
The Bones of Morden Gray by David Brian

skyfox24kd's review

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This book sounds all kinds of creepy when you read the premise and let me tell you; it delivers some of the most messed up creepiness I have come across in a while. I would say check out a few reviews and things before going here. I didn’t; I just saw funeral home and kids sneaking in and thought ... yes! Which was a cool idea.

This is pretty extreme. I found the dialogue a bit heavy on the language side, but the humor was well placed. There were a few typos. Nothing bad. I had no problem imagining myself here and with my hair standing on end. Of course I don’t think I would have stayed in there long if at all.

The guys in this story, they like to say some pretty misogynistic things, but watch what they do, bc their actions betray their words. They are actually big softies. They care. Like Lee. He redeems himself. He will say all he wants is this and some of those but he’s risking his life for someone.

Morden Gray wins the Shainlock award for the #1absolute creepiest creeper ever to creep into the wide world of creepers. He likes dead women. His perfume is death. Yeah it’s pretty gross but the guy is powerful and has had a long time to .... Poke around and find where his talents are. Yes. Pun intended.
Creative story. I liked it except for Morden’s playtime with the dead (necrophilia). This could even have a sequel I think...

3.5 rounded to 4