
Ecstasy in Darkness by Gena Showalter

bhookjunkhie's review

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I loved the banter between Ava and Noelle! They were too funny. McKell super hot alpha..lots of action!! What else do you need!! Loved it!!

mamabears_fabulous_book_finds's review

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It took me a few days to read this, only because I had so many other things going on. Ava is the epitome of the anti-heroine. She's ballsy, mean, hilarious, damaged, and in no way a wilting flower. She'll kick your ass and then laugh at you for getting beat up by a girl. Enter McKell, a vampire with cocky to spare. Sparks are immediate. Somehow, they find the vulnerability in each other, and knowing that they are each others weakness just makes them stronger and meaner. Its definitely a different type of love story, but a good one, none the less.

charms1976's review

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I have been craving another installment in the Alien Huntress series and the day had finally arrived! I love the writing style of author Gena Showalter, and when the publisher offered the book for review, I emailed them so quickly that I might have broken my computer mouse!

In the 5th book in the series, we get the chance to learn more about McKell. Between bouts of laughter and swells of sadness, the story was written so well that I didn't want it to end. I loved the plot and the characters and truly enjoyed this installment more than the previous books for some reason. One thing I enjoy about the authors writing is that even if you haven't read the entire series yet, she gives you just enough information to give you the basic rundown of the others without going overboard with history.

I loved how McKell's personality balanced out Ava's and vice versa. McKell was the grump and was strict at times while Ava was lighthearted and knew how to make a comeback with McKell's grumpiness. Even though McKell is written as the Alpha male in the book, Ava makes sure he knows that she is the Alpha female of the story. If I could change one thing about the story it would only be the rushed feel of the ending. I wanted a couple more chapters to make the book feel complete.

If you haven't picked up a story written by Gena Showalter yet, you are truly missing out on a fantastic read! She keeps you laughing with just the right amount of romance that will keep you craving more of her writing no matter what the story is about!

naomilane's review

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I feel like I keep repeating myself lately but Gena Showalter, or Showhunter as I like to call her, is the bomb diggity. She never disappoints, she's amazing (or Showaltery, as I also like to say), my life would be so sad without her and her troupe of hot, sexy, brooding, alpha males in it.

ECSTASY IN DARKNESS was such a great book. I adore the ALIEN HUNTRESS series, one of my favorite series ever for sure. I love reading about this universe Gena created, the characters are all great and funny and each book is connected yet has its own storyline and it is never boring nor repetitive.

ECSTASY IN DARKNESS is the story of McKell (the sexy, brooding, macho vampire who was supposed to be with Bride in SEDUCE THE DARKNESS) and Ava whom we meet in this book.

I loved McKell in the previous book and I loved him even more in this one. What a beautiful, arrogant bastard he is! I love how he took everything literally, how superior he thought he was, how he was so confident in himself, it was refreshing. The guy was worse than Devyn and Devyn was awfully sure of himself. However, I loved seeing another side of him as well, how he was with Ava, him realizing that love is a powerful thing and that he would do absolutely anything for her, even dying. McKell did everything fully, with all his heart and I loved that about him.
"He had just meant to kiss her. To soften her. To begin her seduction, their romance, their life."
Ava is introduced in this book, I didn't know what to expect about her but I was not disappointed. That girl is something else. She's still an agent in training with AIR and she works with her best friend and partner in crime, Noelle. As much as I loved Ava she still annoyed me at times. She's very sure of herself in her own way as well, she's not afraid to fight, she's very loyal, smart but then she could be very stubborn, acting stupid and it was infuriating.
"Maybe, since vampires seemed to live forever, he'd been on earth during the human/alien war some eighty years ago and had come into contact with some kind of nuclear ... something. Because damn. He was huge."
I loved them together though. They really did complete one another. As usual with Gena the relationship building was perfect if a bit slow. They're both attracted to each other but McKell views humans as inferior and Ava doesn't want a relationship with him at all. It all felt right with them, I had to wait until 77% for the first actual sex scene but it was so worth it guys! So so so so worth it...! The sexual tension was there and I was really happy when they finally did it. Like, really happy. Heh. On a more serious note, I loved how vulnerable they made each other, the love they had for one another was beautiful and I loved it.
"She took, she gave, she conquered. Ultimately, she submitted."
The secondary characters were amazeballs. No surprise there. Mia did annoy me a bit though. But I can't wait to read Noelle and Hector's story, I'm a little apprehensive because Noelle was quite childish in this book and I'm afraid of not liking her...but well, we'll see! Dallas was a very important part of the story and I hope he'll get his own book one day. We also get to see more of Devyn and Bride, my #1 couple. Oh and the newly vampire-dog, Hellina.
"The True Story of Hellina Tremain-McKell, How I Became a Real Vampire."
Like I said, the storyline is connected to the previous books. With the Schon queen being here and wanting Dallas and basically wanting to infect the world, yay. The last 20% of the book were stressful, I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what was going to happen. Gena amazed me! I was really not expecting the ending, it was well done and I'm super curious to see what's going to happen next. Although, I found the very end a bit rushed.

