
Bastian's Storm by Shay Savage

cala_p's review against another edition

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Another winner from Shay Savage! Wow that was phenomenal!
I had hesitations about wanting to read her Even Arden trilogy, but after reading this one, I see she used Evan from the trilogy as a character in this--and the girl he spoke about must be the trilogy's love interest. So this just sealed my decision on whether or not to read them.

As for this book, I really like the plot about forcing Bastian back into the death matches that he spoke about in Surviving Raine. So many authors mention a character's back story, but never really use it again in their story. Shay uses it to influence the characters, show their development and for the plot.
And as always I love being inside his head!

alisonhori's review against another edition

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Engaging story...not as good as the first but still couldn't put it down till I finished. I loved how much of the first book was about character development...this book was much less so especially Raine was pretty much non-existent personality wise in this book...but Bastion remains both flawed, hot and interesting. Alex was a weird robotic kid but oh well...overall I enjoyed this read for Bastion's personality pretty much exclusively.

themidinight_reader's review against another edition

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SYNOPSIS : Bastian and Raine are back in civilisation. Raine is happy to be home but you can’t really say the same for Bastian as he finds himself struggling with alcoholic temptations along with his dark past creeping up his back. How long until it finally catches up with him? what will he do when he finds himself in a position where he would have to fight again for one last time, putting his life on the line.


So they’re the same Bastian and Raine from book 1 and if I didn’t love them enough in book 1 I guess I’m obsessed with them now.

Bastian’s his own grumpy self who keeps fucking things up but Raine’s understanding self is always there to push him on the right track and guide him as always.

However I feel like she’s a little too understanding when she’s literally getting nothing out of this relationship except good sex and a whipped man who’d literally kill for her and no I’m not saying that that’s not enough reason but it sorta becomes unrealistic when he keeps messing up and she forgives him every time especially when he can give her nothing apart from his love I mean not even a child ( because he just had to go ahead and get a vasectomy ) plus it’s sorta weird when he asks her to look after his long lost son as if handling him wasn’t enough.

So even though I don’t mind this in the book at all because I really do want them to be together, NO ONE SHOULD STAY WITH SUCH A MAN IN REAL LIFE because I believe two people in a relationship should be equals and after all why would you wanna stay in a relationship where the other person just keeps taking without giving you anything in return.


4 stars because you know the reason ^ apart from this the plot line and the smut was fire!


Well if you’ve read the first book there’s no way you’re not going to pick this one up ;)

digitlchic's review against another edition

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hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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The boxset is free on KU and I devoured this series in one day. Looking for a great psycho book boyfriend...look no further. Bastien is insane as Raine is innocent, this is there story.

authorkmg's review against another edition

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How dumb am I that I didn't even know that there was a sequel? Regardless, when this hit my email, I almost knocked over my beloved laptop opening it. I was really interested to see how Bastian was going to adapt to being back in the real world. All of his problems were non-existent on the island, nothing tested him. Not really.

I knew also that all of these would come into play with with his relationship with Raine. He's a strong man, but he's also incredible stubborn and still very selfish. It was only a matter of time before those two facts bit him on the ass - so to speak - and damaged his relationship.

The majority of the novel (a little over the first 50%) Savage is showing the change in dynamics between Raine and Bastian, Bastian's struggle with his alcoholism and how they both are adapting to living off the island. I have to say, Savage doesn't shy away from showing us the ugly side of Bastian. There are moments where you will straight up want to hit him, maybe even take a breather because he drives you insane. What I like about that though, is that it's real. His past is horrifying, he has absolutely no healthy coping skills and little to no social skills. His only redeeming quality is his love for Raine and even sometimes that's called into question. My point is that Bastain is every bit the anti-hero, and yet we find ourselves rooting for him. Or at least I do. It's a true life Beauty and the Beast story and I love it.

Raine has grown a lot as well, which is interesting to see as the POV is still from Bastian. Savage shows this by having her assert herself more. I really liked this as she needs to be strong in order to put up with a man like Bastian. She can't just roll over every time for him. She's his consequence and she needs to lay down the law. She also steps up to the plate in a big way and I applaud her for that. Want to know how? Guess you'll just have to read!

Probably what is most compelling about this installment is what happens at the end of the novel. We get to really delve into Bastian's past and see what went on in the tournaments because *spoiler alert* we get to see a tournament. It's incredibly action pact and further causes the reader to sympathize with Bastian. He also hits absolute rock bottom and he learns some lessons from himself and from someone who is very much like himself that he will bring with him into the next stage of his life.

I loved this one because I love Bastian. I find him absolutely compelling even though he's a complete asshole and has very few redeemable qualities. I found his struggle with becoming sober and awakening to that in Surviving Raine amazing and I found his struggle to adapt to a regular life and routine fascinating in Bastian's Storm. I honestly think I could just read about him continuously. I'm fascinated by his brain ahaha! It's a very solid sequel, my friends, so those of you who enjoyed Surviving Raine will definitely enjoy Bastian's Storm. Fully recommended!

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review!*

greatbutuseless's review against another edition

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That ending was just wrapped up in a perfect little bow wasn't it? 🙄

rlp78's review

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I really liked the first book so I'm not sure what took me so long to get to reading this one. I really enjoyed it. Sebastian is definitely not your typical hero but it is awesome to see how he loves Raine. No matter how fucked up his head is he always wants to be with her. I just wish the author could have thrown a little something in there about vasectomy reversal. I think it would have been amazing to see this alpha if Raine got pregnant!

fsmeurinne's review

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"Received and ARC for an honest review"

I knew this book will be good like all Shay Savage’s books, I go blind on getting all of them, not even have to read the title to do so, but after waiting for a while for this book and to find out more about Bastian, well let me stand up, and applause Shay for this one.

And as an amazing bonus, well we got to see Arden from Bastian’s POV, if that doesn’t drag you in, I’m not sure what are you searching for?

I read it in one sit, the flow of the story got me so thrilled up that I couldn’t stop, by the end I wanted to stop, and drag the story forever, I didn’t want it to end at all, I could keep on reading forever about this two. I need more and more and more and will never be enough.

This has been the best roller-coaster ride of a book I’ve read in a while. Shay you are great, no wait you are amazing, and this is a masterpiece for me. I love Arden and Bastian. Readers just go click on buy it now and thank me later, I’m sure you will; just don’t blame me after for the addiction that you will fall after this one.

I'll give it a 10 stars, but I can only get to 5 as the ratings won't allow me more.

zerosixjune's review against another edition

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Rating: 4.25/5

Wow. I didn’t think I’d like this one. But I liked it a lot. I wasn’t sure at first, but as I followed the story, I started to like it. For me, this story is divided into two parts. The first half is about Bastian’s adjustments back to real life and coping with his relationship with Raine. The second half is about the tournament. But, I loved that Bastian and Raine stayed strong for each other. Sometimes, I felt like Bastian changed a lot. When I first read about him, he was mean and heartless. But then, he became a loving person. Oh! I also need to mention it, I loved the story from Bastian’s POV. It made me see his developments clearly. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this series.