votrikhon's review

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MULTIPLY and why we have to do it.
Story about a girl like counting but not multiplying.
Then she realized multiply is faster.
At the end of this book show how to teach children multiply.
_ Multiply is repeated adding or a table with row and collum.
_ Beginning with 2s, 5s, 10s then 3s,6s and others.
_ Ask them How many candy are there in the ... bla bla like that.
In this book has many many pictures to ask like that.

poplartears's review

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The children were not terribly impressed with this one. Blake said "it was ok but it doesn't teach you anything." Well ok then, if we are going to read a picture book it better be really good or at least teach something. Well at least this living math book was really about math this time.

jnmfly's review

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This story is a good introduction to multiplication. It shows the need to transition from counting to multiplying. The book does a great job of showing how out of hand counting can get.

However, I wish that there was more evidence of skip counting, showing that transition. I was also expecting a multiplication table or a list of the multiplication facts that Amanda was supposed to learn at the end of the book. It wasn't there. That was disappointing.

carolsnotebook's review

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This book definitely got its point across, that multiplication has many benefits over just counting. While we were reading, DD mentioned that she'd be learning more multiplication next year, which she seemed to think was a positive thing.

canada_matt's review

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Amanda Bean is an amazing little girl who loves to count. She is so keen on it that she feels it is a MUST anytime a collection of items crosses her path. However, even when she is asked to consider multiplication, she shies away, not entirely sure of all its rules. Her counting is astounding, but it takes up much of her time. After an intense dream of counting, Amanda wonders if she ought to learn the ins and outs of multiplication, if only to ease the burden on her mind. Neo got a kick out of all the things that Amanda had to count. As he is still learning the basics of adding, I won't toss out anything too complicated yet. Still, learning his square and cube roots could make him the talk of school... right?!