
Renegade by Raven White, Nadine Travers

bookishshani_k's review

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Eliza is a woman who knows what she wants. Right now, what she wants is to be able to fulfill her life’s dream of being a successful musician. She’s worked hard for the chance she’s been given to be in a band that is making a name for themselves and she’s beyond excited that she’s headed out on tour for the first time. What she doesn’t want is to wake up one day at the hospital to find out she’s survived a brutal attack where she was left for dead. What she really wants then is to heal and move on. But when Renegade becomes part of her protection detail, she learns quickly that getting what she wants isn’t going to be that easy.

Renegade is a man who knows what he wants as well. He’s served his country in many ways, and he wants to continue his career protecting those who need it most. When he’s called in on a favor, he never expects what he gets. His protection detail this time is a feisty woman who challenges his every move and sometimes his sanity. But when she lets go, he finds that maybe what he wants can change.

This was such a fun, steamy, entertaining quick novella! I loved the fact that they are such opposites. Renegade is used to being more stealthy and in the shadows, whereas Eliza is flashier and likes the stage lights. They’re both extremely hard-headed with huge hearts to match. Their love story was well written and sweet. I’m really intrigued by the supporting characters too and am interested in seeing where this goes next!

lisa01's review

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This is a first time author for me. I was intrigued by this series. Alpha men and they are protectors....WHERE DO I SIGN UP? Double the fun! This is kind of an insta-love along with a friend little sister genre. I thought This really got better the further along it went. One of my problems were her injuries and the sex that came after the hospital release. It seemed unlikely that they would get together with her terrible injuries...OR that he would care for her welfare and wait Until she had recovered a bit before diving in. Their activities in the bedroom seem pretty rigorous and I kept saying Ow...Ow...Ow for her. I also would have thought the police would have been interviewing her after the first attempt as well but nothing.

The characters were sexy, strong and kept the tummy flutters were a fluttering. I liked Eliza’s attitude. Growing up with a hard headed brother gave her a heads up dealing with Sam. There is a large crew of mercenaries. They all have different and fun personalities. I enjoyed the bond they have with each other but I got tired of their “Copy That” response.

Overall this is a suspenseful sexy story. It has it’s good and not so good parts. With a bit more time and length to fully flesh out situations this would be superb. But as right now it’s a fun read.

bwagner's review

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I enjoyed this book. It is my first book by this author and I look forward to reading more. This is a creative, well developed story that I couldn’t put down once I started it. It is full of action and romance, of course having a hot sexy hero made the story engaging. The characters had great chemistry and made the story realistic. What will happen when Renegade becomes a bodyguard to protect a friends sister? I highly recommend reading this book to find out what happens.

angelahayes's review

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3 ½ Stars

Renegade is the first book in The Mercenaries series by Raven White. This is the first book of Ms. White’s that I have read, so I was curious as to what I might find between the covers. This is a romantic suspense- with danger, mystery, opposites attract, Alpha males, and a sassy leading lady. This is a tried and true recipe, which Ms. White has put her own spin on. It is fairly predictable, but enjoyable nonetheless.
I really feel that the story could use a little more development and depth- which would make it an even better read. There were intriguing and suspenseful moments, and the chemistry between Eliza and Renegade was off the charts. So, if you like your stories on the spicy side- this definitely fits that bill.
The story definitely got better as the story evolved- but there were parts where the flow was disrupted, and the story lagged from time to time. I am intrigued by where this series is headed, so will be keeping my eye out for upcoming releases: Hacker (Book 2) and Sensei (Book 3) are listed as releasing soon.
Alpha Male sexiness meets sassy leading lady- and the sparks fly!

Thank you, Raven White!

kirchersmiles's review

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Renegade (The Mercenaries Series Book 1) by Raven White

5 Stars

I struggled between 4 & 5 stars on this book...This is my first read by this author and I completely enjoyed it. I went with 5 stars because I was totally hooked on the story and how it was told and I did not want to put it down until I finished.

It was definitely predictable and I figured it out early on so there was really no twist for me as the clues were quite obvious. The only thing that kept nagging at me was the blizzard, her outside covered in snow and finding the truck key in her hand, this was never addressed, and kind of threw me off, but what had me most invested was the interaction between all the characters and the build up of what is ahead in the books to follow. I love this group of people and can't wait to get each of their stories.

It was a quick and super simple read and there were plenty of scenes that had me blushing and I do recommend reading it because there is a ton of potential for an awesome series ahead.

Really enjoyed it!

jennadb's review

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Renegade (The Mercenaries Series Book 1) by Raven White suspense romance story that is a quick and easy read. I enjoyed this story but felt it could have been a little more rounded out in some areas. The characters are your typical alpha ex-military men, brothers in arms who will do anything for each other. I mean who doesn’t love to read about those types of men.

Eliza has always loved music, but she wakes in hospital not knowing what happened. Her brother decides he needs help to keep her safe. She is one sassy woman who doesn’t want help but is unable to make them see her point of view.

Renegade drops everything he is doing to help one of his brothers. His mission is to protect the beautiful woman someone tried to kill. But who will protect him from himself? Renegade soon gets much more than he bargained for.

If you enjoy sassy woman and military alphaness then grab a copy. It will entertain you for an afternoon escape.

rooskie87's review

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Renegade (The Mercenaries Series Book 1) by Raven White
4 stars

This is a new to me author, and I must say i will be looking for more from now on.
Eliza wakes in a hospital having been attacked and her big brother there wanting to help protect her. He calls in Renegade, and boy oh boy do the sparks fly.
I read this book pretty quickly and a lot happens that just needs to be read. But just know, it ticks all the boxes i look for in a romance book and I couldn't read it fast enough.
Must read.

hncald78's review

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A fast romantic read that was full of drama and suspense. The main characters had an instant connection and intense chemistry. The storyline was fast and action packed that kept me reading. I enjoyed the storyline. This was the first I’ve read from the author and look forward to seeing what she writes next.

bec_sherman's review

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3.5 stars, rounded up to 4. This was a short story so a quick read but I enjoyable. Eliza is attacked and her brother Ron (or Sparrow) pulls in a favour from Renegade to protect his sister whilst they try and find her attacker. There is a bit of action as Eliza tries to get back to work (as a singer) and Renegade tries to protect her. A little bit predictable but still enjoyable. There are some steamy adult scenes as Eliza and Renegade determine where if they should cross the line of their professional protector/protectee relationship.

A few editing errors, but didn't distract from the story. I really enjoyed learning about the other Mercenaries and am looking forward to reading their stories.
