
Seriously Hexed by Tina Connolly

kblincoln's review

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This series just Seriously kept getting better. Let me just preface this review with the fact that this is younger YA, but the richness of the issues Connolly tackles (ethical treatment of animals for human purposes, handling old friends when new friends dovetail with your interests more, standing up for what is right when you are powerless) as well as the greater sensitivity to the fact that these issues are impacting our world right now as we speak in the USA, means that even adults will get more than a laugh out of this.

And you will laugh, because darnnit, Poppy, Jenah and her Kit Kat girls, and Cam are funny, and Connolly's wry sense of humor is apparent throughout the book. Like when Poppy's "identify that spell" app on her phone mangles voice recognition of "bomb spell" into "ye old auntie mame spell" or the way Cam indentifies three of the witches in her mom's coven as "trio of canadians" and then proceeds to call one "boring skirt".

And you might even be inspired, by passages like this one:

"Because the thing is, at some point you've got to do something about what you believe in. You've got to stand up for truth, and justice, and all that stuff...And what is right might be hard to figure out, and it may not be black and white, and it might not be easy to do. You have to pick up and muddle through, and you'll make mistakes....Because the reverse is even a bigger mistake. Failure to act is a mistake. Letting the world go to hell in a handbasket is a mistake."

I don't know about you but I want my children to be reading books like this; that have main characters who make mistakes. Who learn from those mistakes and try to do better. Cam messes up her relationship with her best friend, and then tries to do better. She messes up rescuing her mother from a hex, and then tries to do better.

But most of all, I think in today's U.S., under the current administration, I think its more important than ever to help youth (and adults!) realize that even small voices count, and this book, while tickling your funny bone, does a bang up job of that.

Seriously, go get this series for any girl in your life between the ages of eight to eighteen.

paulag's review

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My official rating: 7.5 out of 10 spells

This time, things are getting crazy! Cam finds herself thrust into her parents' coven where she meets Poppy, another young witch. At first, Cam's not so thrilled about the turn of events, especially since her mom has disappeared in front of their very eyes and Poppy's mother, Lily, has taken it upon herself to care for Cam and ensure her safety, but is that even possible? A hex is systematically taking our the witches in the coven, one by one. Cam and Poppy have figured out a few pieces, but the only thing they can manage to think about is that both Cam and Lilly are on the hit list and Cam may never see her mother again! The worst part, the adults don't seem to be doing nearly enough to solve the problem, even if they are in danger themselves!

This last edition to the Seriously Wicked series was different then the other two. Cam spends less time at school and, sadly Devon and Jennah aren't in it nearly as much as they were in the first two books. At first, I was sad. Jennah's one of my favorite characters! But, in reality, I kind of fell in love with Poppy, too. In the end, this book seemed to have far greater lessons for the reader and I found myself loving this book more then I did the other two (and I really enjoyed them, too)! The interactions between Poppy and Cam while watching their relationship develop was so sweet. Getting to see what it's like to use magic in every day life for honorable reasons was entertaining. Seeing witches that weren't about world domination or turning their kids into solar panels was not just nice, but reassuring and gives hope.

My favorite part, though wasn't a ground breaking moment, it was a moment between Cam and Poppy in which they paid "homage" to Anne of Green Gables, which made me so giddy! I love Anne of Green Gables is one of my favorites and this was such a cute moment that high lighted the girls' new found relationship while paying homage to a story that I have loved since I was in elementary school.

All in all, this was a great end to the trilogy, though I'd love to see more! It was a fun read and furthered my excitement to share it with my daughter in the near future! The trilogy as a whole was cute, sweet, fun and entertaining. It was quirky and silly. It was a great read for something of a "mindless" nature and this last installment is a big part of that!

lpcoolgirl's review

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Such a great book, so hilarious, and I loved all the developments and answers to questions! It's a great end to the series, which I believe this book is, since there hasn't been another book published. Which is too bad, because it's so awesome, but I really enjoyed reading it!

bookwormyami's review

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I really enjoyed this series and I felt like this was a very good end to the story. I also really liked the new character that was introduced in this book, Poppy. And I would like it if there was a spin of where we could follow Poppy's life for a little.

tween2teenbookreviews's review

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I really enjoyed this. My review will be up at soon!