
On Thin Ice by Julie Cross

ohthesheenanigans's review against another edition

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Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3/5 Stars)
Title: On Thin Ice
Author(s): Julie Cross
Brooklynn “Brooke” Parker: 16 years old, Blonde, Brown Eyed
Jake Hammond: Blonde, Blue Eyed
Setting: Juniper Falls, Minnesota
Tag(s): Romance, Contemporary
Content Rating:
POV: Alternates between Heroine/Hero
Smexy Level:
Favorite Quote(s): N/A
Overall Opinion:
The blurb definitely brought me into this story and overall I can say it was a pleasant read. Please note that this series does fall into the Teen/Young Adult category, so if you're not into that genres then obviously this isn't for you (or me for that matter). “On Thin Ice” by the author Julie Cross touch based on realistic issues and it became easy to relate to at least one character and the premise of the story was intriguing enough to keep me holding on for a bit. Unfortunately this series falls into a genre I'm not particularly a fan of which cause me to dropped this series with the potential of picking this back up in the future.

courtofbingereading's review against another edition

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There's much more to On Thin Ice than the blurb reveals. It's not just about a cute romance. This book highlights the culture of hazing and how people can be pressured into participating and covering up the effects of hazing out of fear. Cross demonstrates how easily you can get sucked into a certain culture and not realize what you are doing is wrong because of the excuses you--and others--tell yourself.

I liked the main characters Brooke and Jake. They're both dealing with a lot and it's sweet to see them confide in each other. I loved watching them support each other. I also enjoyed seeing the characters from the past books pop up!

Overall, I liked this book. I do wish the ending wasn't quite so abrupt, but it was still a solid read. I encourage fans of the series to give this book a chance.

xxmeggg's review against another edition

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(ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review)

I really didn't expect to like this book as much as I did!

I requested this book off NetGalley because I have read another book by Julie Cross (Whatever Life Throws at You) and I really enjoyed it. However, what I didn't realise was that this was the third book in the series! To my relief, this book is perfectly readable as a stand-alone, and I'm definitely excited to now check out the previous two books in this series as well.

Despite enjoying a previous book by Julie Cross, for some reason I wasn't expecting much going into this book, but once I started reading I couldn't put it down! The plot took an entirely different turn than I was expecting, and it was really interesting to read about how a town's hockey program could be so corrupt. The romance of this book takes a backseat to the plot, but I was definitely still rooting for Brooke and Jake's relationship to work out.

I would definitely recommend this book to people who enjoy reading sports romances, and I'm excited to get around to the other books in this series.

slimikin's review

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Just to be clear, my rating has almost nothing to do with Jake and Brooke's romantic journey. They were inoffensive enough, I suppose, but didn't possess much by way of personalities, let alone swoonworthy romantic chemistry. They were, however, effective at pushing the plot toward a highly satisfying exposure of the town's toxic hockey culture.

This culture is in evidence in the rest of the series, but as it provided a convenient source of conflict in both those books, I was never quite sure if I was supposed to find it problematic and want it to stop or just let it exist in the world of the books as a Plot Thing. Like you do.

But this book...well. Clearly, I am supposed to find it problematic (yay!) and cheer loudly (in my head) as almost the entire hockey team exposes what their town's drive to win at any cost has actually cost them. (Jake's speech is particularly rousing.) That is what earns my enjoyment of this book, though it arrives a little late in the game (pun totally intended) to compensate for the less-than-engaging romance.

aflv_reads's review

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The publisher, Entangled: Teen, kindly offered me an advanced reader copy (ARC) of On Thin Ice by Julie Cross via NetGalley. Yet, this is an honest review of the book expressing my humble opinion.

On Thin Ice was an authentic YA contemporary that had me turn pages constantly in need to see what happens next. I loved the setting--a small town with deep ice-hockey roots. An ice-hockey fan myself, I really enjoyed all ice-hockey information, and the author fused them well with the story.

The story is told in dual POV--Brooke's and Jake's. I loved both characters, and the voice was pretty distinct. You knew whose perspective you were reading without a doubt. I found both characters real, relatable, and authentic. They were deep characters, mature yet made teen choices. Nothing felt forced. Instead, it was a beautiful story with two wonderful characters you can't help cheer for in a lovely setting. My one comment is that there were sub-plots that didn't lead anywhere at the end. Scenes that raised the tension in the range of that scene, or maybe a couple of chapters, but didn't serve any purpose in the overall story. I thought that maybe it would culminate at the end in one big climax, but it didn't. The sub-plots closed with a bow within a couple of chapters, and I was confused as to what purpose they served. For example, for me, it should be more about the rise of the girl team, instead of the issues the boys team faced. In one scene, the two main characters acknowledged how white their town is, which on the one hand, it was good that it was said, on the other hand, why not make it diverse instead? We need more diversity in books, especially in YA and MG.

Overall, On Thin Ice was a nice book. I loved the two main characters, the setting, and the ice-hockey theme. I just didn't connect to the plot as much as I had hoped.

