
Before Watchmen: Minutemen #6 by Darwyn Cooke

reliablepat's review

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As messed up as this whole series was, it was great and had an excellent ending. Turns out Hooded Justice wasn't the sick kid rapist I thought he was. He was set up by The Comedian for helping get him thrown out of the Minutemen. But before he found out, Nite Owl and Mothman went to the tower to bring him in, but HJ resisted and Owl ended up snapping his neck. Later, Comedian breaks into Owl's home and tells him the truth. He tells Owl that he can't publish the negative stuff in his memoir. He had to remove it or Comedian would take him out. So he does for the sake of his former teammates but leaves the negative stuff about Comedian in the book. It ends with Nite Owl retiring and working at his auto mechanics shop.

suburban_ennui's review

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Of the Before Watchmen titles I've read, Minutemen has been by far the best - this was an excellent conclusion (with a nice twist) to a really good series. A shame they all havent been this strong.

cerebaton's review

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He de decir, que esta historia me pareció increíble. La disfruté enormemente, desde el inicio hasta el (indescriptible) final.
Cuando leí Watchmen me sentí bastante interesado por la historia de los Minutemen, y si bien no recuerdo del todo el tono que tenía Bajo la Capucha en Watchmen, he de decir que esta interpretación de los sucesos y la historia de la primera generación de encapuchados fue sensacional. Considero, sin lugar a dudas, que es imperdible para aquellos que disfruten de lo que es Watchmen. Ahora, habrá que leer el resto de Before Watchmen para ver si son tan buenas como esta.