
Forgiving Lies by Molly McAdams

mandyreads's review against another edition

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Holy freaking cliffy! What an amazing book!

ac223's review against another edition

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Forgiving Lies is a great book with tons of action, but it felt a little sloppy, and the cliffhanger was like an afterthought. Almost like, "all done, oh let me throw this in so they read the next book." It's worth reading, but I don't think it stands out as much as Taking Chances did.

Rachel and her best friend Candice (who I thought was a total bitch) are living, and attending school in Texas. When they meet their new neighbors Kash and Mason, Candice is her typical whoreish self, but Rachel is even more reserved than normal. After all that she has been through at the hands of men she is in no way interested in a relationship.
Kash and Mason are working undercover, and though he knows it's a bad idea to get involved with someone while on assignment, there is no forgetting Rachel.

The two of them hook up and become inseparable after many weeks of friendship, and fighting their feelings. Rachel tells Kash about Blake West, Candi's cousin who raped her. When the guys notice someone hanging around the girls apartment, they try to keep the girls away to protect them. Kash ends up taking Rachel away for the weekend when things get scary. Though it isn't planned, Kash ends up proposing to Rachel, and she agrees. Blake is behind the creepy guy, and when he shows up demanding she come with him, or he will kill her friends and family she agrees. Kash almost doesn't get to her in time, and after finding her he, Mason, and Blake are all shot in the process. Blake had it set up where he wouldn't go to prison for his crimes, he would rather die. Rachel was cut all over her body, including the words "mine" cut into her skin. She can't forgive Kash for lying to her about who he was and he eventually goes back to Florida. Mason, and Candie are both tired of the two of them being miserable, and set up a way for Mason to tell her everything. Once she realizes that Kash had no other choice, and that he is just as miserable as she is, she goes to him. They work it all out, but at the end of the book Rachel is kidnapped by the gang Kash helped take down as an undercover narcotics agent. (See a little too much.) The gang leaves word that they want all charges dropped, and if it's not done within a month they will kill her.

mayris88's review against another edition

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Oh my god!!! I loved this book!!! It was everything and more than I expected from the blurb.
Ok so Kash with a K is just soooo sexy with his tattoos and lip ring, I mean c'mmon, lip ring people! That's just sexy. Anyway, Kash is pretty much a badass but at the same time very sweet and funny, and I could probably go on and on about all his qualities, but I definitely loved him.
Rachel at first comes as a huge bitch, but she really isn't, she's just sarcastic with a great sense of humor and such a sweet girl.

The story was beautiful, pretty much everything I like to read in a book. It had sweet, funny, sad, romantic, sexy, angsty and dark moments.

The only down side is the fact that it has a cliffhanger, so now I'm just going to have to wait for the next book :(

devansbooklife's review against another edition

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A good read. I enjoyed the characters, although I really wished Rachel would talk more about what had been bothering her. She needed to get people involved in what had actually happened, and if she had maybe the whole mess at the end wouldn't have happened. Secondly, Candice WTF? Seriously, what kind of best friend is she? I hated her the entire book. And I never felt that she redeemed herself at the end. She walked into the act happening and yet she continues to treat her best friend like crap and believe everything that Blake says.
Kash made the book for me.... Yummy, Yummy! And he wasn't too predictable or pussy whipped at the end. I hate it when the bad boys turn into pussy whipped piles of marshmellow with a blink of an eye. Sucks the fun right out of it.

echoingbooks's review against another edition

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This book was absolutely amazing. This book kept my interest all the time. I loved how Kash did everything to keep Rachel safe even when she was nearly killed by Blake he found her and saved her. I never trusted Blake since the beginning but I never thought he was serial killer. I was so pissed that Kash and Rachel did not get back together in the beginning when she found out who he really was. I am just real happy that Candice and Eli and Mason could speak some sense into one of them to make the next move and get together again I mean they do love each other so much.

But what the fuck with the cliffhanger why are you trying to kill me!? I mean why would you end a book in a kidnapping. That was so unexpected I wanted Kash to be happy for once not loose his soon to be wife. I just hope that he and Mason can find her before they kill her because I am sure those two are now blaming them selves because the group was after Kash and Mason first and what better way to hurt the Kash other than to kidnap the love of his life. Gods I need the next book

beckyrendon's review against another edition

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Forgiving Lies and unforgivable ones depend on the reader...I mean the recipient

I have been torturing myself with the need to type this before I start book two. The worst part is Amazon has a weird glitch when you type this from your kindle. I was done typing up an awesome review and bam! Gone. So pardon this second chance rant!

