
The City Stained Red by Sam Sykes

kapsar's review

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I loved this book. This definitely isn't the high fantasy of Martin with big words, the biggest. This is the way that your DM talks to you while you're playing a DnD campaign. Short, brutal, and with enough description to know how deep you are in the shit and let's your imagination to fill in the rest. I mention a DM, because this books feels like someone took an incredibly chaotic DnD campaign and decided to turn it into a book. Where characters went off and did everything that you wouldn't want them to do if you were running the campaign. It's great. It's funny, you love the characters, you care about what they are going through. Furthermore, this is generally a very tightly focused book on a single place without the massive world ending implications driving everyone to save everything. The characters are scared, in a horrible place, with crazy things going on that you don't generally understand.

Sykes creates some really cool twists on existing fantasy character races, while makings new ones that blend seemlessly in his world. I would highly recommend this book to anyone that has had a hilariously absurd DnD session or that just wants a fun book that isn't as weighty as a Rothfuss or Martin (weighty in terms of plot not size of book).

jameseckman's review

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Reminds me of D&D pickup games with serious cases of go my own way. Also could have been titled, Paint the Town Red, With Blood! A gore fest, with angsty characters, it was OK but a little bit of this goes a long way. Might read other series by the author, but not the rest of this one.

lmoberleas's review

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Amazing world building, but more importantly amazing story. You can't help but get invested in the lives and interactions of this ensemble. Everyone is their own unique person, and fill a role only they can fill. The ending left me shook and immediately buying book two. Sam has earned all five stars and a committed fan.

twoalmonds's review

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kind of




this is also really long for no reason.

soulhaven's review

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Brief clarification: I think the main reason I didn't LOVE this is more to do with where I am in my life right now (overly busy, often too tired to really enjoy my reading time, and just generally feeling a bit flat -- little time to breathe and recharge).

But a Goodreads rating is about me and how I felt reading the book, more than some objective assessment of the book (well ... art), so I've selected the "I liked it" option, because I did.

I loved the opening, mind you. Really good.

I felt a bit lost through the middle, losing track of exactly how high the stakes were at any time, but, as mentioned, I suspect that had a lot to do with my own headspace.

thekalebrussell's review

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This book was freaking fantastic! Sam Sykes has crafted a unique, refreshing epic fantasy book with engaging characters, a well-drawn world, and a complex plot. There was never a dull moment in the book and I can honestly say Sam Sykes deserves much more recognition for his work. The man has this bizarre talent of making the reader feel both elated and sad at the same time while still managing to keep you interested throughout the entire story. It was so good, I actually took the time to read it rather than devouring it in one sitting. I desperately wanted the story to continue and could not bear to leave behind such a wonderful cast of conflicted characters.

I had a rough time of deciding which character was my favorite and could not narrow it down to just one or two.

For those who have not read it yet, I highly recommended picking this up! The book is currently 1.99 on Amazon and I am unsure of how long it will last, so hurry up and buy it.

I'm sad that I have to wait until next year to read the second book, I will dive into his previous trilogy which is set in the same world as The City Stained Red.

biblioholicbeth's review

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Action and chaos and destruction, all in one HUGE book ;) There's a lot that takes place during this one, but it's a fun read with some great characters.

srnc's review

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depleti's review

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This is one of the heftier books I've read in a while (figuratively speaking, since it's an ebook), and it took me some time to get through, but I still really enjoyed it. It was funny and dramatic, the characters charming in their own disastrous ways, and the story intriguing enough to continue the series. It definitely also gives off a tabletop adventure kind of vibe, where everything goes wrong all the time.

delphinbella's review

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What a great book. The city was stained red almost immediately, the entire cast of characters was great (#TeamAsper), and the sex scenes were very steamy. And that ending! Holy carp, I can't wait to read the next one.