bedneyauthor's review

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A very enjoyable collection of short stories, although as a warning many of them have very sad endings.

sarah42783's review

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Disclaimer: there are eleven short stories in this collection. I only read two of them. [a:Annie Bellet's|4606262|Annie Bellet|] and [a:S.M. Reine's|4721318|S.M. Reine|]. Because I'm despicably picky like that.

Nos Morituri Te Salutamus by Annie Bellet: 4 stars.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know, this one isn't radically original, but it's entertaining and it's fast-paced and it's action-packed and it's deliciously darkish and there. Also, bloody shrimping brilliant female lead. Because Annie Bellet, so DUH. Also also, Annie Bellet wrote it. In case you didn't know. So QED and stuff.

Dragonet by S.M. Reine: 4 stars.
Because dragons. In bloody shrimping space. And because Enemy Mine-type feels. Also, bloody shrimping brilliant female lead. Because S.M. Reine, so DUH. Also also, S.M. Reine wrote it. In case you didn't know. So QED and stuff.

And now let's dance and stuff.

pers's review

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I enjoyed most of the tales in this collection, and there are two authors here whose stories intrigued me enough to make me want to check our their other work, so a win all around!

greymalkin's review

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Anthologies are tricky and often uneven in quality, but this one was really excellent. While I didn't love every story, I definitely liked all of them and some of them really caught my imagination.

I particularly loved, Bellet's "Nos Morituri Te Salutamus" for the excellent action sequences, Wells' "Carindi" for the poignancy, Christy's "Lulu Ad Infinitum" for the nice twist on a well worn idea, and my favorite, Babylon's "To Catch an Actor" which gave me a delightful "Blade Runner" feel while being entirely its own story and world.

And a bonus that this collection exposes me to a large number of female scifi writers that I have not read before and now will seek out.

jorybear's review

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This was a great short story collection. I was a little unsure of what a space opera short story would look like, even though I'm a big fan of the genre. The authors each do a wonderful job constructing their world for the reader and telling an exciting story in just a short amount of time. Not all the stories were as good as others, but that's the case with every short story collection. I liked several of the stories well enough to research the author and add one of their novels to my to-read list. A couple of my favorites were Containment by Susan Kaye Quinn and Carindi by Jennifer Foehner Wells.