Once again, Gena-I-can-write-anything-I-m-so-good-at-my-job-Showalter wrote an amazing book with a badass couple and made me crave the next installment!

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review

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What a wild ride! McKell and Ava are both irrestistible, and Noelle is great as well. It was a fun, scary book, with lots of romance and love as well. New things learned about the Schön, and just enough information about the characters who had bigger parts in prior books.

laurenjodi's review

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Ecstasy in Darkness
3 Stars

Growing up on the mean streets of New Chicago, Ava Sans had nothing until she met Noelle Tremain and the two became AIR trainees together. Ordered to capture Victor McKell, a rogue vampire with the ability to manipulate time, Ava and Noelle relish the challenge until their gorgeous prey turns the tables on them and sets his sights on Ava. Against his better judgement McKell becomes obsessed with having the fearless Ava. But when the vicious Schön Queen threatens the woman he loves, McKell might have to do the unthinkable and give her up...

The weakest installment in the series so far. The romance feels forced and the Schön story arc is developing in some confusing directions.

In the previous book, McKell was a fierce warrior as well as sadist and a racist. This is still true of his character at the beginning of this novel, however, he has also deteriorated into an immature child annoyed at others for literally playing with his toys. Yes, he is a sexy stud, but his obsession with Ava is incomprehensible as her behavior is just as childish and idiotic as his, and it is unclear what they see in each other besides the obvious physical attraction.

Although their scenes together are sexy and steamy, the underlying human/vampire conflict (very reminiscent of Lothaire by Kresley Cole) puts a pall on the romance and is resolved too easily.

The wonderful interactions between the AIR team is missing in this book as well. The humor and sarcastic wit that was so appealing in the earlier installments comes across as ridiculous and absurd, especially with regard to Ava and Noelle’s slapstick friendship.

The Schön plotline is, unfortunately, not living up to its potential. To begin with the Schön Queen is simply revolting and the fact that Dallas feels any attraction toward her makes my skin crawl. Perhaps the fact that the series ends before Dallas gets his own story is actually a blessing in disguise as the idea of her as a heroine is not appealing at all.

Moreover, the manner in which the Schön threat is dealt with is both confusing and contrived. In fact, the whole time manipulation theme is a very weak and unimaginative method of forwarding the plot.

All in all, a disappointing addition to an otherwise entertaining series. The next and final book is Noelle and Hector's. Hopefully, it will be better.

mrhaveries's review

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oohhh I loved this one!

spiringvenus's review

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Meh. Bored. Didn't really like Ava or McKell. Harpy. Bully. Boring.

elste's review

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Okay, straight-up ... While reading this book, I could not help but have a “mind echo” from my childhood. A time-warp, back to the days of the Mickey Mouse Club (Hmm, I realize I am carbon dating myself, and many will not understand my analogy -- in which case I recommend you go ask your mother), when a line was drawn “betwixt and between” expressed loyalties of “Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck.” Indeed ... Having this timeless childish squealing and tiresome squabble, reverberating through my skull while trying to get through the reading of Ecstasy in Darkness, admittedly, put a serious damper on the overall benefit of this diverting pastime.

