
Love's Spark by L.A. Cotton

mbfeeney's review

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I’d read and enjoyed the first book in this series, so jumped at the chance to receive an ARC of Love’s Spark.

although it is the second in a series, it is fully capable of standing alone on it’s own merit. While the characters link to the first book, and some of the story crosses over a bit, this is an entirely new story.

We first meet Sharn at high school, where she is that girl. The one that falls for the bad boys, over and over allowing herself to get hurt. I just assumed she was just a bit of a goer.

It isn’t until Love’s Spark that we realise why she is the way she is. Her relationship with her mother is strained while her dad is trying to keep things together. Working as the English teacher at her old High School isn’t somewhere she expected to find herself, but she loves it. She has the respect of the other staff and the kids she teaches.

When I read Fate’s Love, I wasn’t overly keen on Sharn as a character. She came across as quite self centred and that she thought more of herself than she should, but Love’s Spark really changed my opinion of her.

Bringing Keefer into the mix really brings Sharn’s personality out. Because he is so different from her, yet she’s still drawn to him, she adapts how she reacts to situations and people. It’s not a sudden thing, but gradual, which I think is a big sign of her maturing.

Cotton can certainly weave a tale that leaves you wanting more, yet answers all questions. I will certainly be reading more from this author.

jenn703's review

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Keefer will make you fall in love with baseball. This could be read as a stand-alone, but it is nice seeing how it intertwines with Love's Fate. I love having a dual point of view. It truly shows how people easily misread things others do or say. It is also wonderful seeing how both Sharn and Keefer have changed, grown-up, since high school.

angelastl's review

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Received a free copy for my honest review for Fallen for Books

This is the second book in this series. But can be read as a standalone.
In this book we get more details about Sharn's life. And boy has she changed. She's all grown up and facing real life issues instead of just normal high school drama.

Just like the first book there are so many details that suck you in to the story. Really good story line that you can't help but root for Sharn and Keefer.

mrsrorob's review

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This book is such a slow burn. Keefer killed me with his non communication, it doesn’t take months to call someone back...

amullen03's review

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Sharn is 24 and has given up on finding the one who gives her that spark. By a twist of fate she ends up working with Keefer. She hasn't been around him since high school. But there is definitely something there.
She is fun and outgoing and he is serious and keeps to himself.
The romance was great. I loved Sharn, she is funny and a great leading lady. Keefer is Hot brooding guy. They have great physical chemistry.
The thing that I didn't like was that it only seemed physical for awhile. I wanted more of an actual dialogue between them.
This is another book in her Fates Love Series. It can be read as a stand alone which is great.
Definitely a good read if you love romance!
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

thatbooknerd__'s review

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Another fantastic book from L.A Cotton. Love's Spark is book #2 in the Fate's Love series and while you don't have to read them in order, you do see a bit of the characters from this book in book #1.
I absolutely loved book #1 and couldn't wait to jump into this one, while we get a story from a different set of characters we still have the characters from book #1 in the background.
Sharn Macer has always been the independent girl looking for that Love's Spark with someone. She has dated some right idiots and thinks it's time to have a break from men.
But then she meets Keefer again. He was the quiet one, the one that kept to himself. They are opposites, but opposites attract!
Sharn is a fun female character, she is one of those characters that you think, "if she was real, we would be best friends". She's fun and quirky.
Keefer is a hot male character. He is the quiet, brooding type, and that makes him even more appealing.
I was hooked from start to finish and I can't wait to see what else this author has to offer.
5 Lovely Stars!

dany_cp03's review

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**ARC provided from author in exchange for an honest review**

Ohh, once again, L.A. Cotton has surprised me :)! Love’s Spark was even better than Fate’s Love, which was reaaaally good. So, thank you Lianne, for giving me the chance to read your work. It was so much fun. Spark’s Love is the second book of the Fate’s Love series, altough it can be read as a standalone, since it’s about two different characters, with the special appearance of characters from the previous books (which I loved).

This book tells us the story of Sharn Macer, Livvy’s (from book 1) best friend. She’s known quite a bit by almost everyone in her town, thanks to her past in highschool, which was more than colorful. She’s not that girl anymore though, and she only wishes for people to see her for who she is now. After graduating college and being dumped by her boyfriend, she comes back to town, and her parents’ house, gets a job at her old highschool as a 9th grade teacher. You could say her life is ok as long as she’s not in her house dealing with her uninterested mother. Work is good, she loves the kids and they love, and respect her deeply. She’s won their trust and respect pretty easily, except they’re not the straight A’s kind of kids. They need help to get their life back on track. That’s where Keefer comes in and with him, a whole new sight of live, and love.

Like I said before, this book was just such a nice surprise. I had an idea of how Lianne worked, since I had already read Fate’s Love, but I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. The characters were sooo likeable, and well described, and there was such a nice development in the story. You get the once-upon-a-time popular girl, who’s dated a bunch of idiots and is now done with all of them, so now she’s doing everything in her power to redeem herself and be a better person, for herself, focusing on her studies and then on her work. Then, you get the guy who’s always been a loner, silent and reserved, and he’s still all that, except when he’s playing or teaching baseball. In that time, he’s in his zone, happy, free of his problems, free of his mind, free of everything. Through the game, he canalizes his stress and not only that but also helps boys who’ve been dealt with a hand similar to his. No kid should grow up in a house where the parents are not truly invested in their kids, no matter the reason.

Sharn Macer. I liked her so much. I loved her need to help other, her need to show her support and love to everyone who’s around her, no matter the problems they might have. She’s a reliable kind of character and I could relate to her, because even though on the outside she seemed to be keeping it all together, inside, she had the need for someone to be there for her, to support her, and even so, she still managed to be there for her family, for her friends, for her students. Yes, she’s had a few rough times where strength might have left her, but not completely. She still stood up and did what she needed to do to move on.

Keefer Smith. Coach Smith. God I loved him. He gave me butterflies and got a few smiles out of me! Yes, he’s stubborn, and reserved, but he’s also sweet, and funny, and reliable, and caring. I think I even loved him more than I loved Ethan :). Keefer’s life hasn’t been easy for a while. Since he’s been dealing with an alcoholic father, he’s taken up the responsability of keeping everything together. For himself and for his dad. He’s known since he was little that life wasn’t easy, but I think that’s what has made him so devoted and so good at helping others, specially kids. He has a wonderful need to help kids and to be there to protect Sharn and to be there to help his dad.

Besides the two main characters, there are a few others that are the perfect addition to the story. Sharn’s students play a wonderful and important part in it, and I loved the way they were involved in everything. I liked seing how much they changed and became the good kids Sharn and Keefer knew they were.

One thing I didn’t understand and like was Sharn’s mother. I didn’t like her for the obvious reasons (she’s a complete bitch), but what I didn’t understand was… where was she coming from? I found a bit odd that out of nowhere, after everything she did, she’d just a little gesture would fix everything. I felt there was something missing there. I expecteda bit more from that.

Overall, I really enjoyed it. If you’re looking for a nice and sweet story, you might want to check L.A. Cotton’s books :).

samwlabb's review

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Rating: 4 Stars
What can I say? Cotton has a knack of created these characters that are slightly damaged, but totally lovable. Sharn still wants to be loved, but refused to revert to her teenage self. Keefer can help but notice "the spark" between them, but he keeps trying to fight it to protect Sharn from his complicated family life. This was a very sweet story of growing and changing and accepting the things we cannot change and accepting the things we want and need. All the baseball stuff was a lot of fun and I enjoyed getting peeks at Livy and Ethan, since I already knew how their story ended.