
Evenfall, Volume II: Director's Cut by Santino Hassell, Ais

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nyeran's review against another edition

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- “So she want to fuck you, Big J.
- “If you don’t stop calling me me that I will create a scenario that allow me to crack your fucking head open and call it an accident.

Capitoli dal punto di vista di Sin e io così:

Naturalmente ho già iniziato il secondo perché DOBBIAMO DAVVERO PARLARNE!?

♠ Voglio solo dire che stavo leggendo Snow like Ashes e mi aveva pure preso bene e poi puff, mi capita tra le mani la serie completa e non so cosa mi abbia ispirato ad iniziarlo. Forse il fatto che l’ho tanto cercato e finalmente l’ho trovato, forse il fatto che ero super-stressata al lavoro? Non lo so, fatto sta che è stata una delle migliori scelte che abbia mai fatto. E anche una delle peggiori perché ora devo continuare. No, sul serio, DEVO continuare. Devo continuare nonostante le lacrime, nonostante la totale mancanza d’amore verso se stessi di queste due anime in pena, nonostante il dolore, nonostante l’odio verso tutti quelli che li trattano male. Nonostante la lunghezza dei capitoli non sia resa più leggera dai loro punti di vista, leggere di questi due è un continuo colpo al cuore, è un continuo disperarsi per tutte le ingiustizie.
È una pesantezza che però non riesce a fermarti, non ti fa passare la voglia, fa solo si che tu voglia leggere di più e ancora di più.

♠ Che altro dire di questo libro. Non c’è mai un attimo di pace, letteralmente, questi due poveri cristi non hanno umai un solo attimo di respiro. Prima il Canada, poi il Messico, poi rapimento con conseguente tortura, sgozzamento e morte (per ben due volte), poi dichiarazioni d’amore che awww, poi sesso e li yaaaas. Poi personaggi che appaiono letteralmente due sole volte in 600 pagine, nessuno lo vede mai in faccia, tu sei li che sospetti (se accadrà ciò che penso stò già morendo) e speri. Tu che porcaccialamiseriaccia ti sei accidentalmente spoilerata e adesso vorresti saltare capitoli per arrivare a leggere quel punto ma non puoi perché se ti perdi anche solo una battuta sei fottuta. Tutti quegli intrighi politici e militari ti costringono a restare concentrata al massimo.

UGH. Vi odio.
UGH. Vi amo.

You make me feel like a person. I wasn’t anything before.

E io così:

raynebair's review against another edition

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Loved this 2nd part. What a great story. It kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to find out what would happen to Sin. And of course, the Mexican gang leader. I wasn't too sure about this book when I started Vol 1, but it wrapped itself in my brain and wouldn't let go. I will definitely have to read the rest of the series at some point.

serru's review against another edition

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I think this one read even smoother than volume 1, particularly the latter half of the book-- less navel-gazing, less over-explaining, less of Boyd and Hsin's annoying bickering and misunderstandings. Makes sense, as this volume apparently had a lot of re-written and even entirely new content. There's still some problems with consistent characterization, and I'm not fully convinced as to how or why the two leads fall for each other (outside of physical attraction), but once they are together, their dynamic mellows out a lot and I definitely enjoy reading about it more than when they were always bickering.

Plot-wise, Boyd's portion of the mission was pretty dull and there was way too much Spanish. I had to use Google translate constantly, and only after I finished reading the book did I discover the authors made a list of all the translations at the back of the book! Hsin's undercover work as nightclub security was more entertaining to read about, and more importantly, it gave him the chance to grow as a character, which he hadn't really had much opportunity for so far. He doesn't actually develop that much, or rather, he gains some much-needed social skills but the narrative hasn't really allowed him to fully demonstrate it. Still, this actually makes me accept him and Boyd as a couple much more than before... I had felt previously that Boyd seemed too young and foolish for Hsin, but this volume makes it pretty clear (through both his undercover work and what he reveals about himself to Boyd) that Hsin has a lot of maturing to do himself.

