McAdams books and recommend this one. Molly does not write your typical NA books, she puts a twist on them that just keeps you glued.

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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This didn't move me the way other Molly McAdams books have. I felt there was a lot of added drama to spice up the story. The main character's themselves didn't bring a lot to the table. But I did get pulled in and couldn't put it down.

kdurham2's review against another edition

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Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

In the first chapter, the reader is hooked - Grey is three days away from her wedding and her fiance is on the golf course with his buddies and his heart gives out and he is gone. Thankfully Grey and Ben were part of a threesome, friends that is, and Jagger is willing to step up and help her cope with her loss and get her through the last two years of their college career. But things change when they graduate and head back to their small hometown - as they should!

Grey and Jagger take turns narrating the story and thank goodness - it took this book to the next level. I completely loved hearing both sides of their story and to hear how they both react to the same situation was awesome. I also loved that since they grew up together and they headed back to that town, all of their family members were able to be a part of the story and their families couldn't be more different. I find it thankfully realistic when the characters each have different family quirks and it is nice to see that no matter what home you come from, a friendship can still form.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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I have to tell you, I really enjoyed this story. I liked how two friends, who helped each other through the aftermath of their best friend/fiance’s death, fall in love.

Grey and Jagger certainly climb an emotional mountain to get to their HEA. They are both still very raw after the death of fiance/best friend, Ben. Grey, a little bit more broken needing all the strength Jagger can give her to dig her way out. But when they finally make it to the other side, it’s to have a long held secret revealed and a discovery that their friendship changed somewhere along the way. But when they both finally admitted to how they felt, they knew they were where they were supposed to be.

There were other secrets, other than how Grey and Jagger felt for each other, that had the potential to cause serious issues between the two of them. There was Jagger’s mother and sister’s secret, along with a secret that Ben had. The secrets could have destroyed them, but we were able to see the strength of their relationship by how they handled the fall out once the secrets became public. My only problem was how easily everyone was forgiven for the secrets. I could understand eventually forgiving and moving forward, but it felt like Grey forgave way to easily. I’m not generally a blood thirsty kind of person, but she definitely should have been pissed for longer than 1 day after she discovered what had happened.

As always, Molly McAdams gives readers a story full of angst, drama, heartbreak and eventually the HEA. She always manages to create characters that just beg for you to rally behind them. Grey and Jagger were no different and they definitely rank up there as one of my favorite couple of the year.

If you haven’t picked up a Molly McAdams book before, this is definitely one to try (especially with it being the first book in a new series).

hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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Thanks Librarything for a free book to read and review.

My first impression: well what do you expect from a world of fucked up people.

People have to die, it's expected. When people take fantasy and want to add people who die young...well it feels morbid. It's part of life and shit happens....right?
When Ben dies just three days before marrying his childhood sweetheart....that sucks. Leap ahead two years and you have a beautiful young woman who can't move on and is still surviving.....barely. Once the entire book pans out, you will realize that she wasted two years being mournful over this dead guy... Bad luck. Overall entertainment was four stars. I just felt bad for Grey and Jagger after all the truths come out.

freesien's review

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Mein Rezensionsexemplar hab ich vom Verlag durch Netgalley erhalten.

3,5 Sterne

Das Thema - sich in den besten Freund des toten (Ex-? Ich mein der ist tot, aber die haben sich ja nicht getrennt, also... was jetzt?)Verlobten zu verlieben - wurde von der Autorin ziemlich gut und mit Gefühl behandelt. Ich konnte Greys Zerrissenheit gut nachvollziehen, auch wenn's mir manchmal übertrieben heftig vorkam.

Es gab im Buch noch so einen "Mystery-Aspekt", aber für mich war der Schuldige schon von vornherein klar gewesen, das war einfach viel zu offensichtlich angelegt.

Als im Buch nach und nach mehr Geheimnisse ans Licht kamen, wurde die Geschichte zu melodramatisch für meinen Geschmack. Die Dramen kamen mir sehr gezwungen und an den Haaren herbei gezogen vor. Das hat meinen Leseenthusiasmus dann doch gedämpft.

michellesantiago's review against another edition

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It got super dramatic there towards the end and it killed me that they couldn't figure out who the stalker that was sending all the creepy notes and FB messages for the longest time. But it was highly entertaining and Grey and Jagger were likable characters.

Full review to come.

gvharlamert's review against another edition

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When reading a book by Molly McAdams just prepare for plot twists and then the nuclear bomb to be dropped. Because it happens. Every. Single. Time.

Love, love, LOVED this story of Grey and Jagger.

chantal_readingwithcat's review

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Grey ist 20 Jahre alt und mit dem Mann verlobt, mit dem sie seit 7 Jahren zusammen ist und den sie über alles liebt. Doch ein paar Tage vor der Hochzeit stirbt Ben plötzlich und die Welt, wie Grey sie kannte, bricht zusammen. Zwei Jahre lang existiert sie einfach nur und Jagger, ihr bester Freund seit der Kindheit ist der einzige, dem sie sich anvertraut. Jagger ist aber nicht nur ihr bester Freund, sondern auch der Mann, der sie seit Ewigkeiten liebt. Aber haben die beiden überhaupt eine Chance, wenn Grey die Vergangenheit nicht loslässt und das Gefühl hat Ben zu verraten.
Grey ist der Typ Frau, der sich in ihrer Trauer vergräbt und insgesamt sehr sensibel ist. Abgesehen davon war sie mir ein Tik zu dramatisch, aber sie hat eine Entwicklung durchgemacht.
Ich habe mich aber etwas über Grey gefragt. Zu Beginn der Geschichte macht Grey ihren Abschluss am College, aber in was? Das wird nie erwähnt und auch danach hat sie keine Zukunftspläne und arbeitet einfach nur in einem Café und das hat mich schon irritiert. Was hat sie auf dem College denn gemacht?
Jagger wird beschrieben als ein attraktiver Mann voller Tattoos, der für jeden wohl ziemlich einschüchternd wirkt. Für mich wirkte er eher als wäre er zu oft mit Weichspüler gewaschen worden. Mir fehlte es an Temperament und Stärke. Ich konnte mir den harten Typen, den die Autorin hier gezeichnet hat, einfach nicht vorstellen, da er liebevoll und sanft war und auch immer wieder über seine Gefühle geredet hat.
Allgemein ging es sehr viel um Gefühle. Man wusste einfach alles darüber, wie sich wer zu welchem Zeitpunkt gefühlt hat. Eigentlich ist das ja nichts schlechtes, aber irgendwie fehlte die Spannung und dieser Drang das Buch einfach nicht aus der Hand legen zu wollen. Durch den lockeren Schreibstil flog man durch die Geschichte, aber ich konnte keine wirkliche Beziehung zu den Charakteren aufbauen.
Ich fand die Nebencharaktere wie Greys Eltern, ihrem Bruder Graham und seine Mitbewohner aber einfach toll. Sie haben der Geschichte den Witz gegeben, die ohne sie vielleicht zu deprimierend gewesen wäre. Daher freue ich mich schon sehr auf den zweiten Teil, auch wenn die Geschichte an ein paar Stellen geschwächelt hat.