Perhaps I am getting too old, but I find it increasingly difficulty to attribute prepubescent behavior from Centenarian beings. Seriously people, if someone has several hundred birthday candles ignited on their cake, you would think they would acquire, at the outmost, two things. One, a sturdy fire extinguisher, and second, some Damn Maturity!

Apparently, the author took a different approach, culminating with the never ending, incessant bickering between the protagonists. Compounding the theme, (as if ...) add into the mix the poor attempt at witty repartee by secondary characters, and you are left with nothing more than pages and pages of words that took the form of a serrated blade scraping along each nerve ending until all that was left was a raw, bloody mess. This little alien will not be going back for second helpings. Unless ... Was that a chocolate birthday cake?

renpuspita's review

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Ecstasy in Darkness is book #5 in Alien Huntress series. A series that I admit (with shame) don't have much love for me like I treat Lords of The Underworld. I think last time I read Devyn Targon's book [b:Seduce the Darkness|5576130|Seduce the Darkness (Alien Huntress, #4)|Gena Showalter||5747330], is... what? Maybe 2 or 3 years ago. So my first thought when read this is I have so much to catch up. Glad I still remember one or two things Like the recurring characters such as Mia Snow (who is cold. Like her name, pun intended), Dallas Guiterrez, Hector Dean, also Devyn and his mate that once is supposed to be McKell's mate, Bride McKells. And even the writing style and the story is so different from LOTU, I still recognized Gena's style. A writing style that make her as one of my author autobuy list and goddess. Not that I'm exaggerated.

The story actually is pretty simple. Just about Ava Sans one of AIR trainee have assigment to catch Victor McKell, famous as McKell only. Since his blood assumed can heal the disease caused by an alien, a queen of Schon. Schon is AIR arc enemy now , by the way and the disease is make people become cannibal. Now I'm stuck with "Plant vs Zombie" game song in my head. Ava and McKell soon attracted to each other, and turn that Ava is McKell's mate. But of course they resist each other yet want to rip each other clothes too. McKell can bind time in his own will so beside his blood, his unique ability can help AIR to defeat Schon's Queen. Can they defeat that b*tch and save the world? Well, not simplea anyway. Its complicated.

Okay, that's a glimpse of the story. What I love from Ecstasy in Darkness is the characters. Ava Sans and McKell. Ava first, she's strong even she have her own fear of abandonment. She also lucky to have her own BFF, Noelle Tremaine. Their friendship is one that make me jealous since they always call each other bad names, yet they not afraid to hurt others feeling. That's what a true friend meaning. To do anything without fearing you will hurt your friend , and if you do you know you will always forgiven. I'm so want to like it, even just to one people.I want someday call that people my "best friend forever".

Now into McKell. He's your typical alpha hero, a kind of "I'm Tarzan You Jane", also have tendency for "See Me. I'm beating my chest and hear me roar!!" Yes, he do roaring, growling and snapping, a lot. But he's kinda cute. Like his confusion toward his action to Ava. His endearment to Ava. He who defend her when she think she's unworthy and trash. And he who grin and feel so much pride when Ava defend him back. Their bantering is so much fun to read and enjoy, also sexy. We will get Gena's humor sense from them, but we also see how Ava and McKell love each other. The sex scene is still scorching hot, yes Gena will never disappoint you for that one. One reason why I love her books *wink*. The sexual tension that oozes from Ava and McKell is top off the chart. Very steamy, indeed.

I don't give this 5 stars like I used to rated Gena's book. Its good, have action, witty and humorous dialogue. Its just not like her LOTU books, its just something missing, and I don't know what. One reason more why 4 stars is I found so many typos! I don't know if its coincidence of my copy or since its 1st edition so there's no correction. If you love Gena Showalter's books, you will also like this. Satisfied guaranteed (do I look like a publisher try to promote any books? I hope not ;) )