Forgiving Lies is complicated. It's full of feels and a plot that will have even the most tame reader contemplating anger management or venting their frustration at the author. I recommend the later...more cost effective!

This novel is going to drive you nuts. It ends at the worst possible moment. This complaint is legit because I am typing this just before 2AM so trust me when I say it ends at the worst moment because now I have an unquenchable need to dive into book 2 Deceiving Lies!

Why you ask? Well because the cliffhanger has me literally trying to gnaw off my cuticles! Forgiving Lies is an emotional journey. Longing, loss, heartache and love are only a few of the rampant emotions the reader is exposed to. You will be upset, uncomfortable, and heartbroken. It's possible you may retreat into your shell to lick your wounds- I did.

Everything you know and expect will still tear you apart. Love is not always smiles and rainbows. Molly McAdams gives us a fairytale romance but it's not exactly a Disney version either. Beautifully written and wonderfully done, Forgiving Lies is just the beginning. I keep telling myself there better be no "end."

mistwithanie's review against another edition

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****Part of POPSUGAR 2015 Reading Challenge: A book written by an author with your same initials

beastreader's review against another edition

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Rachel and her best friend, Candice are college roommates. Rachel used to have a school girl crush on Candice's cousin. Things quickly take a nasty turn when Rachel goes out with Candice's cousin. Rachel does not trust men now. At least Rachel will have some time to herself this summer. She and Candice have rented an apartment while Candice is teaching at a cheerleading summer camp.

Kash and his partner, Mason have just moved into the apartment building and across the hall from Rachel and Candice. Kash and Mason are undercover cops. Kash did not plan on falling for Rachel but he has and hard. I mean if this is not love than I don't know what is...Kash wears wear sweats, eat ice cream, and watch Bridesmaids, all while comforting Rachel.

I have strayed away from the romance novels for a while. Not that I don't read them here and there but usually they are my last choice. However lately there has been this new genre emerging. You might have heard of it or not. It is called "New Adult". The best way to describe this genre is that it is right above "Young Adult" and before "Adult". The stories feature characters that are in their early twenties. They are faced with issues that anyone at their age would have to deal with currently. The romance level in these books are at the mild to medium level.

Wow, Kash and Rachel are a great couple. Even with all that Rachel went though and was currently dealing with, she still could kick some ass. I loved Kash and Rachel's witty banter between the two of them. Then there was the nickname "Sour Patch Kid". Ha-ha. A funny but endearing nickname. If I wanted someone to give me a nickname, I would be cool with "Sour Patch Kid". The ending is not what I expected. I now have to wait until the next book to find out what happens!

kdurham2's review against another edition

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Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

Told through both Rachel and Kash's points of view, this book moved perfectly back and forth building the relationship with both telling their side of the story. I could tell from the beginning, this book was going to be different and I couldn't wait to keep reading.

Rachel had quite a lot happen to her in this book and although I am not sure I agreed completely with the reactions that happened, I could enjoy them in the fiction setting of the book. On the other hand, I felt like Kash was a little more real and I waited for the times where he was narrating the story.

yousrabushehri's review against another edition

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This is definitely to my favorite Molly McAdam's book.

I felt like Rach's character was a little too forced. Especially how her claimed "bitchy moments". It just felt cheesy instead of someone being a pain in the ass as a way to protect themselves.

This is my second time reading this because the second book came out and I wanted a refresher, and I'm still not very impressed by the book.

I've rated it as "it was okay" and that's exactly how it was.

Another thing that really bothered me was how immature Kash and Mason can be. Yes, there were funny moments and all, and I did laugh here and there. But I would have expected a little more maturity from two guys who are trained police officers (or whatever their title is). I'm not saying they should have been serious all the time, but there were a few moments where I just found lame instead of funny.

SpoilerI hated Candice and I don't understand how Rachel can just "forgive" her after she pretty much assisted Blake in STALKING Rachel. Seriously. I get that she did it unintentionally, but still, I would be sooooo pissed if my best friend (A) didn't believe me when I tell her her cousin is a freaking psycho and (B) believed aforementioned psycho cousin when he tells her that he and I are dating but that I'm hiding it and (C) HELP the motherf**ker stalk me and to top it all off (D) accuses me of being a major bitch for playing games and hurting her cousin's feelings! SERIOUSLY!!!

And when Rachel get back from being KIDNAPPED, we flash forward 3 months, and Rachel and Candi are still roomies and are still best buds. LIKE SERIOUSLY!

If Candi was my SISTER and she did that to me, I would dump her ass on the side walk or MOVE THE F*CK OUT and never speak to her again!

I just don't get a lot of things that happen. *shrug* I REALLY hope the second book is better.