
Doctor Who: Eiskalte Rache by Matt Fitton

nanceoir's review against another edition

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By and large, the Ice Warriors leave me cold.... >.>

But the Doctor and Rose are still cool.

All right, all right, I'll give it a rest. Just chill out, already.

I'll, uh, show myself out. :D

khayes0525's review against another edition

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An exceptionally mid-tier story, except at the end, where it becomes mildly more interesting. Things are always a bit more exciting when the Doctor's is actually in a bit of danger.

taaya's review

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Einerseits ist die deutsche Synchro immer noch furchtbar. Andererseits fehlt dringend ein Erzähler. Man bekommt viel zu wenig mit, und wenn, dann nur aus Dialogen, die gestelzt klingen, um dem Zuhörer überhaupt mal eine Info zu geben. Das geht definitiv besser.

Story selbst: Das Ende war unlogisch und passte nicht wirklich. Der Kerl HATTE doch jetzt noch einen neuen Kampf. Wenn sein Volk nur in Slums lebt, dann hätte er doch einfach auf den Planeten runter gehen und für soziale Gerechtigkeit kämpfen können, statt 'Ich kann keinen Krieg mehr führen, also bring ich mich jetzt um'. Und warum faselt er was davon, dass der Doctor noch sein Feind ist? Also nee...

karoliina's review against another edition

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I really loved the production and the stories in this volume of Big Finish The Tenth Doctor Adventures. Billie Pipper and David Tennant were amazing like they never stoped playing Rose and the Doctor. I love that Rose likes to show off, what she can do, to the Doctor. She gets herself out of trouble and so on. Also the Doctor's misery, when he thinks Rose is dead, feels so heartbreaking and the way he makes plans to break laws of time travel just to save her. My shipping heart exploded. I really wish they would make Rose and Metacrisis Doctor adventures on Big Finish with Billie and David.

nigar2001's review against another edition

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Me? Listening to a Ten and Rose audiobook on 14th anniversary of Doomsday and crying?? NEVER.

phoebejeziel's review against another edition

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