
Dating isn't For Dummies - A Novel by Ila by Ila

anammshaikhh's review

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The first thing that compelled me to read this book was the cover. There, I’ve judged the book by its cover, come at me for the cliched blasphemy. But seriously, it really catches your eye. Chic and effortless.

The book is written in simple, beautiful(‘That day was a gift that just kept on giving’) language and is belly-achingly funny(‘What happens when a guy rations?Gyrations!HA!’) employing the use of exaggerations and hyperbole. It is a story about a small town(Hubli) boy’s adventures in Maximum City Mumbai. Many books have been written on this theme, but somehow Dating isn’t For Dummies manages to be different. In a way, it also shows how sometimes, bad things may be good for you. That dratted M-word (for Marriage) drove the protagonist to Mumbai to get rich quick and live the happening lifestyle, and try to land a girl of his dreams. The book focuses on the themes of relationships, friendships, adulthood and the value of integrity. It talks about all current issues, from Paul the Octopus to feminism to fighting patriarchy to citywide tenants’ suspicion on bachelor rent outs to LGBTQ rights(no, I do not advocate LGBTQXYZ rights, thanks for asking). The protagonist has a funny take on all the woman who dated him, duped him, and disgusted him. It rightly says that in this age of Tinder and Facebook and what-have-yous, love doesn’t need a formula. This line summarizes it all:’Y=There was no formula to dating, just as there was no formula to finding happiness, to securing my dreams.’You just have to go with the flow, the one who is meant for you will eventually make a grand entry in your life.

The last part of the book is the best. There is an anticlimax, there are sentiments, there are emotions. What I liked was that the “family first/family important” message wasn’t too in you face. But the book cannot really be classified under ‘Contemporary Romance’, can it?

Overall, the book was worth a read, considering that it was the authors’ first one
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