
Blame by Nicole Trope

mlcreads's review

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I received this as a review copy and enjoyed the story. The suspense and tension keep me turning the pages. It was interesting to see the characters develop and see the struggles they each endured and showed that you do not always know what people are really going through regardless of how well you think you know them. How would you react in their situation?

nannyf's review

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Actual rating 3.5 stars

This is at times a hard read due to the subject matter. It deals with tragedy, illness, alcoholism and much more.

The setting is a police station for the main part, and two seperate interview rooms. We meet Caro and Anna, former friends separated by a terrible accident. But as we delve into their past lives during the interviews, we begin to see that all is not as rosy as it would appear.

The author draws us into the lives of these two women, how they met and became friends, their children and husbands. We also find out far more about the circumstances leading to the accident.

The story goes back and forth between the women, at times it became a little too jumpy for me though. As time went on I found myself not sure who to believe as the stories differed so much. The ending, in my opinion, is brilliantly done.

I came away from this read feeling that I hadn't bonded with either main character until the very end. The ending gives the reader quite a few different messages. The first is that nothing is so bad that it can't be overcome if you have the support of your family. And the most important thing, that true friendship can withstand absolutely anything.

I did enjoy the read but felt it dragged a little at times. Copy received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

mpr2000's review

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Two families devastated and broken by an accident... but was it really an accident?
This is the story of Anna, Maya and Caro, how their problems where so big they wouldn't control their life and how they try to cope with them.
This book will be with me for a long time, I felt a strong connection with Anna and Caro that I have never felt with any other book.
Their story is sad, really sad, Anna has an autistic daughter, Maya, how Anna can get up every day knowing that her daughter will never want her touch or talk about her day has to be really difficult, she loves her, but she doesn't now how to connect with her.
Caro, she had 6 spontaneous abortions, the last one with 5 months pregnant, a boy... Who hasn't been scared during the pregnancy of the spontaneous abortions? Imagine 6!
We will learn the story of Caro and Anna with the police interviews, from the day they meet till Maya's accident. Step by step we will understand their decisions and thoughts till the sadly moment where everything will change...
I loved this book, I cried and cheer up with Anna and Caro stories, and I didn't want to finish the book, I wanted to know more about them!
I highly recommend this book, the story is so powerful and real that you will feel their emotions in your own skin.
Are you real happy?

xokristim's review

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This book was so heart wrenching (in a good way), I could not put it down. I love that it had multiple POVs, and that you can see how people see the same situations differently. I originally requested this book because I saw it compared to Jodi Picoult books, and he is one of my favorite authors. I feel this book lived up to it's hype in my opinion!


carmenna's review

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Blame è un interessante romanzo raccontato secondo due punti di vista, o meglio, seguendo, a capitoli alterni, le due protagoniste, Anna e Caroline "Caro".

L'azione si svolge quasi interamente all'interno di un commissariato di polizia, in cui le donne sono state convocate affinché si faccia luce su un incidente che ha portato a conseguenze terribili.
Gli interrogatori sono il pretesto per raccontare degli eventi importanti della storia delle protagoniste, in particolare la loro amicizia e il loro essere madri.

A prima vista Anna e Caro sembrano molto diverse: la prima deve affrontare ogni giorno la prova dell'essere genitore di una bambina dai bisogni particolari, sempre più ingestibile e, soprattutto, difficile da amare; la seconda, invece, ha una figlia sana e sembra avere una vita soddisfacente ma, soprattutto, è l'ancora di salvezza di Anna, sua migliore amica - e forse unica - nonché confidente e presenza costante.
Tuttavia, proseguendo con la storia, ci rendiamo conto che non tutto è come sembra. Anna ad un certo punto mi è parsa terribile nel voler ad ogni costo incolpare Caro, mentre questa ha rivelato vari particolari della sua vita che non mi aspettavo.

Le due protagoniste sono molto ben caratterizzate; in realtà nessuna delle due mi ha conquistata, ma di sicuro sono dei personaggi molto realistici, e certamente numerosi lettori, soprattutto lettrici, si potranno immedesimare in loro, almeno sotto alcuni aspetti.
La storia infatti racconta non solo di un'amicizia, ma anche della difficoltà di essere madre e moglie, la solitudine nel crescere un bambino con esigenze particolari, la sensazione di essere incompresi e sottovalutati, l'incomunicabilità con il partner e la famiglia.

Il libro mi ha davvero preso, soprattutto nella prima metà e verso la fine - la conclusione mi è piaciuta molto -, e praticamente l'ho divorato!
Ha solo mostrato un po' il fianco in alcuni dei capitoli centrali, in cui l'ho trovato ripetitivo e mi è sembrato che ormai ci si approfittasse troppo del pretesto dell'interrogatorio per raccontare la storia delle due donne.
A parte ciò, Blame è uno dei romanzi migliori che abbia letto ultimamente, e mi ha reso curiosa rispetto agli altri romanzi della sua autrice.

renee_conoulty's review

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A psychological drama that sucked me right in.

A terrible accident has occurred and former best friends Anna and Caro are now in separate rooms telling their own side of the story to the police. In a combination of flashbacks and each character unburdening themselves to the Police, the intricacies of what has happened over the past ten years unfold. Both characters came across as unreliable for different reasons and my opinion as to who was to blame shifted back and forth as I read.

This book gave realistic insight into alcoholism, miscarriage and the autism spectrum - not representative of everyone, but no two experiences are ever the same.

I loved how this dark novel gave hope at the end, following up the main characters a few years in the future to show how they'd grown throughout their experience.

I received this book free from Netgalley - thank you Allen & Unwin for granting my wish.

roxyc's review

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Firstly I would like to thank the publisher for a promotional copy of this book.
There has been an accident. A tragedy that leaves two families devastated. Caro and Anna have been best friends for 10 years, mothers with two very different children and two very different experiences of motherhood. Over the course of two days we see Caro and Anna slowly reveal secrets and hidden truths while revealing the course of events leading up to and including the tragedy.
Full of tension and suspense that keeps the reader interested. The character development was interesting and I enjoyed the unravelling of the back story. I did find that I had trouble connecting to any character in particular so I struggled to become thoroughly invested. But overall it was an interesting story.

tasha34's review

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Really loved this. Could sympathise with both mothers. Really like how it alternated each chapter with both Mothers. Didn't have a clue how it was going to turn out.
Will definitely be looking out for more books by Nicole Trope.
Many thanks to NetGalley for giving me a chance to read this book.

rebatkins's review

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This book kept me on the edge waiting to find out what would happen next. I really liked the ending and it's honesty. Great read.

leona_omahony's review

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I was totally riveted to this book from the first page, right up to the very last page. It takes place over two days and it's based upon a tragic accident that has occurred. Caro and Anna met when their daughters were babies at a baby clinic and became best friends. Anna is the mother of Maya who is severely autistic and Caro tries her best to help her cope. However Caro is also battling her own demons and life for her is also a struggle. After the accident both women are questioned separately by police and we the readers discover both sides of what has happened.

I received a free copy of this book from netgalley in return for an honest review.