3.5 stars - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Author: Julie Cross
Publisher: Entangled: Teen

clairebinkley's review

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I love Julie Cross and all of her books but for some reason, this book seemed to be a little lacking. I felt as though there was a good plot but at the same time, there wasn't. Overall, the story made sense and flowed but it felt kind of rushed and like it missed some little details that can make a book amazing. Even though this book was good, it was defiantly not my favorite in the series.

So, a quick summary...Brooke a new girl in town witnesses an incident between Jake Hammond, the captain of the ice hockey team and the team itself. Jake needs to decide if he wants to stick to tradition or stand up for what he believes is right. Throughout the story, Brooke helps Jake make a decision and the pair grow closer.

I would defiantly read this book if you read the rest of the series. However, I don't know that I would make it my top priority to catch up on the series because you are interested in this book.

shelfleigh's review

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I received this book for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Hockey star Jake meets new girl Brooke in this romance that also doubles as an after school special on hazing.

My synopsis is tongue in cheek, but it’s not wrong. This is a romance about two people falling in love. It’s also about the realities of high school hazing. About the perpetuation of the act by members of the group for the simple fact they do not know how to stop it. Doesn’t absolve them of their own complicity, but it does show the courage it takes to go against a well oiled tradition.

Jake was by far the more interesting character. The story worked best when it focused on Jake’s investigation into his high school’s troubled hockey team. Brooke, however, suffered for it. Her story had so many interesting elements, but she was underutilized and under developed. Brooke shined best once she joined the women’s hockey league. This book would have been a solid 4 stars if Brooke’s character development had been a bit more.

tl;dr While I enjoyed the book, it didn’t develop both of the main characters as much as I would like.

lenoreo's review

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I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

4.5 stars — Dude, if this is the end of the series, I’m going to be really sad. Each story has been a fascinating look at hockey in a small town, and this one just brought that all together in the most perfect way. You can totally read it as a standalone, but if you do read them as a series, you’ll see how all the little events from the previous two books have culminated in the conflict/climax/resolution of this book.

These YAs really do have a more mature feel to them, though this one was perhaps the tamest. There is a somewhat steamy scene, but it’s mostly cut away (and fits the maturity of the characters). But it tackles some difficult subjects, like hazing, bullying, mental health, and other subjects that are too specific to mention. I just loved the way the story played out. Ms. Cross really showcased how difficult it would be to take a stand against a toxic environment that has existed and been allowed to fester for decades. I could see this happening in a small town, and I truly felt for Jake and how torn he was over how he felt, and what he wanted for the future. If he’d just made the right decision all along, I don’t think it would have had the same impact…and I don’t think it would have had the same sense of realism. Anyways, I really don’t want to get into the plot too much, just know that I was gripped and that I was so happy with how it played out.

Now onto our characters! Brooke was kind of fascinating, but I feel like we kind of got shortchanged on her story. We got hints of things that happened in Austin, and with her Dad…and while some bits were fleshed out, others were left more vague. I was actually a bit let down by that. And not only that, but there was no real development with what was going on with her Mom, and how that played out. Which is okay in some respects, b/c there was enough else going on, but then why have those bits mentioned? I also get it in that when something so difficult is happening at home, it can make sense to just compartmentalize it and focus on other things to deal.

However, I LOVED the whole girl’s hockey team story!! While there was a part of me that was skeptical about the rate at which Brooke learned and excelled, in the end I’m not sure I really cared. I loved seeing the challenges they faced, and the support that Sheriff Hammond gave his team. I also loved seeing Brooke develop a friendship with Rosie.

Jake was so not what I was expecting. I’m not sure what I was expecting, it’s been a bit since I read the previous two books, so I didn’t have a good memory of him necessarily, but he was so much more earnest and…just endearing than I was expecting. I really ended up loving him. He was hardworking, and caring, but caught up in the craziness that is Otters hockey. But deep down he was a genuinely good guy.

And I really loved the two of them together. I felt the connection and the crushes on both sides, the fascination with one another. It felt real, and sweet, and just made me happy. They were good for one another.

About my only complaint is that this book, like the others, had odd time jumps. I guess I don’t mind that happening, but then maybe mention the time in between. It just always took me a minute to adjust and be like “oh wait, so it must be like weeks later now”.

Needless to say, I started this one late last night and stayed up way too late because I had a hard time putting it down (though I did eventually). There’s just something about the way Ms. Cross writes that sucks me in and has me compelled to read just one more chapter.

theestherhadassah's review

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I loved the previous books in this series. Hockey is probably my all-time favorite sport to read with romance. I could not put this book down. So pleased with it.

kalynreads's review

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**E-ARC provided in exchange for an honest review. **

On Thin Ice tells the story of Brooke and Jake through dual perspectives in Juniper Falls, a small town that lives and breathes hockey. Brooke is the new, big-City girl fresh out of Austin, Texas, just trying to fit in and not cause drama. Unfortunately she is thrust into the spotlight when she saves the high school varsity hockey superstar, Jake Hammond.

At times, I really enjoyed the story and found myself completely invested in the story, while at other times, I was bored and was waiting for the book to end. It’s definitely an interesting enough story, but I think it could have eliminated some of the extra plot lines that never really did much for me and just stuck with the hockey scandal one for a vastly simplified story that still packs a punch.