mikibooks's review against another edition

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Como dije con la primera parte, y en esta se nota aún más, todos los fragmentos no dialogados han sido muy editados, y se extrañan. Sobre todo en relación con Boyd y esto es absolutamente personal, pero tuve con él una conexión muy especial en Evenfall. Hay muchas similitudes entre nuestras historias de vida, por lo que sus monólogos internos siempre me gustaron. Y los extraño. Sí, Hsin es genial, pero Boyd y yo teníamos algo :) Sigue siendo una historia fuera de lo común, por lo que me abstendré de puntuar esta re edición.

divapitbull's review against another edition

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Evenfall Volume 2: Director’s Cut picks up where part I left off; with Sin and Boyd commencing their undercover assignment in Monterrey, Mexico. Their goal is mass assassination at a secretive meeting of the core members of Janus. To this end Sin will impersonate Jason Alvarez, an Agency recruit who died in training; and will take on security work, eventually getting himself hired at the convention center where the Janus meeting is set to take place. While Sin is working security, Boyd will be learning the city, developing escape routes, identifying safe houses and making the right connections to assist them in fleeing the scene of the crime if needed. And the best part of all - they’ll be living together.

I thought for sure part 2 would be a definite 5 stars for me; especially since Boyd and Sin take their relationship to the next level and their chemistry is intense to say the least. And while I really did enjoy the story as a whole, I found some parts related to the mission(s) seemed to drag a bit; especially when they were off on their own. There was a lot going on, and a lot of details that seemed extraneous and overly descriptive. But I confess – I cheated, I looked ahead into the other volumes…and it all fits. Every seemingly extraneous thread or unnecessary piece of information – is going to be woven together into a monumental and epic conclusion. It’s genius really. It’s just that I’m more fixated on Sin and Boyd and the romance of their relationship; and that’s definitely here in the Director’s Cut part 2; but other events are being set up and set in motion so that the story can move forward on a grand scale.

With regards to our MCs, I think we see the most development in Sin’s character. It was nice to see glimpses of Sin starting to become…more human. The undercover work provides him an opportunity to interact with more people; and while he struggles, a lot; it also seems that part of him very much wants connections with others; even though they make him uncomfortable because he doesn’t entirely know what to do with them. I continue to have the hardest time with Boyd because of his immaturity. Yes, I know he’s only 19, has not had a lot of experience with relationships and is emotionally stunted and traumatized to boot – which is why I can sympathize with him – but his egocentrism is tough to take; and sometimes leads to disastrous results which could have otherwise possibly been avoided.

Despite the plot having more twists and turns than a labyrinth and a plethora of new characters being introduced; Evenfall manages to deliver a satisfying conclusion with regards to both the events focused on in this particular installment and the status of the relationship between my beloved Hsin and my mostly tolerated Boyd. It feels like a HEA or at least a very definite HFN; except that there are 3 more LONG volumes and an anthology and the authors are apparently unabashed sadists.

queerandtalkative's review against another edition

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This was utterly painful. I started off reading this so excited, only to have my heart ripped out. Will Sid and Boyd ever be properly happy?

greywuren's review against another edition

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Well, I finally finished it. I've been working through this for like two months. It started out very promising and I was so happy with the character development and the relationship between Boyd and Sin but I can't get past the premise or the plot of this series.

I really have no interest in anything to do with the Agency or Janus. There was never any build up at all, the readers just get thrusted into the missions/this world without any kind of attachment to it other than that the two characters are present and sadly, it's not enough to keep me engaged. After the hotel scene, I literally had no care or clue as to what was happening in terms of the mission, all I cared about was Sin and Boyd and as much as I love the two I don't know if it's enough to keep me engaged, especially since the writing in the rest of the series is going to be different, and more wordy, than this.

melg14's review against another edition

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Again the pacing is a flaw and some things could have been wrapped up in a brief paragraph rather then described it by detail and make it it’s own chapter.

The new mysteries were intriguing and the relationship between the two is resolved so that’s a bit of a relief (though I love me some of that slow burn, sexual tension stuff)